The Fourth Reich: Part12 By DeannaTroi This is a work of fiction and contains sexual content that should not be read by anyone under the age of 18. All characters depicted in sexual situations are 18 or older. Ms. Americana and the other She Legion heroines are the property and creation of Mr. X and used with his permission. See Part 1 of this story for a more detailed statement and list of characters. You can send all feedback to: or * Ms. Americana and Elsa stepped out of Von Despero's lair and found themselves in the middle of a wasteland. "Where in hell are we?" asked Elsa staring around in bewilderment. "I'm pretty sure we aren't on Mars," replied Ms. Americana, "so from the reddish rock, my best guess would be the wasteland near Valley Springs." "What do you think we should do?" asked Elsa, who decided she must be more rattled than she had realized if she was asking Ms. Americana for suggestions. Maybe it was better to still think of her as Jane. Ms. Americana shrugged, which sent her large melons jiggling, "We could go back into Von Despero's hideout," she suggested. "He must have some kind of transportation, if not a vehicle then maybe an actual transporter." Elsa shuddered, "Those things normally operate between fixed points, so if we did find a transporter, it would likely just take us into the middle of a bunch of HSS types. I'm not sure I am recovered enough yet to deal with that." It hurt the blonde to admit this to her enemy or friend or whatever they were now, but not as much as being captured again would. "Me either," agreed Ms. Americana and it looked like that admission cost her just as much as Elsa's had. "That leaves us walking out of here." Elsa looked up into the sky, "It's midafternoon I would guess and it's going to get cold when the sun goes down" "We'd better start walking then," sighed Ms. Americana and the pair of naked women set off in the direction of their best guess for Valley Springs. "It's too dark to go on with not even a moon out," said Elsa several hours later. "We need to hold up until morning." "This might be the best we can do," said Ms. Americana, indicating a sheltered spot among some rocks with a sandy floor. "We should get a bit of heat radiating off the rocks as they cool." The two women sat down with their backs to the largest of the rocks, but after another hour were really starting to shiver. "We could um huddle together for warm," suggest Elsa nervously. "Alright, tht only makes sense," agreed Ms. Americana who shifted over to sit right beside the blonde and put her arm around her shoulders. "That's better." "Yes much better Elsa found she didn't hate the feel of the heroine's soft, warm skin against her body as much as she had thought. In fact, where her left breast rubbed now and then against Ms. Americana's right breast whenever they shifted positions slightly it actually felt rather nice even. "Er, we might need to increase the vigorousness of our huddling," she suggested a while later as it got colder still and they both began to shiver again. "What would you suggest?" asked Ms. Americana turning her head to look directly at Elsa. "Perhaps, something like this," replied Elsa as she used her right hand to start to stroke Ms. Americana's large, soft breasts. "That does make me feel warmer," agreed the dark haired heroine as she brought her left arm over to return the rubbing of Elsa's breasts which felt much like her own in terms of size and softness. ""Maybe also this," said Elsa as she leaned forward and pressed her lips against those of Ms. Americana. She found they were just as soft and tasty as they had looked. "A slightly different position might be more efficient at sharing body heat," breathed Ms. Americana as she pulled her arm from around Elsa's shoulders and gently pushed the blonde onto her back before lying down full length on top of her. "Efficiency is always desirable," murmured Elsa as their lips met again for a second, longer kiss while their breasts and pussies pressed into each other. "I know my pussy is feeling a lot warmer," giggled Ms. Americana after a few more minutes had passed and their naked bodies continued to rub together sensuously. "Ahhhhh, but you are very correct Jane," moaned Elsa and she paused to stare directly into Ms. Americana's baby blue eyes. "I hope you don't mind me calling you that still." "Not at all," replied Ms. Americana as she moved slightly so the two hard points of her nipples rubbed directly against Elsa's erect nubs. She knew she had succeeded in doing that when there was a simultaneous moan of pleasure from them both. A little while later when the moon rose in the sky and peered down at the two naked women , moaning and pressing their bodies against each other, neither of them even noticed its presence. * "What's up Sunny, we got your text, said Summer as she and Lydia stepped into the bar for the second time. Both young heroines were still nervous about being in the villain bar, but the lure of important information was enough to overcome their reluctance. "I've got one of the seven fucking dwarves over there," said Sunny gesturing to a booth, "but I'm not sure if he's Dopey or Sleepy. Anyway, he's been in here overdoing it for a while now and I thought you should hear what he's got to say. He thinks the fucking world is about to end, or at least the part of it that contains Delta City which is way over my pay grade, so I called you do gooders cause that is the kind of thing you stick your tits into." "Thanks for the complements," said Lydia dryly as the three reached the table. "I didn't think you let their kind in here," said Summer seeing the black uniform, but not the face as the man was face down on the table. "He was a regular before all this started," replied Sunny a bit defensively, as she gave the man a rough shake. "Wha?" said the man looking up at them in a dazed manner as if trying to figure out who they were and where he was. "The Geek," hissed Lydia and her fingers curled into fists at the sight of the villain who had raped her and taken her cherry. "{Phew, he reeks of booze," said Summer as she waved her hand to fan some of the fumes away. "I think he's the eighth dwarf Drunky from the smell of him." "These two are old friends of yours Geek," said Sunny, "but you probably don't recognize them without their masks and skimpy outfits. Flag Tw, er Girl and Specter Girl here are with the Resistance and I think you should tell them what you told me about President Washington and Nightmare Bitch." The Geek brightened up when he realized who he was talking to, seizing on their identities more than on why they had come. "Hey girls, come to blow the old Geek have you?" he said, a familiar smirk settling on his face. "I would prefer to punch your lights out," snarled Lydia resting her fists on the table in front of the Geek. "Now if you've got something important to tell us then spit it out or you will be spitting out your teeth!" "I don't know nothing," replied the Geek sullenly. Summer put a hand on Lydia's shoulder, "You did Pantheris, so I guess it's my turn to take one for the team. Just get him talking while I put him in a good mood. Remember, it's the movement that's the important thing, not our personal feelings." Lydia gave a jerky nod and watched Summer slip under the table. A moment later, there was the sound of a zipper being pulled down then suddenly the Geek gave a small sigh and a smile crept over his previously sullen features. Lydia waited a few seconds more as the lewd sounds from under the table became almost just background noise. "Ok Geek, what has got you so stressed out that you have been drinking the entire distillery?" The Geek started to tell his story about Nightmare Witch interrupting his "visit" with Power Lass in MaxHold, and it took all Lydia's newly learned restraint to keep from punching his lights out as the Geek calmly talked about how he loved using the imprisoned heroines as prostitutes. Partway through his story, the Geek paused and looked down under the table at Summer with her lips wrapped around his cock. "Take your tits out," he said. "I always like to see a big set of boobs bouncing up and down while I get my cock sucked." Summer rolled her eyes and then undid her top to let her DD breasts tumble out. "That's better," smirked the Geek and he looked back at Lydia who was patiently waiting for him to continue with his story. "Where was I?" he asked. "Oh right, the five houses or places make up a Pentagram." He went on to recount that whatever ritual President Washinton was planning, it would be huge and at least city wide. "She didn't know what it was exactly though?" asked Lydia. "No," gasped the Geek who felt his climax nearing as he looked down between his legs at Summer's pretty face sliding up and down his shaft. "I tried to ask her more about it since then, but she keeps blowing me off and not in the good way like Specter Girl is doing right now. I figure she either thinks it won't really affect her because she is the great and mighty Nightmare Witch, or she thinks she has found a way to use it herself. It's got me all worked up and the only thing that helps is drinking here at Sunny's. Hell, I haven't even visited any of the whores in MaxHold since then." "I hope you don't expect sympathy from me after you thrown in your lot with scum like Council Commander and Baron Von Stiga," snapped Lydia. "You think they are behind Washington?" asked the Geek. "I didn't know that." "Oh start using your brain," replied Lydia, "who did you think was backing Washington with all his racist and anti-Semitic policies, the fucking Easter Bunny. " "I didn't know," insisted the Geek. "I just liked the uniform and the things that went with it." "Like getting to rape all my friends," retorted Lydia. She was about to go on, but the Geek suddenly gave a loud moan and when she looked down, Lydia saw Summer gulping and swallowing a large load of warm cum, some of it trickling out the corners of her mouth to run down her chin. "Thanks for the tip Sunny," Lydia told the blonde behind the bar as the pair of heroines left and Sunny just nodded without saying a word. She wasn't real happy about having capes in her bar, but like they said politics makes strange bedfellows, literally in this case. "Jeez, I think his cum was about 90% alcohol," said Summer as she ran the back of her hand over her lips to wipe off any remaining cum and hiccupped. "Do you think he really didn't know about Council Commander and Von Stiga being behind Washington?" asked Lydia doubtfully. "Maybe," replied Summer with a shrug. "Willful ignorance anyway. He didn't want to rain on his parade of Aphrodite pussy by bringing what few morals he has into play." "I think a lot of people in this country are doing the same thing," noted Lydia. "Yeah and the government has been doing a good job with propaganda over the last year," said Summer. "Though actually, they just built on some of the crap that was being said before Washington was elected. Hell, the right wing racists sometimes put such a spin on things that it made it sound like they were the victims." "Well, we better get this back to Cindy and Cyril," said Lydia. "I just got a text," she said looking at her phone. "there's a big war council meeting brewing to discuss it all." * The underground room was packed. Besides Nancy, Cyril and Cindy, all the still free She Legion heroines plus Dolphin Woman, Gravity Girl, Nefertari, Nevada Jones and BB were there along with Roarke to represent the mutoids. Lydia and Summer told them about what they had learned from Pantheris and the Geek. "I take it you have a plan?" Nancy asked Cindy and Cyril. "It's a desperation plan," replied Cyril with a grimace. "It's called Operation Pizza. …," "Pizza?" interrupted Nancy, unable to help herself. "Well Operation Fluffy Bunny was already taken and Operation Desperation seemed a little demoralizing," replied Cyril. "Actually, the plan has two options, neither of which are very good. With Option A, we attack MaxHold prison and free the other heroines, then with our full strength restored we take out President Washington at Wade Tower. The problem with that option is we might not succeed in storming MaxHold and even if we were, it would give the government time to prepare for the Wade Tower assault. Option B is to go for Wade Tower and the President first with the obvious downside being we are missing some of our most powerful members like Omega Woman and Power Lass." "We would have an element of surprise on our side, but essentially both options are frontal assaults," put in Cindy with a grimace. "I don't like our chances with either option, but we can't just sit on our hands while the bastards start killing people in job lots." "I see," said Nancy thinking furiously. "I agree that both options are less than optimal, so maybe there is a third way." "I'm all for anything that improves our odds," said Cyril. "What were you thinking?" "I'm thinking about what you told me about Athena's visit," replied Nancy. "She is the Goddess of Wisdom and so ignoring her advice seems like a bad idea." Cindy frowned, "She mentioned the reset device and Hexanna's magic staff, but how do those figure in anything? If it is still working the reset device should have returned Ms. Americana to us and that hasn't happened. As for Hexanna's staff, we would have to storm Wade Tower to try and get it from Nightmare Witch who probably has enough power to squash us by herself." "Then we need to get Hexanna back to counter Nightmare Witch," replied Nancy. "Except no one has ever been retrieved from the skull staff once it has swallowed them," pointed out Cyril. "Actually, we might have an idea," said Nefertari. "By we, I mean the students from Hexanna's school and myself. The Soul Jewel spell is old and was known to me some two thousand years ago and you are right to say that there is no record of anyone escaping from a Soul Jewel. That is not the same thing, however, as saying it is not possible. We think we have a strategy that might work. There are ‘Seeker' spells that can take the user to another person, no matter where they are. It requires significant magical power and objects of the person being sought." "Kind of like a bloodhound needs something from the person it is tracking to follow their scent," put in Nevada. "Between the students and myself, we believe we have sufficient power to send me into the Soul Jewel to retrieve Hexanna," continued Nefertari. "Make that sending you and me in to retrieve her," corrected Nevada. "You aren't going in there alone without backup babe," said Nevada firmly. Nefertari looked like she wanted to protest, but caught the determined look on Nevada's face and just nodded her acceptance of the change in her plans. "That would get you in, but how about getting you out?" asked Nancy. "That is where a second spell comes in," replied Nefertari. "The ‘Seeker' spell will get us in, but the students will maintain an ‘Anchor' spell that will draw us back to the entry point." "At least you hope it will," said Cindy as she had been watching Nefertari's eyes closely. She had done enough interrogations as a cop and a PI over the years to be able to read small hesitations and uncertainties from an expression. "There is always a risk when it comes to magic," acknowledged Nefertari, "but this is the only solution we have been able to come up with to rescue Hexanna." "How long will it take to get the spell going and bring Hexanna back?" asked Cyril. "We can start on the spell within an hour or two of the end of this meeting," replied Nefertari. "As to how long it will take us to return it is difficult to say since time passes differently in the reality of a Soul Jewel. We might be gone for seconds or months subjective time." Cindy looked around at the gathered faces, "I think this is something we need to authorize. We are going to need Hexanna against Nightmare Witch if it comes down to it." Cyril nodded his agreement and no one else voiced any objections. "Ok, go ahead," she told Nefertari, "as soon as this meeting is over. Next up, according to you Nancy and what Athena said is the reset device. That's even trickier since we don't even know where it is anymore." "Valley Springs," replied Nancy promptly. "Huh?" asked Cindy. "How in the name of the goddess do you know that?" Nancy held up her tablet. "The tech my employers provided me is top of the line and it says the energy signature of the reset device is at or very near Valley Springs. From what I learned on my last visit here, I am probably the only one who can interact with it. I need to go to Valley Springs and ascertain what condition it is in and see if it can be repaired." "Where does that leave the rest of us?" asked Lydia. "Do you want backup on your trip to Valley Springs?" Nancy shook her head, "I don't think there is anything that anyone can do to help me in Valley Springs. I think you are all better off here working on the details of Operation Pizza, which still might be needed at least in some form. I would recommend Option A. You will lose the element of surprise when you go for the President and Wade Tower, but that will be offset by having more heroines." "That is how we were leaning," agreed Cindy. "What do you think about using the Aberration if we have to assault MaxHold?" asked Cyril, as he looked around. "Where is he right now?" asked Nancy. "We have him stashed with King Pimp at the Palace in Sugartown," replied Cyril. "He is making a nuisance of himself there and he is way too big for non-Aphrodites to handle him without serious injury, so um Texas Star has been going over there on a regular basis to er keep him happy." "I kind of owe him for saving my bacon back in Texas," said the former Texas Ranger with a slight blush. "From what you said, you paid him back on the trip back to Delta City," snickered Summer. "He is still a big jerk and I don't think we can trust him on something that important," said Lydia. "Agreed," said Cindy and there were nods all around. * Jefferson Washington was involved in his favorite activity, namely a threesome with Angela and Andrea when he felt a stab of pain in his head and an overwhelming mental compulsion to communicate with his unknown benefactors. He excused himself from the pair of naked beauties and went into the bathroom and took out the jewel from its hiding place. "You wanted to talk to me?" he said, feeling the pain that had been building in his head start to evaporate. "We have an emergency," said the woman whose name he still didn't know. He had asked several times and his request had been ignored. What kind of emergency?" asked Washington sharply as he had received no notices of anything unusual happening. "She is back," said the woman. "She who?" asked a confused Washington. "There are some four billion women in this world, so you might have to be a little more specific." "The one who defeated us last time and helped banish us," said the woman impatiently. "We must accelerate the sacrifice. It must happen immediately." "That's impossible," snapped Washington. "We have just begun making serious preparations. You can't kill millions of people overnight you know." "Actually you can," replied the woman coldly. Washington drew in a breath, "You are talking nukes. No, I won't be a party to something like that. It could start a nuclear war and what would I end up being President of then? A glowing pile of rubble? No, nukes are out. The ones in London and Las Vegas were a calculated risk, but more nukes have too much risk associated with them." "Very well, there is an alternative that will have to do," said the woman. "Our original plan was to channel the energy of those deaths through the five points of the pentagram that encircles your mortal city. If we cannot do that immediately, then another type of sacrifice will have to do. The results will not be as widespread, but it should allow us to return to your plane of reality." Washington blinked in surprise. He had thought that was what the original five point sacrifice had been about and now he wondered just what that really would have accomplished. "What kind of sacrifice are we talking about now?" he asked cautiously. "If fourteen of the Aphrodite whores are sacrificed at one point of the pentagram, it will allow some of us to enter via a minor incursion." Fourteen," repeated Washington when he heard the odd number, "not unlucky thirteen?: "There is no special significance to the number thirteen in our mystic sources," replied the woman with a sigh, "that number is merely some mortal foolishness. In this case, we have calculated the minimum number to provide the energy needed and it requires fourteen super powered Aphrodites. The so called Type Zero form will not suffice." "Ok, fourteen super bitches it is," agreed Washington. He started to do a head count. The Got Gals made two. Jungle Babe and the other two from Africa made it five. Omega Woman and Power Lass maed it seven. Lady Midnight and Wolf Woman brought it to nine. Amazing Babe and Azure Angel made eleven. Danger Babe was twelve. Ms. Patriot was thirteen. Damn, he was one short and that former warden wasn't an Aphrodite, or at least the gene hadn't been activated in her. Oh wait, there was one more he could use without sacrificing his personal pets or even Axanna or Lydia Borden. "Alright I can get you your fourteen Aphrodite sluts," he told the woman. Pity, whoring them out had been such a nice little revenue maker. * Hexanna grunted as the thing behind her slammed its cock home into her pussy. The sorceress wasn't sure if this was some kind of inhuman creature that had been swallowed by the Soul Jewel, or whether it had once been human and the millennia in the jewel had corrupted it into this form. What she did know for certain was that it had one huge fucking cock and she hadn't been this filled up since the last time the Aberration had raped her. What was almost as bad was that there was another equally large cock inches in front of her face and it didn't take a Nobel Prize winner to figure out where that was intended to go. Beyond the looming cock, Hexanna could see Felicia and Harry also being ravaged by creatures similar to the one railing her. Felicia seemed terrified, but was still managing to cope and Hexanna suspected the young policewoman was actually a Type Zero Aphrodite who had not developed any super powers. Often traumatic sexual events like this could trigger them though and it might prove interesting to see what happened with Felicia, assuming they survived this gang rape and somehow got out of the Soul Jewel. Hexanna was more worried about Harry though at the moment as she looked near catatonic as she was being spit roasted by two huge cocks. Why did everyone in this damn jewel have such huge cocks? The law of averages said that some of them should be average and below, but every cock Hexanna had seen so far was at least ten inches. Hexanna threw off the whimsical thought to study Harry more closely. If they didn't get out of this soon, the mental damage to the girl might be permanent. Just the trauma from being changed from male to female without your consent in the snap of a finger would be hard enough to accept and deal with, but then to be raped first by your friends and then these creatures would be difficult for the hardiest of souls to deal with. Then Hexanna's view of Harry was cut off as the creature in front of her stepped forward and slammed its cock down her throat and its body blocked her view of everything else. Her hearing though was not obstructed and she could hear Gorgothid cackling with delight as he watched the three women being ravished in front of his eyes. * "Do we get to be naked too?" asked Serena excitedly as Nefertari gather the dozen students from Hexanna's school together to begin the Seeker spell. Behind her roommate, Nefertari could see the shy Piya blushing at the suggestion. "No," replied Nefertari, "the idea of witches or other magic users getting naked and dancing around under moonlight is a terrible stereotype that probably comes from Hollywood or Shakespeare who loved to make details up about things he didn't have a clue about." Serena looked disappointed and Piya looked relieved. "I thought you said we had to be naked," whispered Nevada. "We do," agreed Nefertari. "We cannot take anything into the jewel with us." "Not even great grandfather's whip?" asked a disappointed Nevada. "Not even that," sighed Nefertari. "I'm really going to feel naked without my whip," grumbled Nevada as she started to undress. "You ARE going to be naked," replied Nefertari as she too undressed and then began to draw various magical symbols on the floor with chalk. The students, especially Serena took the opportunity to ogle their shapely teacher as she worked, though Piya did it while blushing and peeking through the fingers of her hands supposedly covering her eyes. "Alright take your positions," said Nefertari as she regarded her handiwork and directed the twelve students to small circles that she had included in the design. She, herself along with Nevada took positions in the center facing each other with several of Hexanna's books and magical implements that she used daily stacked between them. Nefertari reached out and took Nevada's hands in her own and began to chant while the students concentrated on sending their own magical energies towards the center of the design. Nefertari and Nevada began to glow, a soft blue light emanating from their bodies and they began to become translucent, fading away slowly into nothing. For Nevada, it felt like she had become weightless, floating in space. When gravity and reality seemed to reassert itself, she found herself sitting on soft, green grass with a bright sun beating down on her naked skin. "Not exactly the hellscape I was expecting," she said looking around. "Also, I don't see Hexanna. Did the spell work properly?" "I think so," replied Nefertari after a moment and she pointed to a dark foreboding castle on a nearby hilltop. Nevada grunted and the two stood up and took a few steps toward the hill before Nefertari paused and looked back. Behind them, two thin, glowing blue lines stretched out from their bodies to a point on the ground. "That's the anchor spell," explained Nefertari. "Once we find Hexanna and the others, we only have to follow the blue line back to that point and we will return to our world." "I hope nothing happens to that line then," muttered Nevada, who had a vision of some ridiculously large cartoon scissors snipping the blue line. * Summer was heading for the underground entrance leading to the Olympus Hotel when Lydia stepped out of the shadows to block her path. "Where are you off to?" she asked her friend. "I'm just going to get some fresh air," replied Summer. "I've been breathing the stale air down here for too long." "Uh huh," said Lydia, "now, where are you really going?" Summer blew out a sigh, "I'm going to find my mother and learn just what the hell happened to her. Everyone seems to have forgot about her except me." "You don't think that is being a little impulsive and putting our plan in jeopardy?" asked Lydia. "I've waited a year for some answers, so I don't think impulsive is a fair accusation," snapped Summer. "Now get out of my way, or help me." "Ok, I'll help," said Lydia and she stepped out of Summer's path to stand beside her friend. "You will?" asked a surprised Summer. "What happened to impulsive and dangerous?" "Fuck it," replied Lydia, "you're my friend and that's more important. So, what's the plan?" "According to the info we've been getting using Hawk's password, mom has been making regular trips to Pervo's lab. Hawk doesn't know where the lab is, so I plan to find someone who knows and beat the information out of them." "As plans go, it's got its pros and its cons," noted Lydia. As they talked, they had kept walking and now came to a familiar figure. "Hey ladies," said Jax. "Where are you off to? I thought we were all supposed to sit tight until we decided to move on MaxHold." "That's right," said Lydia, "but we have a little side mission to carry out for Cindy." "Oh right," said Jax and he snapped his fingers, "Cindy gave me a message for you two when you came by?" "She did?" asked Summer as she and Lydia exchanged mystified glances since they had definitely not consulted Cindy about their proposed mission. "Yeah, she said to remind you that we just opened up an entrance into the basement of the Ritz and that there is someone there who can probably find Pervo for you," said Jax. Summer's eyes went wide, "Alpha Woman is staying there. She has some kind of connection to Pervo and if we can convince her to help then we can find my mother. I know she's not a traitor and Pervo did something to her. Oh Jax, I could kiss you, oh hell I will! And the blonde grabbed the massive head of the mutoid and pulled it down to her level and gave him a long hard kiss. "If we get my mom back, that will just be the down payment." "Make sure you come back safe then," grinned Jax who had a slightly stunned look on his face as the pair of young heroines sped off down a different tunnel. "Do I get to watch the main course with Jax?" asked Lydia "You can join in if you want," grinned Summer. * Ms. Americana and Elsa woke up to the sounds of growling, still wrapped tightly in each other's arms. "Is that my stomach or yours?" asked Ms. Americana, her eyes still shut. "Um, I would say neither," said Elsa a few seconds later after she had opened her eyes. Ms. Americana's baby blues snapped open wide at this and saw the dozen or so hairy creatures surrounding them. They weren't huge, coming only up to tit level, she estimated but they had enough claws and sharp teeth to compensate for their lack of height. As she watched them circle around them, she saw they moved mostly on two legs, but now and then would still drop to all fours as if that position was still comfortable for them and allowed them to move more nimbly and faster. "I suppose it is a stupid question to ask what they want," said Elsa as the pair got to their feet and they regarded the large erections between the legs of the hairy creatures. "There are only a dozen of them," noted Ms. Americana as she cracked her knuckles and took up a fighting stance. "I'm sure two superior women can handle them." [Author's Note: If it helps to picture the creatures, I thought of them as looking like the Tasmanian Devil from Bugs Bunny cartoons, but with huge cocks!] * The blue Honda Civic didn't so much as rumble down the road towards Valley Springs as it rattled, but it felt good to be driving it again, thought Nancy. Cindy had kept the car in the small lot behind the building with her office in it and the Delta City PD with its usual lack of efficiency had never bothered with it. Likewise, the HSS with many of its members being drawn from the dregs of the same police force had never investigated it either. There were numerous checkpoints around Delta City and leading out of the city, but those had either been easy to avoid, or the bored people looking after them had only done a very cursory look at ID cards, before waving people past. Nancy had been happy to learn that Reggie, her old supplier of pretty much anything whether legal or illegal was still in business and able to supply her with a fake ID card that he boasted was better quality than the authentic ones. He had also been quite happy to give the blonde her customary ten inch discount down her throat, which according to Reggie was one percent per inch. Nancy still didn't have the heart to tell him that he was being short changed as he was eight inches at best. A few miles out of Valley Springs, Nancy heard the sound of a siren and saw a red and blue flashing light in her rear view mirror. She cursed, but not wanting to attract attention by trying to outrun the police car, Nancy pulled over onto the side of the road. The police car pulled up behind her and Nancy saw a man with a beer gut in a shiny black uniform get out and approach her window. "Morning ma'am, I'm Sherrif Justice T. Buford and you seem to have been going mighty fast for a school zone." Nancy looked around at the barren wasteland with no sign of any buildings. "What school?" she asked. "Well you see ma'am there was one here fifty years ago, but it burned down," said the Sherrif. "Seems the town council never got around to changing the speed limit after that happened. The signs are even still there." A bewildered Nancy looked around some more and failed to see any such posted signs. "I don't see any signs," she replied, knowing it wouldn't make any difference, but feeling the point still had to be made for the look of things. "If you will look about twenty yards back, there is one," said the Sherrif with a huge grin that showed some unidentifiable piece of food stuck between his two front teeth. Nancy craned her neck around and saw finally the sign lying on the ground face down. "Just give me the ticket," she said with a sigh. Sherrif Justice gave Nancy another long looking over and smiled again. "Well ma'am, because you were so much over the limit, I has to take you into court to see Judge Whopper. Of course, if you wanted to avoid that, then you could step out of the car and just bend over the hood." Nancy briefly considered knocking the bastard out or just killing him as it would be a boon to the human gene pool, but a patrol car with the dead body of the Sherrif in it might just attract some more competent attention from the authorities. "Happy to Sheriff," she said with a smile of her own and got out of the car to assume the requested position with her hands braced against the hood of her car. "It's always nice to meet members of the public who cooperate with law enforcement," said the Sherrif as he stepped up behind Nancy and lifted her skirt up to expose her ass. He grinned at the lack of panties and gave Nancy's ass a rub and a slap. "Looks like you were wanting some attention from a real man," he observed. Nancy had to resist the impulse to ask if the Sherrif knew where to find such a specimen, but just spread her legs wider and gave her ass a little wiggle. "You sure got that right Sheriff," she chirped at him. "Let me see those big titties of yours too," said the Sheriff as he stepped up behind Nancy and pulled his cock out to rub over the blonde's ass. "Fuck, those are big," he said as he grabbed one breast in each meaty hand when Nancy unbuttoned her top. Keeping a grip on Nancy's boobs, the Sherrif guided his cock into Nancy's pussy and sighed with pleasure as it slipped inside. He just held himself there for half a minute, savoring the feel of the warm pussy wrapped around his manhood. "Just like a warm apple pie," he moaned and then began to thrust in and out of Nancy. He's probably moron enough to have actually tried it with a real apple pie, thought Nancy as she moaned a few times to stroke the sheriff's ego a little as he fucked her. About a minute after he started, a battered red pickup truck came along the road and stopped. "Looks like you caught another dangerous criminal there Sheriff," called a man leaning out the window of his vehicle. "You know these city slickers Clem," laughed the Sheriff and he gave Nancy's ass a hard whack, "they think they own the fucking road and don't have to obey the speed laws." "I don't suppose you need any help subduing such a dangerous criminal," asked Clem hopefully. "Well now that you mention it, I just might," replied the Sherrif and he gave Nancy's ass another hard slap. "You did try and resist arrest didn't you girl?" he asked Nancy as he leaned down and breathed his less than aromatic breath on her. "Yes, I did," agreed Nancy with a sigh and watched Clem get out of his truck and climb onto the hood of her car with his cock already dangling out of his pants. Seeing nothing for it, but to get rid of these two assholes as quickly as possible by making them cum, Nancy opened her mouth and began to bob her face up and down on Clem's cock. "Man, look at those big jugs of hers wobbling around," grinned Clem as he felt the blonde's tongue bathing his cock in saliva. "Sure is a pretty sight," agreed the Sherrif as his balls smacked against Nancy's ass hard on each thrust. "It's going to make me cum right soon." "Ahhhhh, fuck the slut really knows how to suck cock too," agreed Clem. "It ain't going to take much more for me to blow a load down her throat." That's the plan assholes, thought Nancy as she tightened her pussy around the Sherrif's cock and was rewarded, if that is the right word, with a loud moan from him and a gush of warm goo into her pussy. This was followed not long after by another load of cum splashing against the roof of her mouth as Clem let go. "You make sure you drive safely from now on little lady," snickered the Sherrif a few minutes later as Nancy was getting back into her car. Nancy just smiled and once she was out of sight, gave the Sherrif the middle finger and made a mental note to find some way to get even with him at the first possible opportunity. When Nancy reached Valley Springs, she went into the diner and was rewarded with the sight of Rose working the tables with a coffee pot in hand. She had met Rose on her first trip to Valley Springs and was glad to see the mess that Delta City and the country were in hadn't seemed to affect her. "Hey girlfriend, I haven't seen you in a long time," said Rose and waving the coffee pot inquiringly over the cup on the table in front of Nancy. "Oh goddess no," said the blonde , "you know I can't stand the stuff. A coke zero if you have it and a few minutes if you can spare them." "Hey Charlie, I'm taking five," Rose yelled in the direction of the kitchen and then she sat down opposite Nancy in the booth. "How have things been here?" Nancy asked. "Not too bad," Rose replied. "We are a small town and not very important. That asshole of a Sheriff got himself one of those black uniforms and thinks he is a big shot now, but that's about it." "Yeah, I saw his new uniform," replied Nancy with a grimace. "Did he get you with the school zone scam?" smirked Rose. "How much did that set you back." "It wasn't a monetary payment he wanted," replied Nancy with a roll of her eyes. "Oh, I see," said Rose, no longer looking amused. "One day that bastard is going to get what is coming to him." "One day," agreed Nancy. "Right now though, I was wondering if you had any rumors or new about anything strange going on around here lately?" "Define lately" said Rose, "and you might have to be more specific about strange since we always have plenty of that with the various critters out in the wasteland." "As far as I can tell, about the last six months or so," replied Nancy. "I don't know what the strange things would be, maybe bright lights moving around or something like that," she ventured remembering what the reset device looked like as well as Guardian. Rose frowned, "well Dawn has mentioned she's seen some weird lights out around the caves lately. In fact, I think she's out there today looking into it." Nancy nodded, Dawn in this case was Dawn Cloud who was the only super heroine in the area, a young Indigenous woman who went by the name of Desert Fox and who she had met on her previous trip to Valley Springs. "Where bouts are these caves?" asked Nancy, taking out her tablet and calling up a map of the area. "About five miles west of here" replied Rose as she leaned forward and tapped the map on Nancy's screen. "Right about where that red dot of yours is blinking actually. There is a whole series of caves and tunnels around there. Mostly natural, but some of them at least seem to have been smoothed out by someone a long time ago. In fact you were in one of those caves last time you were here, that's where we found that orb thing." "That seems like centuries ago," sighed Nancy. "I should have remembered that." "Hey Rose, I need a refill," called a man from across the room. "Keep your panties on Fred," Rose yelled back, but started to get up. "I better go, or Charlie might actually have to do some work." Nancy kept Rose just for a few more seconds to get her to promise to keep an eye on her car and then using the restroom, changed into jeans and boots to head out into the desert. * "We sure showed that lot," grunted Ms. Americana. "Sure did," agreed Elsa with a loud moan. "A dozen of those things were no problem, pity there were another hundred waiting on the top of the hill." "Mmmmphhh," replied Ms. Americana which was probably some form of agreement with Elsa, but it had been cut off by the cock that had been shoved down her throat. "Mmmmpphhhh," said Elsa a few seconds later and the meaning of that verbalization was not as immediately clear. The two women had indeed subdued the first dozen of the creatures that had attacked them, but their victory had been short lived as more than a hundred of the things had swarmed over them. Their task had been made easier by the fact the two women were already naked, so there was none of that messy ripping away of clothes to deal with and almost immediately, the pair had found themselves impaled on the hard cocks of the things. That had been an hour ago and both women had lost track of how many times they had been fucked, but looking around they saw dozens more yet waiting for their turn. Ms. Americana sighed and resignedly began lapping at the cock of the creature in her mouth with her tongue as despite her best efforts the pleasure in her body was rapidly rising as her Aphrodite gene took over. "Hey dickheads, that's no way to treat ladies," called a voice from the top of a nearby dune. The heads of most of the creatures turned to look at the source of the voice and a low growl rose in their throats. It was harder for Ms. Americana and Elsa to see who was speaking, but they did get glimpses of a young woman dressed in a lemon yellow bikini. "Um, the two of you should close your eyes and try and keep your heads down," called the girl. Despite the cocks stuffed down their throats, Ms. Americana and Elsa managed to look at each other, shrug and then follow the shouted instructions. A few seconds later a small whirlwind started and then began to grow in size and intensity. The creatures screamed their hatred and defiance, as they cried out in pain as sand and grit flew into their eyes and abraded their skin. The onslaught must have been painful for the dicks of the things as many of them clutched at their genitals and began to run away. Finally, after a few minutes, the mini-storm abated and Ms. Americana and Elsa found themselves alone with the young woman as she reappeared in front of them, wobbling slightly. "Whew that takes a bit out of me," said the bikini clad woman who was in the odd position of finding herself the most dressed person in the group. "We are ok for the moment, but the growlers will regroup and come back in a while. I'm Desert Fox by the way, the premier superheroine of Valley Springs." [Author's Note: If you are curious. Desert Fox and the people and creatures of Valley Springs first appeared in Delta City PI #11] "Premier?" asked Ms. Americana who staggered to her feet. "Well, technically that's true," replied Desert Fox, "but I'm also the only superheroine in Valley Springs too." Suddenly the young indigenous heroine broke off and stared at the dark haired woman standing in front of her. "Oh my goddess, you are Ms. Americana. I bought your book on how to be a superheroine and I read it through seventeen times. They said on the news that you were dead, but I never believed that. Oh damn, I have to get your autograph and a selfie!" "Maybe later," said an amused Ms. Americana, "but right now I would like to find some clothes, food and some of the other amenities of civilization." "Er, well, we are about seven miles from Valley Springs," replied Desert Fox, "but I am out here investigating some odd lights that have been reported. There's a cave just up ahead that might be the source and I want to check it out before heading back to town. It's probably the best chance I am going to get with the growlers scared off for the moment." "I guess we might as well go with her and see what this is all about," said Ms. Americana looking at Elsa. "I suppose," agreed Elsa reluctantly. "At least I'm not too thirsty or hungry at the moment. I suppose ten loads of spunk from those things, growlers I think you call them, seem to have satisfied those urges for the moment." "That's true," observed Ms. Americana who ran her tongue over her cum coated lips to clean off some of the growler cum. "By the way, how did you manage to scare the growlers off? I had my eyes closed tight and couldn't see what you did." "Oh one of my powers is the ability to change into a dust storm," replied Desert Fox. "I can also change into a real fox and using my sacred amulet," she paused to touch a necklace around her neck, "I can take on some of the abilities of various animals." "That sounds extremely useful," said Ms. Americana as the trio set off for the cave entrance Desert Fox wanted to investigate. "Tell me, what did you think about Chapter Two and selecting a costume? I've got some mixed feedback on that subject." *