Script created with Final Draft by Final Draft, Inc.

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               -"The Cosmic Entity appeared before three people. These
               people were each given a mark upon their body. The three did
               not know each other before they received the mark. This mark
               allowed each of the Cosmic Chosen to channel the Cosmic
               Entity's power to another. Each of the Chosen was free to
               select this other of their own free will. Upon the Chosen's
               death the mark would leave them and transfer to another of
               the Cosmic Entity's choosing.

               The person the Chosen selected to give their directed power
               to had to be a woman. Each of the three Chosen gave one third
               of the Cosmic Entity's granted power so a unity of choice of
               all three applying their channeled power to a single woman
               was preferred but not required.

               Though the Chosen, utter strangers before the Cosmic Entity's
               appearance to each of them, knew each other by the power of
               the mark now binding them, they were instructed not to reveal
               themselves to any one to whom they individually or
               collectively granted the Cosmic Entity powers.

               The Chosen have no powers themselves and work from the
               shadows of their daily lives. For there are 'other' forces in
               the universe who seek to destroy the work of the Cosmic

               The mark remains invisible until the Cosmic Power is summoned
               and can be anywhere on the body. It is an almost closed large
               letter 'C' shape with a horizontal slash line cutting through
               its middle. Thus looking at first glance like a lower case
               letter 'e' only with the horizontal cross bar of the 'e' not
               touching the upper crescent of the 'C' and passing through
               the body of the back and open front of the 'C' shape."-

               -From the unpublished and soon destroyed notes of Hal
               Hailstorm. One of the Cosmic Entity's Chosen until his


               "I do not understand this new selection of the Cosmic Entity
               for a chosen?" The fat old woman hummed as she sucked at her
               dentures in thought.

               "It is strange. And yet, Hal was one of the rarefied good
               ones. Anyone, receiving his mark after his passing would have
               come up short in everyone's eyes." The homeless man shuffled
               and scratched at the layer of grease on the parts of his
               exposed face.

               "You know that is not what I mean. This new Chosen is evil!
               Plain and simple evil." The short old woman rocked on the
               park bench and shook her head. "Don't tell me you can't feel

               "I don't think the Cosmic Entity thinks in the short term of
               good or evil," the homeless man pulled the wrappings more
               firmly around his face despite the summer sun beating down.

               "Well, it never chose evil before! I have been a Chosen for
               over fifty years. And I have seen a dozen of them come and
               go. And none of them were evil." The old woman shook her head
               and pulled a plastic zip top bag of cookies out of her purse
               and handed them to the homeless man who thanked her and began
               to eat them.

               "I never liked that term, 'chosen', I prefer, 'selector',
               Bill Calloway twenty years back came up with that. 'We select
               the heroines', he used to say." The old woman shuffled and
               growled and then sighed as she stared across the shimmering
               pond and the water birds that sailed upon it. "Still 'Chosen'
               is better than the official term the Cosmic Entity uses.
               Wardens of Power! Makes us sound like jailers."

               "Are we decided then?" The homeless man covered his mouth
               with his finger-less gloved hand as he chewed and spoke
               trying to be polite despite the stench of his layers of rags.

               "Hal's sister? As the new Cosmic super heroine?" The old
               woman made a 'tech' sound in disgust then sighed again. "We
               usually choose them quiet a bit younger. She's almost

               "Older and wiser this time," another cookie slipped under his
               face wraps and was muffled crunched into crumbs.

               "Young ones last longer. Besides it's Hal's sister! Don't you
               think that family has suffered enough." The old woman
               shrugged her shoulders. "I guess she is the last of that
               family. Not sure a lawyer is a good choice though..."

               "Public defender. Not a corporate lawyer like the new Chosen.
               She has helped the food bank and homeless shelter quiet a
               lot. Good heart and fearless. A good choice."

               "Aye, too good to die fighting some forty foot tall slime
               monster when she could live another thirty years helping the
               poor and downtrodden. But I will bestow my power along with
               your's on her. That devil Kloven won't. You can be sure of
               that. He wants it himself."

               "Can't be done. We can only temporarily grant the power to
               some other.
               We can't give it to ourselves or even each other." The
               homeless man joined the old woman in looking out over the
               large pond or small lake. The city was filled with lakes and
               parks but few shelters for the poor and homeless. The rich
               always thought building shelters would attract more poor and
               homeless. They would rather step over their dying bodies in
               the streets. Providing they only had to step over the same
               body no more than twice.

               "He'll find a way. Mark my words. That one is evil."


               -"The first time the power is granted to the woman chosen to
               bare the Cosmic Entity's power; you have to be in line of
               sight of her. You have to use your willpower and concentrate.
               After that, you can just grant her the power from anywhere or
               at anytime. It takes a great deal of effort at first to grant
               the power and as such it does not last long. But after
               several successful channeling's of the power, with the same
               subject, it gets very easy and the power lasts a long time. 

               This is why the Chosen tend to keep the same woman as their
               target super heroine over time."-

               -Hal Hailstorm-


               "There she is." The old woman leaned out from around the lip
               of the bus stop shelter.

               "Yep. That's Hal's sister," the homeless man, mindful of his
               stench, was squatting down behind a parked car a few feet
               from the old woman as such his whispers were rather loud and

               The homeless man turned his wrapped head and looked red eyed
               back over his ragged humped shoulder at the seated old woman
               and spoke. "You sure about this? There isn't even anything
               for her to DO when we give her the power. There's not a
               threat nearby."

               The old woman raised her cane and shook it in the air. "She's
               old I am telling yeah. A teenager you can just 'whoosh' and
               bang her up side the head with a surprise parcel of super
               powers and a monster nearby and she's off like a rocket to go
               fight it because she accepts that's what she's to do. But a
               person with brains... thinks! And thinking is no good when
               something is about to stomp on half the city starting with

               The homeless man nodded and they both summoned up their
               respective third of the Cosmic Entity's force.
               Directing it at the beautiful woman in the black trench coat
               who was walking down the otherwise deserted street carrying a
               briefcase and shouldering a heavy hand bag.

               There was a blinding flash centered on the woman in the
               expensive trench coat and when it subsided an instant latter
               there she was her business power suit and skirt and coat and
               purse and briefcase; gone. And in its place; blinking and
               wide mouth with limbs thrown akimbo, stood a dazed and
               shocked woman in a super heroine outfit.

               Sort of.

               "Where the hell are her top and bottoms?!" The old woman
               wheezed wide eyed.

               "I always do the boots and gloves and mask," the homeless man
               shook his head.

               "And I always do the cape and hair." The old woman slapped
               her forehead.

               "Hal always did the top and bottom of the super heroine
               outfit." The homeless man was starting to fidget and look
               around him reaffirming the street was indeed empty and that
               the shocked woman with her exposed tits and pussy had indeed
               not seen him.

               "Yeah, Hal was a good 'un. But a man all the same, and thus
               perverted as all men are. He liked to keep the tops and
               bottoms small and tight on 'em." The old woman sighed.

               "What do we do?" The homeless man nervously asked.

               "Nothing we can do... now. The power has been bestowed and
               will last a few hours yet. We can't add more clothes to the
               costume now. She will just have to make due. She has a cape.
               She can pull that about her body." The old woman shrugged at
               the situation. "Good thing there was no bank robbers about,
               eh? Told you we needed practice again. Always best with a new
               choice to do some practice first."

               The homeless man looked up in the sky which was starting to
               boil and seethe. "Looks like there will be a monster soon
               enough. Anymore, they always send one when we activate the
               Cosmic Entity's power and there's no threat nearby." The
               homeless man scrunched down even lower to the pavement behind
               the parked car as the woman across the street realized for
               the first time that her body was utterly naked and screamed
               as she hand-bra and then yanked her hands down to cover her
               exposed sex and then yanked them back up to hand-bra and then
               yanked them back down to cover her exposed sex and then
               yanked them back up to hand-bra and then- "Maybe we should
               contact Kloven.
               He could grant her his third of the Cosmic Entity's power and
               give her some clothing for her body in the process?"

               "I am telling you that one is pure evil and the less we have
               to do with him the better." The old woman looked over at the
               panic stricken woman who was jerking her hands and arms and
               now her knees trying to cover her exposed body, and shook her
               head and spit. "Geesh, lady. Use the cape."

               "Maybe you were right." The homeless man was eyeing the woman
               with now confusion and disappointment in his voice. "A super
               heroine spends most of her time 'topped' in public or worse.
               And she is carrying on like she has never been naked in
               public before." He looked again around him. "And this is not
               really, 'public' at that."

               The woman finally realized she could pull her somewhat see
               through cape around her body and conceal it... somewhat.
               Calming down in the process to a wide eyed panting and half
               hunched over pose.

               "She seems frozen," the homeless man mused as he scratched at
               his bindings.

               "Thinking. She's thinking. Told you. The young ones are all
               rushing action. They expect nothing. Want everything. And
               fall into any situation as if they were born to it. But the
               older ones, think." The old woman pulled out a plastic bag of
               homemade cookies and took one out for her and handed one to
               the homeless man who thanked her heartily.

               "Still she is just standing there," munched the homeless man.

               "She's better than I gave her credit. Her law firm is around
               the street corner and half a block back. Can't go back there
               naked as a new born babe. Her car is only five parked cars
               away from her but no wasted action there. For her keys were
               in her purse and her purse and briefcase and all her clothes
               are gone. So no point in rushing to a locked car. AH! She has
               discovered she has a hood to that cape! Look she has pulled
               her cowl up over her head. It always takes them a while when
               there are no reflective surfaces to realize they have a mask
               on their face."

               "I miss Cathy." The homeless man murmured.

               "I know, I know, dear chuck. But Amanda here will do nicely.
               Cathy spent her ten years of service. Never aging and after
               her tour of duty. Her mind wiped of all her adventures and
               left to live out her life in peace and quiet. More reward
               than we ever get, humph!" The old woman dug out another
               cookie and gave it to the homeless man who thanked her as she
               plucked out another for herself as well.

               "I hope she does... something soon. My leg is starting to
               cramp something fierce," the homeless man muttered as the
               cookie disappeared inside his face wraps.

               "Let's not be too hard on the girl. After all, there she was
               walking down the street in a hurry to her car. Head all
               jumbled with all things legalese and no doubt mourning still
               her last living relative's recent murdered passing. And...
               WHAM! A flash of bright light. And no cell phone, no car
               keys, no clothes. Got's to be a touch strange as experiences
               go." The old woman hummed and started sucking at her

               "Yes, but Cathy was leaping up into the sky and flying in
               under a minute! This one is just standing there...
               shivering." The homeless man waved a hand a trifle angry.

               "Yes, but Cathy was a bit of a head strong slut. She couldn't
               go five minutes in costume before she was naked and gang
               banged and I am still certain the girl enjoyed that part of
               it best!" The old woman kept sucking noisily at her dentures.

               The homeless man flashed her a red eye over his shoulder
               before returning to watching the newly selected super
               heroine. "Kloven will know we have chosen someone. He will
               feel the Cosmic power flowing and draining from the
               collective pool. I doubt he will be happy about it."

               "No, you are right there. He will not. He will most certainly
               not. He likes that thrill off all that power tantalizingly
               out of reach of his dirty finger tips. He will not like that
               we are using our fair third to create another Cosmic
               Crusader." The old woman chuckled and tilted her head.

               "What will he do?" The homeless man frowned in his voice.

               "Hmmmm, nothing good. That is a dead certain. I always
               wondered who and why Hal was murdered. I know that Kloven was
               Hal's successor and chosen by the Cosmic Entity. But I still
               can't shake a feeling in my bones that somehow, however
               impossible, that Kloven was a part of, or aware of, that
               murder even before he was chosen." The old woman seemed to
               have gotten tired, at least in her short legs, of standing
               against the bus shelter side and slipped back to sit upon its
               bench with a loud sigh.

               "But how could he?" The homeless man had sat down on the 
               sidewalk to stretch out his cramped leg.

               "Well, there are more than just the Cosmic Entity in the
               universe mucking about. I have seen a dozen Chosen come and
               go and not all of them died a peaceful death of old age.
               Hal was not the first, and I dare say won't be the last, to
               have his life cut short in a bloody sudden violent end." The
               old woman sighed and slapped her thighs and rubbed them.

               "She's finally moving," the homeless man rolled back up to
               his feet and peered around the car fender. His wrapped head
               following her as she moved hastily. "Odd. I don't think I
               made those stiletto heeled thigh high boots too high in the
               heel? But she seems to be having some trouble with her ankles
               in them."

               "She's tall. Over six foot. She is used to wearing flats. You
               men never understand anything." The old woman muttered and
               started kicking her legs out to stretch them further and
               increase their circulation.

               The homeless man looked up into the sky which was now a rage
               with black thick rolling storm clouds. "Well, whereever her
               thinking has lead her." He looked back down at the fleeing
               woman and then back up at the sky. "It isn't going to get her
               there fast enough. Those other powers that be in the galaxy
               have sent their monster in response to the Cosmic Entity's
               power being used and its here."

               Even as the homeless man spoke there was a crash of ear
               ringing thunder and a large black shape fell from the sky to
               slam into the city street. The impact shattered concrete and
               shuffled cars about like ducks in a boats wake. 

               "Hmmm. There is that." The old woman raised up her arm over
               her face against the dust cloud as the homeless man gave up
               all pretense of hiding and turned and helped her to her feet
               directing her to the near by cross street. "That, if you
               summon up the Cosmic Entity's power when their is not an
               immediate dire need. That, some other force will almost
               always send you an almost immediate dire need. Well, it's all
               up to the girl now. We are not allowed to contact her
               directly nor influence her actions or thoughts."

               "Let's hope she survives," the homeless man half propelled,
               half carried, the old woman into the safer cross street, but
               did not stop there but hobbled them on into the next street
               and beyond.

               "Let's hope we all do." The old woman muttered and tried to
               hurry best she could away from the battle zone.


               Amanda Hailstorm was fearless. Everyone said so. She was
               fearless in the courtroom. Fearless in her pursuit of justice
               no matter the powers that held the guilt. She was fearless in
               walking down lone gang held streets or into monster riddled
               sewer drains to see the evidence first hand. Fearless.

               Fearless and terrified. 

               The two did not quiet go together. But she had been her
               accustomed, fearless, less than a second before. A buffer of
               some confusion, but then most certainly terrified.

               She had been lost in thought and in a hurry. A state she
               deplored, but one which after her brother's murder less than
               a month ago, a situation which she found herself in quiet

               Head down rushing purposefully down the street to her car and
               angry over the increasing likelihood that her brother's
               incomprehensible killer was not going to be identified or

               There had been a flash of white light. She had thrown up an
               arm thinking a car had lost control and was heading toward
               her or someone, maybe the unknown killer, or some thug hired
               by one of her courtroom victories, was about to do her in,
               but even in the instance she knew there had been no such car.
               The street had been quiet and empty.

               A blink of sight return and she looked around her perplexed. 

               Then she realized her briefcase was gone. She must have
               dropped it. Then in a rush she realized ALL was gone.

               She was naked. Naked in a public street. Nothing made sense.
               She may even have screamed. She had not screamed since she
               was a little girl.

               Fearless had for the moment become terrified. Or maybe panic
               confusion. She had not been truly frightened. Not yet. She
               was just so very confused, really, that had been it. Nothing
               made sense. She was naked, but she had been clothed. She was
               clothed. She stumbled in thigh high boots. She had never
               owned a pair of boots in her life! She only had one pair of
               dress heels!

               There was a cape. It seemed rather flimsy and thin... almost
               see through. And a hood. She had opera gloves. Where the hell
               was her panties and bra?!

               A mask? She had a mask?

               So she had not been drugged and dressed as a hooker. A mask
               in Delta City meant you were a super heroine.

               There was a public rest room in the subway just around the
               corner. She ran to it.

               Something large and powerful knocked her down.

               She rolled to her feet. And looked down. Her feet were
               several meters above the cracked smoking street. She was


               Howard Kloven was rich. Wealthy. Despised. 

               He was a corporate lawyer who made his living as all
               corporate lawyers do by fighting for the legal right for non
               living companies to have the same rights as living people.
               This of course meant that living people could not and would
               not have their rights anymore as corporations were not living
               people but very rich and powerful invasive species. You do
               not sanely let foreign powers of other countries have the
               same rights as an individual of your country as they would
               steamroller right over them and enslave them. But governments
               did not yet realize the adder they clutched to their breast
               in corporations and did not yet realize the foreign power a
               company was in all aspects. When they did. It would be too

               Mister Kloven was not only rich, but he had made it a prime
               point of his life to become powerful. He liked power. He
               liked power when it made people grovel before him. He liked
               people to be helpless before him. He liked to watch people
               beg. He liked it even more when their begging gained them
               nothing from him. He liked to watch and cause suffering in
               any and all others. He was a very good corporate lawyer.

               Now something very strange had happened. But not entirely
               unexpected. For he knew he was always destined for greatness.
               This greatness had finally come in the form of a mystical
               entity who had bestowed upon him a great power. Except he
               could not use that power directly himself. He had to bestow
               it in turn upon another. A woman. What a waste.

               The source of the power was not entirely his to control in
               his gift. There were two others. A homeless man and an old
               woman. Both wastes of existence. 

               First he had to bestow the power on a woman and second his
               peers were a homeless man and an old woman. Surely the so
               called Cosmic Entity was senile and prone to mistakes. It was
               a miracle it had made the right choice in him!

               But he could feel the great power lessen. And he knew that
               his 'other' chosen had used their third of the power to
               create a new Cosmic Crusader. Dumb name.

               He had already told them, almost warned them, not to do
               anything until he got back to them. And now this! The
               bequeath of power would be temporary.
               The pool would fill again and the Cosmic Crusader would lose
               their borrowed powers. But this did not bode well for this
               triangle of power sharing. He had been so clear! This was a
               deliberate attempt to undermine his leadership! Something
               would have to be done. And soon!

               There were other powers in the universe. Whispering in the
               dark. He already had the blood of Hal upon his hands thanks
               to them but he had also the Cosmic Entity's blessing because
               of them. Two more would not make any difference. But first he
               would need to figure out a way to get the other two to change
               their choice to his choice! That would be easier than making
               two new unknown Warden's of Power, as they were officially
               known, agree to his will. 

               He looked down between his legs were the top of the young
               woman's head bobbed energetically. The interviews for his
               'choice' were still on going. But soon. Very soon. He pulled
               out his cock and spurted all over the young girls face and
               then whipped his dick off in her hair as he kicked her aside. 



               Amanda Hailstorm fell breathless past her apartment door and
               banged it shut behind her with a practiced leg kick.

               She was back in her business power suit and skirt and trench
               coat with purse and briefcase fully restored with nothing

               She dropped everything and turned and locked the several
               locks on her heavy door.

               She collapsed against the door and tried to catch her breath.

               Had there been a monster?

               Had she fought it?!

               Fought it naked?!

               She vividly remembered slime and tentacles and some rather
               rude... touching.

               But then the fight had been over in a furious blur and she
               had just 'flashed' again; into our own clothes again. Fell,
               thankfully, a short distance to the ground and beat a six
               block run to her apartment building. Leaving her car behind?!

               Her car and a rather large monster dead upon the pavement.

               What on Earth had really happened?!


               -"Picking the 'right' costume for a new Cosmic Crusader is
               vital. As there is no do-overs. Once a Campion dons her
               costume that first time; that is the only costume she will be
               able to wear. She won't be able to add or amend it, nor will
               the Warden's of Power be able to change it once they have
               given their power to a woman.

               Each time a new Cosmic Crusader is chosen the previous one is
               wiped from the memory of the general public and themselves.
               Only the Warden's of Power are outside the loop of erasure.

               However, if a Warden makes a new selection for whatever
               reason they may never again return to a previous choice that
               power removed.

               The Cosmic Crusader does not age or wither or keep wounds
               long. There have been some Cosmic Crusader's that have served
               decades after decades. However, most serve a week a month a
               year or two at best. As situations often force a Warden of
               Power to select a new Crusader out of immediate need at hand.

               I believe some 'other' force is trying to pervert the purpose
               of the Cosmic Entity. I believe we are all in grave danger."-

               -Hal Hailstorm-


               "She did rather well for her first monster," the homeless man
               stood beside the park bench where the old woman spoke as she
               sat tossing bread crumbs out of a bread sack at  honking

               "It wasn't a very LARGE monster." The homeless man sighed and
               reached into the bread sack and slipped his hand full of
               stale bread crumbs under his face bandages and ate.

               "It was large enough to send us scurrying for our lives," the
               old woman snorted.

               The homeless man shrugged and then instinctively turned. "Uh

               The old woman careened her neck around and looked over the
               back of the park bench where a long ominous black limo had
               slowly pulled up and stopped on the parks outer winding
               roadway. "Looks like Mister Kloven is about to pay us another
               social call."

               "It's going to be about Amanda Hailstorm," the homeless man
               in his swaddle of wrappings stood up straight and a light
               wind played with his mummy wrappings; pulling them out like
               stiff soiled banners from under his heavy rags of a coat.

               "Naturally. It was to be expected," the old woman watched the
               body guards get out of the limo before Kloven emerged re
               buttoning his sports coat with a practiced one hand. "That's
               new." The old woman nodded at the deadly looking body guards.

               "And so is that," the homeless man nodded in his turn at the
               very young sexy girl who Kloven turned and now helped with
               his other hand out of the limo behind him.

               "So, that's his choice then, is it?" The old woman smiled.
               "Didn't take him long to find a slut who would do his
               complete bidding. I am surprised he left her leash and collar
               at home."

               The homeless man shot her an angry red eyed glance, "we are
               not allowed to communicate with the Crusader."

               The old woman raised an eyebrow, "something tells me that
               Mister Kloven is not one for following rules; just making and
               enforcing them on others."

               "The Entity will not permit such things!" The homeless man
               clenched his fists and the blackened burnt skin there cracked
               and pealed as he did so.

               "You are new to being a Warden. I think you will find that
               the Cosmic Entity is fickle in what and when it chooses to
               imply its unlimited force." The old woman narrowed her eyes
               at the approaching group who seemed much interested in
               looking about to make sure they were alone in the park. 

               "Well, I will never set my choice of power on his choice!"
               The homeless man fumed.

               "Of course not. We have chosen Amanda and she will make a
               great Crusader. Not the first who had to fight in her
               birthday suit. I am just glad I gave her a longer cape than
               Cathy had." The old woman brushed bread crumbs off her lap
               and eyed the empty park with concern. There were so many
               places their bodies could be dumped and not found for days.

               "I miss Cathy."

               "So do I, ducks. But Amanda has both our powers and this
               little slut of his will only have just his. Green as they
               both are, she can hold her own in any fair showdown. And if
               there be some reason... that new Warden's are selected.
               Well, I trust the Entity will make a better choice than he
               made on this last one." The old woman looked up at the
               wrapped face of the homeless man with those lidless red eyes
               and watched as the bullet from the silenced handgun fired
               from the nearest body guard tore off the top of his bandaged

               She did not see the blur of Kloven's Crusader as she flew up
               to her and grabbed both her and the collapsing homeless man
               by the throat and whisk them into the trees of the little
               island that sat in the pond. 

               Nor did she feel her neck snap or feel her life ebb away. But
               she also did not see or hear and thus was spared Kloven's
               smile and the new super heroines inane giggles as she dropped
               them into the bushes of the little marshy island and flew
               back to her master.

               Whose face fell dark when he realized their powers had not
               came to him with their deaths.


               On the other side of the city the murdered Warden's powers
               flowed unrestricted to their last conscious choice. And
               Amanda Hailstorm found herself in a taxi cab suddenly in
               cape, and mask, and gloves, and boots; unwittingly empowered
               until two new Warden's could be chosen and make their own

               The shocked woman could only shake her head as she slammed
               her thighs together and crossed her knees tightly and
               clutched her shaking hands over her huge firm breasts large
               puffy areolas and thick nipples and cry out, "why is there
               never any panties or bra!"

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Script created with Final Draft by Final Draft, Inc.