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               THE NECROMANCER 

               FLAG GIRL SECRET FILES: # 290,789,004 & 3/4 

               "Hmmm, and where exactly did you say you found this again?"
               Salem Dare, the witch extraordinar, and expert on all maters
               of the occult held the yellow smoke scrap of glass up to a
               summoned ball of witch light and frowned at the etched
               patterns of cryptic symbols she saw embedded in the
               semitransparent item.

               "We found it while fighting the Abomination and Dragon Queen
               and her cyborg ninjas." Flag Girl put her fists on her hips
               and smiled. "We kicked their ass!"

               "Actually. I was fighting the Abomination and Dragon Queen
               while some one else was yet again flat on their ass getting
               boinked by cybernetic cock." Azure Angel folded her arms
               under the largest pair of teen breasts in North America.

               "Uh, hee," Flag Girl gritted her teeth in a nervous smile,
               "and kicked their ass!"

               Azure Angel rolled her eyes.

               "I am surprised you did not take this to Professor Whirtler
               or Hexanna?" Salem Dare put the sliver of smoked glass aside
               and reached out a hand into the air and a book slipped off a
               shelf several book shelves away and flew to her hand. She
               placed the book on to her tree stump desk.

               "Well, we did." Azure Angel looked around her at the strange
               mix of fog and dead trees and book shelves that made up the
               inside of Salem Dare's apartment. 

               "But Professor Whirtler said it was 'magical in nature' and
               sent us packing. And Hexanna is, well..." Flag Girl had a
               gloved finger on her chin and was looking up into the moonlit
               sky for an answer.

               "She's horny as a goat and can't keep her hands off our
               tits," Azure Angel chimed in with another eye roll.

               "Yes, Hexanna's rejuvenation cycle can leave her a bit...
               lusty at first. And it is a bit creepy when a five thousand
               year old teenie won't stop pawing you. Well, you are lucky
               you came to me." Salem Dare snapped her fingers and the book
               flipped open and its pages turned at blinding speed before
               stopping. "Professor Whirtler's knowledge is primarily bugs
               and mutiods and Hexanna is a battle sorceress first and
               But the history of the strange and unnatural has always been
               my personal domain. And this is indeed of the strange and

               "So... what is it?" Azure Angel frowned and moved in closer
               despite herself and eyed the glowing pages of the large book
               which suddenly snapped up and swallowed all three of them.

               "Where are we?" Flag Girl looked around her at a world of
               sepia wash ghostly images of people moving about.

               "Inside the book. I find it is much easier to understand a
               book by getting inside it." Salem Dare stated and then seeing
               the puzzled faces of both teen super heroines she sighed.
               "Audio-books. It's ruined me for reading. What can I say."

               The busty teen witch, with the glass shard in hand, lead them
               around the ghostly images and began to narrate over the
               snatches of conversation the ghosts were having. "1878.
               Lester Scroggs. Inventor, occultist, Republican. All around
               whack-job. He came up with the theory of the speed of time.
               This idea that beyond the speed of light there was the speed
               of time. If you could travel faster than time you could break
               free of it and move about and around in it."

               "He dresses funny."

               "Well, Flag Girl, this is 1878. They all dress funny here."
               Salem Dare gave a quick glance over Flag Girl's scanty super
               heroine outfit and sighed. "Anyway. Scroggs decided that you
               could not travel faster than the speed of light not because
               it was a limiting factor for mass but because our brains are
               made out of electrical impulses and space between those
               impulses; and that as you approached the speed of light,
               those gaps and impulses would cease to function. You would
               cease to ever having been. All thought, all life, stopped."

               "That sounds like a limiting factor to me," Azure Angel
               frowned at the ghosts while yelping and getting pissed when
               they kept passing through her body.

               "Yes, being dead can be a drag, but the point is that Scroggs
               decided that light and electricity were part of the same
               thing but not the same thing and thus he could build his time
               speed machine if he could just figure out how not to die when
               using it." Salem Dare, holding the glass shard up like a
               torch, nodded over at some approaching military men. The
               whole ghostly world seemed to act like a slowly scrolling
               diorama. "The military became involved. And there were some
               rather unscrupulous religious cultists who were funding the
               whole project."

               "I really don't like where this seems to be going," Azure
               Angel pursed her teen lips.

               "Where? Brooklyn?" Flag Girl looked around her at the sepia
               wash images and shook her head perplexed.

               "After ten years of trying to figure out a way to beat the
               whole dying thing as one approaches light speed; Scrogg
               reverses his researches direction and decides instead of
               keeping his pilots alive to survive the light speed barrier
               he would simply kill them before they even take off."

               "I knew it. Zombies. Why is it always zombies. Never
               unicorns." Azure Angel muttered as she shook her head.

               "So, Scrogg spent the next five years perfecting his new
               'time speed travelers preparation procedure'. This apparently
               involved slowly altering the cell tissue of the subjects
               using chemicals and rays from various machines."

               "They are all young girls?!" Azure Angel shouted at the image
               of hundreds of young girls being placed in bubling chemical
               baths and placed under large glass tubes of humming ray

               "One of the basic requirements for the process to work was
               that the subjects be all Aphrodite gene semi-active teen
               girls." Salem Dare stood and watched as girl after naked girl
               was placed in various machines often with disastrous results.

               "Monster!" Flag Girl shouted at the oblivious Scrogg and his

               "The problem he kept having was not revving the girls once
               they passed the light speed dead zone, but the fact that all
               his machinery to revive them worked on electricity and all
               forms of electricity would of course be stopped as it
               approached light speed. So his machines would 'die' for all
               intensive purposes and thus not be able to revive his
               travelers when they had slipped beyond the barrier."

               The three top heavy hotties continued walking slowly along
               the scrolling diorama of ghosts and images. "Eventually he
               solved his problem with the use of complex clockwork
               mechanisms and magic. He now had his ship, his crew, and just
               needed to start up his contraption and see if it actually

               "A time travel ship! Goosh!" Flag Girl whispered and then
               squeeled in joy.

               "Ah, actually no. I perhaps had better explain. Scroggs could
               think of noway to control the ship when it hit the time speed
               in the sense of giving it any sort of direction along time
               lines. He simply wanted to use the element of breaking the
               time speed so the vessel could physically travel great
               distances in an instant.
               He wasn't trying to travel backwards or forwards in time. He
               was trying to travel from say Earth to Mars in an eye blink."

               "What happened?"

               "The military brought in a bunch of their own scientists to
               look over the work and they decided it had a good chance of
               both succeeding and of blowing up the Earth in equal measure.
               The military confiscated the ship and Scroggs spent the last
               decade of his life in an insane asylum. There was also a bit
               about the cult who was financing the whole project getting
               rooted out and destroyed by Hexanna; who at that time was
               working for the government as, ironically, a witch hunter. In
               fact, she used this covert position as a cover to hide her
               own powers and to seek out and secretly save any good witches
               while finding and destroying any bad ones in the process."

               "What happened to the ship?" Azure Angel began to blink as
               she found her and Flag Girl and Salem Dare back inside Dare's
               forest apartment.

               "That's a good question." Salem Dare closed the book and
               looked over at one of her owls sitting on the limb of a dead
               tree as she paused in thought. "The ship went missing when
               the government confiscated it. But I am almost certain that
               the part you found came off of that ship."

               "What makes you so sure of that?"

               "Well, its composition is of a strange glass alloy with
               mystical properties and runes that match the notes of Lester
               Scroggs and it has the name, 'THE NECROMANCER' stamped on it
               and that was the name of the time speed ship."



               "So let me get this straight? We are now back here at the
               site of our epic battle with the Abomination and Dragon Queen
               which destroyed over half a block of derelict condemned
               buildings looking for the rest of the remains of some time
               speed ship that was never launched amidst all this rubble?"
               Azure Angel skidded to a stop on a slide of shifting
               shattered concrete and growled.

               "Well, Salem Dare seemed to think it was really, really
               important that we find the rest of the ship." Flag Girl waved
               her hands wildly as she fought for balance on her high heeled
               stiletto boots upon a pile of crushed rock.

               "Yeah, have you ever noticed that EVERYTHING to that girl is
               really, really important but she never leaves her apartment
               to help?" Azure Angel looked around at the skeletal remains
               of the building they were standing inside of; there was no
               roof left and the walls ended in jagged rounded edges of
               concrete and brick and plaster. 

               "Yeah," Flag Girl snorted a laugh. "I bet if we went back at
               noon she would say, 'I really, really need you to go to Dairy
               Queen and pick me up a chicken sandwich and fries and a
               double chocolate malted. The fate of the world is at a stake!
               'Oh, Dairy Queen sounds good let's blow this off and get some

               "Hmm, tempting but we had better do a little more searching
               first. The idea of a time speed ship lying about where anyone
               can find it is a bit worrisome." Azure Angel teetered down
               the pile of rubble and slid to a stop a bit lower than Flag

               "Yeah. But if it WAS just lying about wouldn't some one have
               found it a long time ago? I mean, that even before this was
               all ruins wouldn't someone notice a large round bathysphere
               of yellow and black glass just sitting around next to the
               water cooler?" Flag Girl picked up a tiny piece of broken
               lathe and instantly dropped it and began dusting off her
               gloves with a 'yuck' face firmly planted on her teen kisser.

               "That's a rather surprisingly astute observation from you.
               But I imagine our long drawn out battle and its massive
               damage to the area has somehow unburied the ship. These were
               military storage buildings before being sold and converted to
               civilian office buildings and public rental storage back in
               the 1950's. I would guess our ship was in some storage room
               that just was never found or used?" Azure Angel stood at the
               bottom of the rock slide of debris and paused to put her
               hands on her slender waist and look around her, "it could be
               anywhere though. Can you remember where you initially found
               the thing?"

               "Ah, actually that would be in my ass. One of the cyber
               ninjas was using it as a glass dido in my exit only hole."

               "UGH! I hope you washed it off before handing it to Salem
               Dare?! I wondered why all the images were brown." Azure Angel
               made a disgusted face and then sighed. "So, exactly where
               were you when you were getting your hinny reamed with a time
               speed ship component?"

               "Ahhh," Flag Girl put her finger on her chin and looked
               around her. "Over there, and over there, oh and definitely
               over there, and then some over there, and back along-"

               "Yeah, yeah, I get it. Slut. Okay, so let's just search some
               more in this buildings ruins. It was definitely used for
               storage of large items and from the looks of it, it was built
               to with stand a mortar barrage!"


               "Wow! The whole roof of this sub-basement collapsed in!" Flag
               Girl was looking around her as she wiggled and ground her
               hips to make her belt buckle light move about and over the
               large concrete room that, other than the collapsed rock slide
               roof, was surprisingly undamaged and intact.

               "Phew! My costume stinks!" Flag Girl sniffed at her halter

               "It's not the costume," Azure angel growled.

               Azure Angel summoned her bow and began to rapidly fire arrows
               into the walls around them. She increased her spirit energy
               of the arrows so they glowed a pale white light and helped
               illuminate the dusty ruins.

               "And I am guessing that is our missing ship," Azure Angel
               stopped firing arrows and lowered her bow and along side Flag
               Girl stood staring at the large glass yellow and black and
               orange slightly glowing orb.

               "It appears to be broken," Flag Girl gyrated her hips to play
               her flash light buckle beam over several large pieces of the
               ship that lay shattered about it. Several support beams had
               fallen down and struck the vessel leaving a gapping hole in
               its side revealing layers of glass and dripping liquid.

               Both girls suddenly leapt back screaming in startled fright
               as a naked teen girl stepped out of the darkness and into the
               light of Flag Girl's belt buckle; her all white pupils-less
               eyes glowing with a milky white radiance.


               "So, this is one of our time speed travelers, eh?" Salem Dare
               was sitting in the branches of one of the dead trees inside
               her three story walk-up flat in downtown Delta City. She held
               out her tea cup and one of the dead limbs coiled around it
               and held it just as it was holding the tea pot aside it.

               Salem Dare dropped down out of the tree next to the three
               teen girls and gave the time speed traveler a good looking
               over. "Hmm, just as his notes said. Immortal. Once revived
               these girls have all the basic Aphrodite active gene benefits
               plus they are for intense purposes indestructible and
               ageless. They are; dead after all. They don't age, eat,
               drink, breathe... dead."

               "That's it we will call her, DEAD GIRL!" Flag Girl shouted
               and smiled broadly. "She's not much of a talker but she's got
               some muscle! Don't let those skinny limbs and super model
               ribs fool you!"

               "She carried the ship over here. It must have weighed tons.
               We left it in your parking lot outside." Azure Angel gave
               Dead Girl a lopsided grin.

               Salem Dare eyed the thin but huge breasted girl another once
               over. She was naked but had very long white hair and white
               eyes that glowed slightly. She was very, very pale. 

               "Where are the other ones?!" Salem Dare suddenly straightened
               up and shot glances at Azure Angel and Flag Girl. "There were
               supposed to be three girls in the time speed capsule."

               "We only found her," Flag Girl scratched her head.

               "There were three pods inside the ship, all empty when we got
               there, but she says she was alone when she revived. Her pod
               seems to have been pinned under some of the collapsed ship.
               So it took her a while to make her way out of the pod. The
               others must have wandered off. Anyway there were no where to
               be found." Azure Angel shook her head.

               "Hmm, I seriously doubt they wandered off." Salem Dare pursed
               her thick pillow lips and then shot a glance at Dead Girl.
               "Do you have any idea where you're fellow travelers have

               "They have followed the voice of Master Mind. I have followed
               these two creatures. My primary program is to study and
               observe all life forms to report to Master Mind." Dead Girl's
               voice was very soft and girly.

               "Yeah, she's really big on this Master Mind. Master Mind
               this, Master Mind that." Flag Girl curled a gloved finger
               around her small chin in thought.

               "It still exists?! That's incredible. But, no, if the
               travelers exist it only makes sense that it would too? Still,
               incredible!" Salem Dare shook her head.

               "You have any idea what this thing is she keeps going on
               about?" Azure Angel let her summoned suit vanish in order to
               conserve her spirit energy powers. After all she had spent
               the better part of the morning dueling with the Abomination
               and Dragon Queen, and Dead Girl had just walked halfway
               across Delta City naked and carrying a large sphere over her
               head. So what was a little nudity between friends? 

               "Well, I have been going over some more information about
               Lester Scroggs.
               Apparently he had no way of bringing his ship back once he
               launched it. So he came up with this idea of using a
               telepathic sort of 'ground control' to communicate with his
               travelers who would then link back and file reports of what
               they discovered on the far reaches of the galaxy."

               "So where and what exactly is this ground control?!" Azure
               Angel scratched her puffy areola and hard nipple and then the
               tip of her small nose.

               "Well, let's see shall we?" Salem Dare shifted her shoulder
               where a large oversized raven always sat and cleared her
               throat as she held up her hands before Dead Girl's face. Soon
               a ghostly image appeared floating between Dead Girl and Salem
               Dare. "I am trying to tap into the telepathic connection
               between Dead Girl and the Master Mind. I think I can
               translate it into a visual image."

               The visual image showed two naked young girls; slim and pale
               with huge tits standing in front of a huge rusted brass tank
               in some dark dim room. Glass portals in the tank showed a
               glowing green bubbling liquid and in that liquid an enormous
               mass of brains all wielded together into one giant lump mass.

               The image disappeared instantly when Salem Dare's
               concentration was suddenly broken by a flash of light and the
               sudden appearance of a tall blonde woman.


               The blonde woman who had suddenly appeared was thin, tall,
               over six feet in height, and had long blonde hair worn in a
               single pony tail and had an enormous set of tits. She was
               also Flag Girl.

               "What the hell?!" Azure Angel recoiled back.

               "Wait a minute?! Is that ME?!?!" Flag Girl leaned forward

               "Yep!" The tall thirty something blonde smiled a wide perfect
               white teeth smile. "I am Flag Girl from the future! And I
               have come to rescue you!"

               "What the hell?!" Azure Angel recoiled back even further.

               "Wait? Rescue us from what?" Salem Dare frowned at the tall
               busty woman.

               "From the evil clutches of the Master Mind of course!" Future
               Flag Girl beamed her smile again.

               "AWESOME! I knew! My time travel escape plan would work! And
               they all refused to believe me!" Flag Girl was both leaping
               about in joy and crying.

               "Wait a minute? Rescue us from what again?" Salem Dare put
               her hand on her hips and shook her head puzzled.

               "From the Master Mind. You know that globby clump of glued
               together brains. You know, we go to where the asylum that
               they put Lester Scroggs into; which is now under a shopping
               mall in Boston, and we find the hidden ruined basement and we
               get captured by these ugly squish men and we are just about
               to be horribly terribly put to torturous death when - say?!
               This is not the secret asylum lab of Scroggs?"

               "Ah, no. And we have not done any of those things you have
               just mentioned yet." Salem Dare gave the overly busty thin
               thirty something a look of disbelief.

               "Oh. I must have got the whole time thingy mixed up." Future
               Flag girl raised one gloved hand off her hip and tapped her
               chin in thought.

               "What the hell already?!" Azure Angel shouted.

               "Here, I made this so we don't all get confused." Flag Girl
               stepped forward from the tree stump desk and carefully pinned
               a sheet of paper onto the lip of Future Flag Girls bikini top
               which caused her large puffy areola and thumb thick nipple to
               pop out. The piece of paper read, 'FUTURE FLAG GIRL'.

               Future Flag Girl smiled and patted Flag Girl's head who was
               almost a foot shorter than her and really did not look very
               much like her super model glamorous future self.

               Flag Girl burst into tears and grabbed Future Flag Girl and
               sunk her face into her enormous bust. "I have tits! I have
               tits! I knew it! I knew I would get them some day! No more
               stupid dumb D-cup training bra jokes from all those stupid
               other super heroines! Tits! And they are SO much bigger and
               nicer than Azure Angels! WHAAAAAAA! I am SO happy right now!

               Future Flag Girl patted Flag Girl on the head again and wiped
               a lone tear from her eye as she smiled down at the top of her
               head and cleavage muffled cries.

               "What the hell?!" Azure Angel shouted yet again. "No, no, no!
               YOU did NOT build a time machine! No way in hell!"

               "Huh, actually I have a time bracelet. The machine it's self
               is like the size of a city block and takes an entire Hoover
               sized damn to power it." Future Flag Girl smiled and flashed
               her wrist travel band.

               "The only thing that maters is that you are here and can now
               tell us what exactly happens to us in the future in the
               asylum ruins so we can avoid capture and torture by the
               Master Mind." Salem Dare nodded firmly at Future Flag Girl.

               "Oh, no I can't tell you anything about the future! Didn't
               you ever watch any of those old Twilight Zone TV shows?! You
               can't know your own future it causes spilt ends or
               something." Future Flag Girl shook her head in firm defiance.

               "But you came back in time to save us? Wouldn't that be like
               changing the past and thus the future?" Azure Angel stared at
               the tall stacked beauty.

               "Not if I went back and rescued us before." 

               "And did you go back and rescue us before?" Azure Angel was
               rubbing her temple now and had her eyes closed in sudden
               headache pain.

               "Uh, no. We died a horrible terrible torturous death. So that
               is why I am here to rescue us now."

               "So, you don't show up and save us latter." Azure Angel had
               her head down and her eyes now clenched shut.

               "Nope. Certain of that."

               "And you refuse to tell us how to not get captured now."

               "Well, yeah. You can't muck about with the past you know.
               Anyway, I should be going. So many Dairy Queens and now so
               much time to enjoy them all! Bye past me."

               "Bye future me."

               "We look so hot!" The two Flag Girl's giggled in unison and
               leapt up into the air body slamming their breasts together
               and then Future Flag Girl vanished.

               "Well I guess we finally answered that lingering question
               about 'could you possibly be any more annoying?' And the
               answer would be YES!" Azure Angel growled.

               "I knew you were always jealous of my tits! Hee-hee!" Flag
               Girl snorted.


               "Oh, hi Ms. A! Now don't be confused but I am not who you
               think I am. I am Future Flag Girl!" Future Flag Girl put her
               hands on her slim waist and beamed her perfect white teeth

               Brenda Wade adjusted the towel around her dripping body, "yes
               I know. We just met about ten seconds ago in the shower. And
               chatted for about ten minutes before you disappeared."

               Future Flag Girl looked down at her soaked wet body and the
               dripping smeared piece of paper still pinned to the lip of
               her bikini top that still read in blurry ink print, 'FUTURE
               FLAG GIRL'. Oh, yeah that's right. Stupid Wade Tech junk!"
               Future Flag Girl slapped at the soaked time travel bracelet
               as it sparked and smoked. 

               "May I see that?" Brenda Wade let the towel drop to the floor
               and stood there nude and dripping on her bed room carpet as
               she took the time travel bracelet from Future Flag Girl and
               studied it. "Hmm, has the Wade Tech Logo on it." She flipped
               it over and read the back, "property of Azure Angel."

               Future Flag Girl gave a nervous laugh.

               "Well, the water from the shower has shorted it out but I
               think I can fix it. From the sound of it; I need to hurry to
               Boston and save your past self and Azure Angel and this Dead
               Girl from some vat full of brains. But while I am getting
               dressed, you and I are going to have a little chat."


               "It looks hopeless Ms. Americana! Mister Fear's shock troops
               have found our base and are systemically destroying all our
               flight capable super heroines!" Green Specter shouted!

               "And as if that was not enough! Dinosaurs have broken through
               our permitter defence of the city and are now attacking the
               civilian population!" Specter Girl added.

               "Don't give up hope yet! The Queen of Justice always has a
               card or two left up her preverbal sleeves! Azure Angel! Good
               to see you finally up and ship shape. Here, take this." Ms.
               Americana slapped a time travel bracelet upon the naked teens
               wrist. "Try and keep Flag Girl from getting her paws on it
               for as long as you can."

               "What is this?" Azure Angel puzzled at the bracelet upon her

               "Time travel bracelet. Not for you to use. No time to
               explain. Now!" Ms. Americana jumped toward one of the
               computer consoles and started to type and jab buttons. "Now
               let's see if half a billion dollars and the salvage tech of
               Lester Scroggs can save the day."

               A glow began to fill the center of the room. The super
               heroines still inside the open roof base, tennis matched
               their eyes, back and forth, between the epic battle raging in
               the air above them and the glowing ball of light.

               The ball of light took the shape of a naked woman who then
               gave out a cry of pain before solidifying still naked and
               hovering but now with a glowing cape and hood and mask taking
               form upon her body.

               "Who or what is that?!" Azure Angel asked.

               "I used to be Flag Girl and then I was Future Flag Girl but
               now that I have used a time portal inside of an already
               existing time portal I have been transformed into HOURGLASS!"

               "What the hell?!" Azure Angel recoiled back and looked over
               at Flag Girl who shrugged and popped another jelly gummy bear
               into her mouth.

               "Future Fl- er, Hourglass can you patch into the time speed
               drive built into the basement of this tower and use it and
               your powers to bridge Delta City back to its future time?"
               Ms. Americana shouted up at the floating naked blonde hottie.

               "I believe I can. Though overriding Mister Fear's Neanderthal
               drive time machine will cause some dimensional sheer cross
               over... Oh, are those gummy bears?'

               "Can we please save a few million lives here BEFORE you start
               pigging out?!" Ms. Americana shouted up at the floating huge
               breasted specter.

               Hourglass sighed and then started in on the process of
               doubling back the time bubble that Mister Fear had used to
               cause the entire downtown of Delta City to leap back sixty
               million years into the past. 

               There was a shimmering in the air and then the whole city
               faded for a second and then reappeared back at its proper
               time and place.

               Everyone cheered until they realized that the battle was
               still going on in the air above them and that dinosaurs were
               still running rampant in the city streets below them. But at
               least they had shifted their postal zone back to where it
               belonged and the United States army and air force stationed
               outside the city limits, which had just seconds before
               watched an entire city vanish and return, now found they
               could enter the city at will and even up the odds in the

               Ms. Americana sighed a breath of relief and nodded her thanks
               to Hourglass. "Thanks Hourglass. I think we can take it from

               "No probs Ms. A. Just remember one thing as you battle Mister
               Fear and his forces."

               "And what's that?"

               "That my tits are WAY more better than Azure Angel's." And
               with that the super heroine known as Hourglass flashed a
               peace sign as she stuck out her tongue and vanished.

               "You know," Azure Angel looked over at Flag Girl. "I really
               hate the both of you."

               Flag Girl smiled through a mouth dripping with gummy bear
               juice and gave Azure Angel a thumbs up.

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Script created with Final Draft by Final Draft, Inc.