<nametag:rook>                                                                                            2015 story:002



I am always amazed at how basically ‘nice’ people who produce works of porn are. It’s because they have an open mind and have to deal with people who have very closed minds on a second by second basis. I think it’s also because porn like religion has no positive defining aspect; as soon as you begin to limit/label it you lose it.


You can write si-fi, horror, romance, adventure, comedy, drama, mystery, super heroines, etc and as long as you put ‘Amanda sucked the giant cock with relish… and mustard and pickles and ketchup’ every few pages you can literally write about anything. If everyone in the world had to be a writer and Jesus and Buddha and Mohammad where walking the Earth they would all be writing porn.. It’s the only niche that could encompass them and not have them stoned in the streets.


So again thanks to Mr. X for his wonderful generosity and thanks again to all the brave great writers who take advantage of this and fill this site with open minded entertaining fiction. You guys/gals rock! Rook.






Xera Knight-Ley surveyed the long rolling grassy savanna before her. The waist high brown and gold grass swayed and rippled under the bright yellow sun rustling and whirling as invisible zephyrs sprang up unfelt upon her naked pale flesh and rustled the distant isolated great trees that spotted the vast open plain. The teen girl raised her hand up to her noble brow to shield her squinting gray eyes from the harsh rays; there was a grove of the towering trees to her right with several outcroppings of smooth rounded rocks to the right of that. To her far left was more scattered trees nodding slowly their tall limbs bowing and shrugging to winds she could not feel upon her naked flesh. Behind her in the distance was a long narrow finger of the edge of a black green forest.



Xera frowned and dropped her hand and arm, the bracelet of green glass upon her right wrist; the only item she currently wore, jangled like the chiming of small silver bells, as her hand sought her full round him and perched there. The teenage girl pursed her lips and blew out a sigh and then made another quick glance up at the two moons that hovered above her seeming made out of powdered white glass. “Not Earth. Not even Earth of some imaginable far distant past. And no Shroud fog encompassing all. I had not counted on this.” She gave a puzzled look down at the bracelet upon her wrist and raised an eyebrow, this isn’t Earth. In case you hadn’t noticed it has two moons and theirs a green tint to the sky.” She held the bracelet up to her face, “Not Earth. You got it wrong this time, understand.”



Xera dropped her arm to her side and once again scanned the horizon. “Still I didn’t know you could DO other worlds. Or that there even were OTHER worlds where a person could breath and walk about. And-” she looked down at the familiar raised stone circle platforms set like cake tiers upon on another upon which she stood. “These dials are here just like they are back in the dead cities of Earth’s past. I guess that’s what you do you pluck me out of my time when I least expect it and then send me pell-mell to one of these stone platforms.” She stepped carefully down the raised lips of the wide circular steps until her bare feet and legs were standing in the tall brown grass.



The wheat like stalks crowned in bushy tips scratched at her legs and tickled her sensitive pussy lips. She made a face at the scratchy feeling on her thighs but sighed and smiled at the tingling in her pussy.  She continued wadding into the grass land. “Odd to put those stone platforms out here in the middle of nowhere. I have only seen them before in the ruins of the dead cities. And usually DEEP inside the ruins as part of shrines or fortified citadels. Never out in the open like this with no other buildings around.” She looked around her again as she sloshed through the high grass her toes tangling now and again in the high thin stalks no matter how much she tried to scrunch her toes up closed and walk on her heals. “UHG! Why can’t I keep my clothes when I teleport! I mean I am certain this is not Earth! Two moons and a greenish sky! Not Earth! So what are the chances I am going to find clothes that will fit a humane or some sexy boots for my poor feet!”



“Hello…” Xera paused and raised her hand with the bracelet to shield her eyes again. “Did that tree just move?” She stood rock still and watched not only the nearest giant of a tree slowly lumber through the tall grass but noted several of the trees farther past it were slowly methodically lurching about the rolling grassy hill plains that seemed to stretch into a hazy limit of her vision. “It did move… it IS moving. Okay yeah going with the whole ‘this is not Earth’ scenario big time now. Don’t seem hostile. Ha, weird moving trees. Maybe that’s why the grass seems to be moving here and there though I can feel no breeze? Moving trees moving grass.”



She watched the grass dart and sway zigging and zagging like some large invisible fingers were tracing slow and then rapid swirling paths through the tall grass in the most haphazard of fashion. She noted that only certain parts of the grass would suddenly move while the majority of it would remain still. “Like something is moving through it unseen rather than some wind or the grass its self moving,” she pondered to herself as she continued to remain stock still amidst a growing sense of unease. She began to rapidly eye her surroundings again for something that would get her up out of the grass its self.



“Something moving in the grass its self,” she did not like that idea at all. There was the raised concentric stone platforms directly behind that she had appeared upon with a mind melting orgasm just minutes before but they only scarcely rose above the stalks of grass. She wanted something higher, elevated, safe. There were the large smooth gray black rocks to her right. That was about it, as she did  not fancy a climb up a living moving tree! The trees of the distant forest did not seem to be moving at all they seemed ‘normal’ but looked a long, long ways off and the darting trails in the grass were getting randomly closer and were moving at flashes of eye blinking speed!



“The strange rock formations it is!” Xera grunted and took off at the best thing to a run she could manage in the tangling tall grass. With toes clenched tight together and curled downwards against the stalks of grass and running on her heels to keep her toes from catching as much of the increasingly razor sharp painful stalks from sliding between her toes as she could she pounded along feeling as if she were trying to run on stilts!



Walking was one thing running another and running on your heals stiff legged against an ocean of increasingly painful slicing blades of grass that now nicked and cut at her calves and thighs and tried to wedge themselves between her toes sliding out like slicing razors or yanking out of the earth in angry clumps while she grunted and whined and clamped her hands firmly over her double JJ-cup slapping firm breasts least they leap up and smack her soundly in the face with each of her jarring long legged strides is entirely another matter. For example walking had been much less painful and quiet while running was slicing up her toes and her feet seemed to find the most painful sharp small stones now hidden amongst the thick damp soil and was very noisy.



Her head-long straight path to the rock outcroppings took her very near several of the rapid angry grass swirling and suddenly one of the swirls stopped and a large thick periscope rose up out of the grass. The periscope had shinny strange markings over its muscular tubular  form and at the top of it sat an angry squat triangular head with two wide slanted lidless eyes that widened as it swung lazily about and saw her.



Xera did not stop, she did not pause, she had never seen a snake so large before and she gave up any and all attempts to save her toes or breasts or chin from pain and she bolted in a sprint with arms swinging fists at her sides her knees jacking high into the air and her firm large globular tits bouncing up and down furiously upon her slim narrow chest whacking her in the chin and face like hungry porpoises.



The telephone pole thick scaled trunk of the reptile darted back and hovered as its eyes glinted as if surprised or confused and then the nomadic gaze of hate filled its brutish face again and it shot forward in her direction with an almost suicidal speed. She had never seen anything so fast and if it had not been for the rising up of another curious confused snake directly in its path that playfully smacked directly into the rushing body of the creature she would never have made the rock outcroppings. As it was she did make it to them and began to franticly scramble up their rippled long weathered sides.



She had seen large snakes before in the distant past of Earth. They seemed to favor the ruins of the dead cities and liked to twist and turn and hide amongst the toppled columns. She knew snakes could climb anything a person could and had no delusions that clambering upon the large round humps of massive boulders would be putting her out of harms way but with no weapons what other choice did she have?!



Xera paused breathlessly at the top of the rounded summit she had desperately scrambled up panting with hands on scratched knees her bloody toes still wedged with green and brown stalks of grass. She was certain the snake and a dozen of his brothers and sisters would be slithering up the boulders face even as she turned with hands on knees to watch. Instead she was amazed to see both serpents locked in deadly combat with one of the moving trees. The great boa like trees with their long knotted trunks and high up reaching branches was smacking around the two great snakes with its limbs as they hissed and slithered and wrapped themselves around the swatting limbs and smacked their squat triangular heads into the thick hide of the living tree. Xera watched entranced as the war raged on and her body rapidly healed her slight cuts on her legs and between her toes and the ruptured blood vessels behind her breasts that her jogging sprint had caused. In seconds her advance Aphrodite healing had returned her to a pristine unearthly long lanky beauty even as she frowned at the snake and tree battle and plucked grass stalks from her toes.



The snakes gave up pounding on the tree and slipped rapidly away into the grass and the tree continued on its lumbering path down to where from her new elevated vantage point she could make out the grove of distant trees were in fact moving trees gathered around a large waterhole. “The intertwined snakes must have crashed into that moving tree while I was fleeing. And it looks like the snake promptly forgot all about me during the fight. Lucky me.” Xera scurried up with leaps and bounds onto the highest of the large round boulders and stood surveying her surroundings. There as if revealed by magic was a large city of blue stone with a large pale stone wall surrounding it! The city was set in a low ambling depression between two large humped hills and had been hidden from her view by both its distance, the depression, and these large boulders from her initial view upon the stone dials when she had first arrived.



Xera sucked on her lower lip in thought as she eyed the distant city and the plain of grass with its moving trees and swirling windless grass that lay between her and it. “Well I can’t stay here. There is no telling when the bracelet will teleport me back to my time and place. IF it will teleport me as I have never been on an alien world before. I could starve or die of thirst here before it decides to send me back. And that looks like a city. I mean I can make out a wall and towers and it has three gates I can see. The things that live in it must be humanoid to build such a humane like dwelling. And it can’t be that far? Or I could not make out so many details. Hard to judge distance with nothing but grass and trees that move around. Hmmm no road leading up to the gates. That’s odd.” Xera slipped down off the high backed boulders and began to leg it in the direction of the stone walled city that disappeared from sight the moment she dropped down off the boulders.

It was nightfall before Xera found herself before the triple gates of the city, but with two moons shining above it was far from dark. The gates were made set side by side each other. The tallest and largest in the center with each smaller gate flanking it. There was no road or path leading up to the gate in fact the grass grew directly up to each green wood gate unabridged showing no sign of anyone or thing using the gate with any kind of regularity. Xera studied the wood of the gates and shuddered as she realized it must have been harvested from the living trees as the wood had a distinct green hue and rubbery texture and had veins and arteries and small harts instead of knots all sliced and bisected running through its quarter and planed surfaces.




Xera eyed the closed gates set deep in the pale stone wall. The wall was only a few yards taller than she was and the largest gate was only a few feet taller than she. It did not seem an overly impressive structure. “Perhaps it is only meant to keep out the snakes and living trees?” She pondered with hands on her lush full hips. “But the trees were taller than the walls and the snakes could surely climb up its rough surface with ease?” The young teen shook her head and with the chill of the night upon her and the grass slithering around her she rapidly approached the nearest wall and ignoring the handle-less and apparently seamless gates began to climb up the large coarse stone wall where its pitted surface and crumbling mortal lent her several finger and toe holds so that her ascent took little time at all and she soon found herself pulling her lithe thin long body over the lip of the wall and sitting upon its broad top. The wall had not been made with any kind of buttress or walkway at its top and she could make out no steps leading from the inside up to it. “It was not designed to be manned in defense. How odd?”



But then Xera quickly saw why. There were no streets no buildings no courtyards no shops. Only a large expanse of an uneven layer of stone with occasional towers and squat buildings scattered here and there. She dropped down only a few feet upon the inner stone surface. It took herself a few seconds to reason it all out. “It’s all encased?! The whole city is enclosed under a stone roof?!” She walked about the irregular and round flagging of the roof which rolled and rose and sagged as much as the hills she had spent the better part of the day crossing. The few buildings were without portals except for their tops which were lined with open niches each crevasse being the width of her hand. The scattered towers were like wise too high to climb being finished in smooth stone facings and had no openings save small arrow slits around their flag stone cone roofs.



Xera quickly realized there was no way into the city?! “It would seem one has to enter and apparently exit via one of those three gates in the outer wall. None of these buildings apparently were intended to be used for access, in fact I am guessing they are designed to allow air and perhaps cooking fire smoke to exit the sealed cit?” But Xera saw no such smoke and could smell nothing suggesting cooking or burning from the roof of the stone sealed city.



Xera frustrated and hungry and tired began to look around her for some kind of makeshift shelter to sleep out the increasingly chilly night having given up on finding any kind of entrance into the pale walled blue roofed city when suddenly she nearly stumbled into a pit! It wasn’t a pit proper, it was a collapsed section of the roof. A subsidence of the blue stone where the roof and half a stout building of palm thick open slats had fallen in upon themselves. The hole or pit was sealed up by the collapsing rubble of the leaning building but by climbing up a little of the slanting pile of stone Xera could enter the remains of the standing building.



This she did and despite the inky darkness could readily make out that the inside of the building was in fact nothing more than a large open chimney like shaft that plunged straight down into the murky depths of the sunken city. She felt no desire to try a tricky climb down what was a shaft of pitch darkness on an alien world and was making her way back along the pile of rubble and back out onto the blue stone roof when suddenly the jagged stones under her feet gave way and began to rapidly slide back to the shaft opening of the inner building taking her with it! Xera did some wild arm swinging propeller motions and then was plunging backwards and downwards helplessly out of control until she smacked hard upon the semi-desiccated coils of a giant dead serpent. She knew it was a dead serpent because here at the bottom of the well there was several scones of weak blue light of glowing gems that illuminated the grisly sight. Xera slid fell off the putrid flesh that had saved her life and groaned and made a face against its ghastly smell. Far above her sunk in deep blackness a blue irregular patch of moonlight marked the impossible to reach breach in the building roof she had just fallen though. “There’s no way going back the way I’ve come.” Grim faced Xera moved away from the rotting snake carcass and felt her way along the walls of the small circular room she was in; the chamber was fashioned of irregularly sized stones dimly light by three scones filled with small pale white stones that gave off a weak bluish light. There were also three openings in the wall. Two were sealed firmly shut by gates of metallic web-like bars set as a door and locked. The third was also set with a gate of metal bars set as a door but it was wrenched open by obvious force and could not be closed  as its rented bent bars had been forced into the stone work of the floor and walls.



All three hallways immediately beyond the three doors were black as pitch. Xera worked a palm sized blue stone out of one of the wall scones and holding it shimmering in front of her begin to inch down the passageway of the burst open door. She noted the metal of the door was very thin and intercity made. It appeared almost like woven thread made into fabric thin bars rather than ore based metal slats but it was hard as metal and shinny as metal and with enough force it had pierced stone walls and floor readily enough. “If the creatures who built this city are still alive and their weapons are crafted out of the same substance as their doors than I am in a lot of trouble here unless they have penises and can be effected by my Aphrodite gene pheromones!”



“That door gate had been broken IN from the shaft into this hallway. Something incredibly strong rammed its way into here. Considering the smelly old snake carcass back there it may be a good guess that a second snake survived the fall or climb into here and has sometime ago made its way into this city. I need to find some kind of weapons fast and some clothes and food and water and a better light! OWE!” Xera rubbed her forehead where it had knocked its self against one of the stone lintels of the stone passageways low ceiling. “Either the things that made this place are short or this is just some air duct. I keep bumping my head!”



Xera was five two back in her time and Earth with a lithe frame and protruding double DD cup breasts, but upon the bracelets teleport into the past she always came out of her dazed orgasm in a new six two body with double JJ cups and a new fuller bubble butt attached to her narrow built stretched frame. Her Aphrodite powers were equally increased with her taller bustier frame but those heightened powers would diminish if she took off her bracelet; her only way back home. Back in her time if she removed the bracelet she would steadily lose control of her sexual lusts and become a wanton nymphomaniac. She dared not take off the bracelet for more than an hour or two at a time. But as long as she wore it it could randomly teleport her with only the warning of the mind melting orgasm building that triggered the teleport at any time. When she teleported she always arrived just seconds after she had left no matter how long a time she had spent in the other world or time. When ever she teleported any clothing or item other than the bracelet was destroyed and lost; so when she was back in her time and felt the giddy rush of the building orgasm of the bracelet teleport she would race to find a secluded place and strip off all her clothes because just a few seconds after she vanished she would return with another mind melting orgasm and would need her clothes and glasses or else have to wander around naked trying to get back to her apartment. When she teleported to the past world of the Shroud it was always to a different circle of stone, but it was always just seconds after she had left that same time/world from somewhere else. The bracelet seemed to teleport her randomly but this was the first time it had ever sent her to a world other than Earth! She wondered where and when she was?! And if it would work as it normally did and send her in a random moment back to her time and world?!




Xera was a little worried; not only because she was naked and alone and defensless walking though a dark passage under an alien world with no idea what lay ahead of her and nothing to defend herself with but because this last teleport had occurred during her time and place while she was swimming in the public pool! There was no way she could swim all the way to the edge of the pool, climb out of it, make her way up the stairs to the rest rooms, and remove her bathing suit. Instead feeling the rushing orgasm coming over her and not knowing what to do she had simply treaded water with eyes wide and mouth agasp. There was no way to stop the bracelet once it started a teleport. You could remove it after or before a teleport started but never once it started. She had orgasmed and teleported right in the middle of a crowded swimming pool and when she eventually teleported back she would be back there only seconds latter again undergoing a mind blowing orgasm and utterly naked as her suit had been destroyed in the teleport.



“So IF I survive this world; you know not get eaten by a snake the size of a grader ditch culvert or trampled by a living tree or starve to death in an alien world where everything might be poisonous or step off into an abyss here, THEN when my bracelet decides to randomly teleport me back to my time and Earth I will find myself cumming like a freight train in a swimming pool full of strangers and buck fucking naked with my clothes in a locked basket hundreds of yards away that I have to ask the attendant to get for me?! Oh yeah, fucking great! I love my life!”



Xera muttered as she negotiated the narrow tunnel passageway that was noticeably descending at a steady angle. It ended abruptly at another wrenched open metallic door gate. At this door gate there was several bodies. The bodies were short squat but decidedly humanoid. Well they had arms and legs and torsos but it was hard to tell exactly how human they were as they were all encased in thick heavy armor. In their cold dead hands they held long pole axes and heavy shields and spears.



“Guards,” Xera whispered as she stepped around the cadavers. “They must have heard the thing bashing its way in and rushed to stop it.” There was no sign of a giant snake anywhere nor anyone else in the immediate area. The narrow opening emptied into a raised walkway. The walkway was built upon the wall and ended at both ends by entering gated passageways. The gates looked intact and closed. The walkway had no railing and looking over its side it appeared to drop about fifteen feet to a solid looking floor which housed a well like structure and several more openings that she could not tell if they were gated or not due to the feebleness of her light.


Everything was made of stone blocks and she could not make out the far wall of the rectangular looking chamber. “Well if it was a snake it didn’t eat any of these guards but then they are encased in metal armor. Odd how an alien world would have the same low level technology as the middle ages of Earth? Axes, stone arches, even the snakes though giant aren’t that different, well walking trees that’s a bit much.” She began to scavenge the dead guards. It seemed the dead were always little more than shop window mannequins to her these days. She selected a large axe that she would have scarcely been able to pick up let alone wield in her normal body back on Earth in her time period but after the teleport transportation in her amped up Aphrodite gene body she could heft it one handed. No belt orbs or any signs of torches; she left the shields so she could still clutch her ebbing light source stone. The room was partially lit by more such stones dotting the walls of the room bellow her in wire baskets but none seemed anymore bright than the once she currently clutched. None of the armor would of course come close to fitting her and she was rather against trying as the bodies of the small four foot men seemed covered in thick red hair and the bodies seemed leathery and smelled horribly like long dead mummified mice stumbled over in the attic. She hesitated to remove the helmets and was not pleased when she did so. The faces were of course disfigured by death but they appeared wide and squat and heavily wrinkled with huge nostrils that were almost open holes in its face under wide white blind looking eyes that sat almost fish like near the sides of its ridged head. If you could take the face of an orangutan and a carp and somehow jumble them together that is what they looked like to her. Sort of very hairy fishmen.



“Well, they have been dead for some time. I think? Hard to guess what the decomposition rate is for alien species on an alien world but if this was Earth I would say they have been dead several weeks.” Xera eyed the axe in her hand the handle was curved almost into a semi-circle and felt a little awkward. She glanced at the hands of some of the bodies at her feet; webbed. “Well its not much of a haul from three dead bodies and I have never placed much faith in a weapon taken from a man who died wielding it! But I think that is all I am going to get from these.”



Xera moved away from the rotted fish stench of the three dead guards. She could just make out a fourth guard corpse on the floor below her it seemed to be lying next to some shattered crates. “Might prove to house something useful?” the young teen lowered herself over the ledge and let herself drop. She landed with a light thud upon the stone floor and quickly crouched with her back against the wall ready for anything that might rush her out of the darkness. Nothing moved. Nothing stirred. Only a dull edged silence greeted her scowling warrior face. She dropped the face and shrugged and started poking around the fourth dead guard and the shattered crates he lay amidst.



The fourth body must have held some kind of rank for he wore a sash of heavily brocaded cloth. Xera appropriated this and quickly fashioned a sort of wrapped around belt sash with the left over lip of the garment hanging down over her crotch. It was night club hooker wear at best but it was at least one step removed from walking around shoving her naked snatch in everyone’s faces. Well if there was anyone left alive down here?! These little guys didn’t look like they would make much of a meal for a big ass snake.



“Though the snake obviously did not have much of a taste for hairy red fishmen in tin cans. Or else it was too busy fighting other guards or fleeing them to linger and digest a meal?” Xera wandered about the small stone room which was ringed with gated portals all closed. But there was that well in the center of the room and she could make out shattered pottery and what could be another guard corpse beyond one gated archway. “Maybe they shut the gates to keep anything else from using that busted open tunnel getting in but not before the snake made its way out?”



Xera looked back up where she knew the shattered gate lay and the bodies of three guards but could not see them because of the angle and pondered why they had not come back and repaired the gate or barricaded it?



The young teen returned to the forth dead guard lying upon the floor and once again poked and prodded amongst the broken crates and pottery shards. It was during this more diligent search that she discovered the small copper globe. She had hoped it was a belt light but could tell in an instant as she stood and held it to her light gem that it had no such function. She had ever seen the like before. In the milky white illumination it appeared to be little more than a large egg made entirely out of delicate wound metal strands fashioned in odd designs. “I have seen something like this before…” the young teen walked up to nearest web door. All the lower passages seemed blocked by these metal strand doors except for the well in the center of the room which was no more than a black gapping hole set in the flagging covered earth. “The manner of the work is the same.”


Xera held the large egg in her had and pushed it roughly in the direction of the hole in the center of the web door. “I wonder,” the egg squirmed in her had as if she were trying to push to identical polar magnates together. She could feel the invisible resistance against the eggs approach and began turning it this way and that. “All the web doors have a hole in their center. Perhaps this is some kind of key?” suddenly the hallow egg shook and before her astonished eyes the entire webbing of the door sucked its self into the egg in an instant!


“Wow!” Xera held the egg up to her face the wound lines inside it where thicker but it was still mostly hollow she held out her arm and twisted the egg about and suddenly it shook and the webbing erupted filling the passageway with an indestructible web door again. She continued to practice retracting and placing the door until she had figured out the fingering and movement of the egg so she could place or remove the door with rapid ease. She went about the room collecting up four doors and still the egg was not full before returning to the largest passageway where the body lay shortly down it and removed that web door. “Amazing! A key that actually carries the door along with it?!”



It was a bit awkward carrying a gem light in her left hand and axe in her right and the web door key in her left hand as well. Upon the fifth red hairy fish man body she found a very useful sash belt that ran over the shoulder and had pouches set in it. Xera quickly modified the bandoleer to fit around her narrow waist and cobbled the front pouch to hold her door key and several quickly fashioned thongs cut from the dead creatures armor to create a crude but sturdy net to hold her light gem dangling there; both held to her sash and still exposed enough to offer her good light. Thus Xera stood up and now wielding her large axe with both hands defensively across the front of her body she followed the larger passage that lead steadily upwards hopping it would lead out of the dim murky stone maze she found herself slinking through.



It proved less of a maze than she had first thought as the passage she followed further widened into an underground boulevard  complete with arched side streets and sudden wide courtyards with many levels of balconies above her and more wells and more side passages blocked off with web doorways; but always the main road she followed lead on  more or less straight and with slight short jaunts that angled upwards. Until soon she became confident that the high ceiling of stone above her was the stone capped roof of the city and not the floor of yet another higher level for the road she followed stopped angling up and ran progressively straighter for longer sections. “This must be one of the main thoroughfares of this strange city and yet I see no signs of life? Surely one snake could not devour and entire city?!”



The murky silence of the place was getting on her sleepless and hungry nerves. “I must find food and shelter to rest! I could begin trying one of these side streets or one or two of these many archways they must after all surely be individual dwellings but if so where are all the habitants?” Xera hefted her large battle axe and frowned she did not like the idea of leaving the main passage she had stumbled upon as she was certain it must eventually lead to a way out. But her stomach was beginning to grumble and her legs and arms felt heavy and a feeling of weakness that only sleep can dispel was fast coming across her weary body.



Then suddenly the wide high beamed cobblestone road she was following spilled into an enormous square. She could make out in the dim light of wall and floor mosaics made of various shades and colors of glowing luminous stones in swirling grand geometric designs the distant passage of identical roads like the one she had been following to her right and left disappearing down corridors of heavy shadow and directly in front of her past the step raised enormous fountain a pair of heavy doors!



“Surely that is the gate I saw when I first approached this strange city!” The overly busty thin girl set caution aside and hurried across the courtyard toward the large raised fountain and the gate beyond it. She soon discovered how truly vast the courtyard was and lessened her panting pace back down to a walk realizing it was still some distance to the fountain let alone the gate doors and slowed to marvel at the sure grandeur of the vast courtyard. not only were the luminescent tiles of vivid patterns and skill but the whole courtyard was littered with canvas stalls and laden wagons and massive piles of crates. “This was obviously a bustling market at one time but now its just rotted shambles… what happened to this place? Where is everyone? It’s as if everyone just vanished in an instance right in the middle of their day to day activities or else just dropped everything and fled.” Xera leaned toward the latter view as everything seemed smashed and ruined by unimaginable methodic mindless violence. “I doubt any serpent could have done this? And everything is so weathered and worn as if all of this happened ages ago. And yet with everything enclosed what could have acted such weathering upon this wood this stone this fabric? It all looks bleached and desiccated to the point of collapse?”


The young teen made her way up to the fountain finally and saw it was no longer working. “Nothing works here anymore,” she grimly noted with thirst tightening her throat. The fountain was and elaborate pile of stone and statues and carvings depicting what she could not quiet say but there was something sinister about the ruins and many of the statues had a menacing haunting look about them. There were doorways set in the pyramid of steps leading up to the base of the raised fountain but Xera did not like the look of the thing and gave its shadowy leering a wide berth; skirting around its lowest steps and moving on toward the great gates.



Xera had little hope of opening the gates remembering their appearance from the outside and how they had looked almost sunken into the earth and stone supports by time, but she hefted her double bitted great axe and thought she might bash her way through or failing that perhaps find a small postern door or trade entrance/exit that had been obscured from the outside and might be more readily found from the inside.


It was thus with her young quick mind full of thoughts of escape so near after her straining ordeal in the darkness and her nerves on constant edge that her eye caught in its peripheral the sudden and strange glimmer of the yellow orange glow of light that only came from the burring of wood or pitch or tar or oil and of which she was most familiar with rather than the dim murky milky light of the gems stones she had found used her in this odd prison like city.



The light and yes now the odder of burring wood was coming from a partially open door several flights of steps up the broad staircases leading up to the base of the fountain. Curious and cautious the girl stopped and turned toward the flicking glow of warm light. The first signs or hints of life in this deserted dead grave of a city. She hesitated and cast a look over her shoulder back at the large distant gates. The gates were still several hundred yards away and she marveled how much larger they looked from inside the city than they had looked from the outside and then she suddenly wondered if they were indeed the same gates at all?! She turned to look back at the fountain she now faced. She had traversed a third of the way of its great length and the flicking light of the partially opened door was about a third of the way up the dais of stone steps leading up to the fountains base. Xera made a grim face and set forward towards the golden glow as one staunchly marching to the gallows.



The steps were surprisingly steep and doorways of metal had been set almost haphazardly sunk into the surface of the steps at irregular intervals. The one she now slide up to was half wrenched off its hinges. It was a thick slab of metal finely etched and covered in relief designs of which she could not make out the images or figures but for all its fine craftsmanship it was a door designed to withstand a siege. And the fact that something had busted from the inside with sufficient force to bend the upper part of the metal door back like a pealed banana was enough to cause the girl to shoot glances all about her and mutter to herself before inching up to the opening and peering inside.



All she could see was the smooth polished marble walls of a staircase that turned abruptly at a right angle to her left and seemingly proceeded downwards. The base of the fountain was obviously hallow she had guessed that when she had noted the doorways set in its steps. She thought of all the various monuments she had seen on class trips and how they were often made to outlast time its self and were often hallow with some having gift shops or stairs inside leading up or down to some spectacular view or slabs of carved inspiration. Still she had never felt a such a sense of unease mixed with wonder as she did now. There seemed something ‘unnatural’ about the proportions and shapes of the fountain that she could not quiet put her finger on. Something dangerous about the minds that had conceived and built the thing. She had not felt that about any of the structures she had passed in reaching this place. In fact the greatest feeling she had one of sorrow and foreboding melancholy. The place had impressed upon her the feeling of a prison rather than a city and all the dank horrors of crippled loss that contained.



But this thing was different. This was a monument to some twisted dark glory a thing of vicious pride and she couldn’t believe as she pulled her head back from the stunted view that she was about to do what she was about to do. The teen put her axe on the edge of the bent down door and yanked. No good. The door was as thick as side of her hand and a solid cast piece of metal that she was certain that even with her enhanced strength she would never be able to left let alone bend further out of her way. Still there was just enough room in the bent down corner of the door for her to slip through. It would be awkward and she would be vulnerable and it would take a little time but she could just manage it/



Xera paused and collected herself on the inner side of the door. “It’s moments like that, that reminds a girl how really big and huge her tits really are! That was a tight squeeze! I hope I don’t need to leave this place in a hurry!” The golden lit staircase of burnished metal and polished marble lead straight down for only a short distance. The narrow staircase immediately debouched into a large circular chamber that seemed composed entirely of metal grates and support pillars and she could see in an instant that through the grated floor were several more such circular rooms like the layers of a cake stacked upon one another making a steady descent of a column of rooms connected by various opposite end placed metal staircases. Directly above her she could see another wire mesh metal grate floor and several large pieces of machinery and large metal pipes that she deduced must be the mechanics that ran the fountain back when it worked. She could make out only a little though as the floors and thus ceilings of each circular room was too dense with the metal webbing of their construct to allow one to see more than large shadowy shapes through their porous mass.



The light came from a very large brazier that seemed entirely out of place in the room which filled with coals burned wickedly in foul geysers of sudden shuddering heat. Even from the steps that ran along the wall and were set in the supporting stone wall of the large well faced in marble she could feel the radiant furnace blast of the thing and marveled at the inappropriate amount of heat its wide shallow bowl was putting out. The dish was of cold black metal etched with glyphs and runes and about twelve feet across in circumference but only about four feet deep at its concave center. It sat upon several dozen short sturdy legs which were cast in the shape of reptile limbs and ended in splayed claws and was just about mid-thigh height to the girl at its glowing lip.



The light source with its bellows of heat dominated the room and her attention as she cautiously left the slightly spiral staircase and its reassuring marble faced wall from which it emerged and made her way into the chamber its self. The next stair case also set into the stone wall was directly opposite of her and she could just make out where it emptied into the floor below her through the narrow openings of the grated floor. There appeared to be no way ‘up’ to the above floor and she reasoned that you had to walk up further on the outer steps and find a door that lead directly to it in order to access it. She also puzzled that the room of the circular chamber was by no means large enough to fill the entire base of the fountain and surmised that different doors on the outer stairs lead to different inner chambers of columns of descending rooms. Though there was no way to prove this other than going around trying to force her way or figure out how to unlock each outer door and see. Something she had no real desire to do and doubted she would be able to accomplish considering the sturdy construction of the doors.



As the young girl cautiously moved about the chamber, her head on a swivel, her bright gleaming gray eyes flashing in the black inky dark of the metal bird cage with its bright flashing highlights of orange and red and white and yellow she pondered how much time and effort and treasure it had taken to build such a structure and why? “It must have been a slave based society,” she muttered. “For only the slave based societies can muster such laborious works at what must have been the grueling cost of countless lives wasted in perpetual thankless labor.”



It was then in her slow circumference of the room that she suddenly saw the man. Or man-thing. For there upon one of the central support pillars of metal that intersected and webbed with dozens of others was a humanoid male chained to its surface with his arms raised above him and his legs secured bellow. He was unconscious if not dead. And was covered in the same read hair as the corpses she had seen when she had first entered the stone tomb city. But this one had none of those reptilian fish features to his face and body. He looked like a lion turned into a half man or a man turned into a half lion. His body was excessively hairy but not covered in fur and most of the hair was confined to his great mane of red hair and his beard and his chest and shoulders. His face was rugged yet handsome and his naked body well proportioned with an enormous flaccid penis that was even more well proportioned to the ever horny young teens mind though others might have thought it to be ridiculously large as it was very wide at its base and tapered only slightly to a narrow head the size of an ostrich egg dangling just bellow the knees. The legs were human in design and none of the dog like hind legs one might suspect and the male creature seemed to radiate a noble power from its helpless body despite being unconscious and obviously having been subjected to some deprivation if not torture by his imprisoned state in such a terrible place.



Xera approached the lone figure thrust up in chains and noted as she did so that his bindings had no locks or chains for that matter; they were in fact a web of bindings simply snaring his wrists and lower shins to the supporting column. With a frown Xera removed her small mesh egg and made several attempts to remove the bindings. Just as she was about to abandoned that line of action the egg vibrated and sucked up the webbing letting the naked lion man fall heavily upon her knocking both of them to the ground.



Xera lay there a bit startled on her back with the lion man in a decisively missionary sex position on top of her. The fact that during her attempts to free the muscular lean man-beast she had somewhat inadvertently aroused his ardor with her powerful Aphrodite gene aphrodisiac sex pheromones and her constant brushing and bumping of her body against his meant that she now lay there with an excessively large erect penis pressed against her clit and mound! What is a young girl to do?!



Xera hesitated to push the lion man off her body as that just seemed rude and the current position was far from uncomfortable and the incessant throbbing of the erection pressed between her legs was already setting her whole body on fire in the most pleasant of ways. Still they had not been formerly introduced and Xera was trying very hard to hold herself to a comportment of conduct more in keeping with a respectable visitor in someone’s house rather than a drunkard crashing a party of late in these teleportation’s. She cleared her throat, “uhm, excuse me lion man sir? Ah, my name is Xera and oh my that is really a wonderful bit of manhood you have there! Eckhem! I mean that is oh my is your pelvis starting to shudder now?! I have heard of waking a sleeping beauty with a kiss but  - oh fuck it!” Xera wiggled her hands down upon the enormous shaft and in just a few moments she had guided the cock head into her with a wet gasping sigh of deep pleasure. Though still unconscious the lion man quickly began to pump his lower body and Xera wrapped her legs around his lower waist and greeted each subconscious twitching thrust with several grinding corkscrewing piston pumping fury of her own! Soon his lagged pace proved too frustrating and rolling them bodily over so that she was now on top she un-reigned her passion and began to pound his massive meat pole and pleasure herself with groaning moaning gasping giggling hammering speed.



This manic pounding on her part only abated when the lion man issued forth a great roar and his cock erupted into her womb and the somewhat disappointed girl let his spent shriveling member flop out of her as she lay upon him smiling. “You’re just a big fluffy teddy bear; aren’t you! A little quick on the trigger though. I mean I think I only got half a dozen orgasm in there before you blew your wad?! AND you went instantly limp! Not even some chubby rubby stimulation to let me come down. But I guess you might be a little worse for the wear after your ordeal.” She stopped prattling as soon as she saw the lion man blink and start to come around and slipped off him on to the ground next to him watching him carefully with axe in one hand as he dazedly pulled himself together/



“Wha-what happened?” The lion man rolled up into a groggy seated position.



Xera wondered is she should feign fear and act as if he had just raped her instead of the actual other way around it had been but decided to play it by ear first. “I am Xera and I just rescued you. I am a stranger in these lands can you perhaps tell me anything that might help me in my journey?”



The lion man was grabbing his hairy head and shaking it but seemed oblivious to his cum covered cock and her dripping snatch so Xera quickly got to her knees setting her axe handle butt upon the ground and holding it firmly. “You were unconscious fastened to that post and I freed you. I hope you won’t make us both regret that!”



“Wha? No I mean, thank you for rescuing me. I am Bolder of the Lion men of Tarn and you have my gratitude.” The lion man seemed still dazed and eyed her and her axe warily.



“This world is called Tarn then? And this strange city? What is it called? And how is it you came to be a prisoner here? Who did this to you?” Xera kept her thighs clamped together to hide the musty spunk that leaked steadily out of her. She knew men were so unused to aggressive women that if they were not reassured after the event they would quickly think it an impossible dream and not a real occurrence at all. Xera decided to encourage this and pretended that she had not just raped this handsome young lion man and ignore his deflated though still imposing cum covered cock. ‘If he suggests it I will tell him I am allergic to cats!’ the young girl quickly reassured herself.



“Tarn? No that is the tribe. This is Earth! Like there is any other world?!” Xera felt her eyes widened before she could forcibly narrow them back down into her poker face. The bracelet was infallible in its translations. It always selected the most perfect of words and ideas. It was saying ‘Earth’ as in her own home world than this lion man in whatever guttural growl language he was speaking meant Earth for the bracelet did not only translate words it revealed ideas and notions.



“But it has two moons?!” Xera blurted out.



“Ah yes. Well it didn’t always of course. Those things that are attacking everyone showed up the same time that smaller second moon did. I think they came on it. Though I am not sure how they then traveled through the air to here. The drop would surely have killed them! And I wish it had! For they are the ones who attacked our pride out on the plains and dragged us back here to this accursed dead place.”



“Is this their city then?” Xera was having a hard time keeping her eyes off the lion man’s cock as she wondered vaguely what the recovery rate was for the virility of a lion man.



“No this used to be the city of the Gelphs. A race of lizard men who held here the most vile and evil of other races criminals. The wardens of the lands. They had great serpents who could swallow a man and hold him alive for centuries. I guess they were alright; I suppose, if you could stomach the scent. They seem to have been wiped out by the nameless ones. Those shambling horrors who are attacking everything. And who put me up here as you found me.”



“I saw some, er, well sort of fish lion men earlier. All dead.” Xera wondered what he would do; other than tank her of course! If she were to simply lean down and slip that hefty meat pipe of his into her wet warm eager mouth and start hungrily sucking it?

“Humph! The nameless ones don’t kill unless forced to instead they capture their victims alive. What you saw was a mutation of my pride and Gelphs. It seems they can control the mutations they can derive from mixing races together. Those creatures are kept busy as errand boys for the nameless ones. I am extremely grateful you found me and freed me before they could do such things to me. It must not have been easy killing the guard.”



“These nameless ones who rode a moon to this planet what do they look like?”



“Like large thin bones bent this way and that with many eye stalks full of hate and malice. They have a secret weapon no one can fight against that they unleash upon occasion. Though I think they are a little afraid of it themselves! They-”



“Wait! What guard?! You were alone when I found you?”



“Alone? No the fire worm - you mean you did not kill it?!”



The lion man turned his head and upper body in an instant and Xera who was a little surprised to find she had lowered her body and had her face only a few inches from the lion man’s cock saw in the sudden open space created by the movement of the lion man’s upper body a large red glowing long necked salamander its wedged furious head waving back and forth as its small stubby arms clung to the side of the brazier!



Xera realized with sudden horror that the bright golden flickering light had not  been caused by the burning of oils or wood or coals but by this slumbering beast now awoken in its large bed and angrily staring at them. Its skin was red but the fire burned within it so its eyes glowed white yellow as did its suddenly wide toothless mouth that gapped. Xera noted that while being a lion man might have some advantages in say a climate of ice and snow and deep bone numbing cold it had little to no advantage when spit upon by liquid flame.. The lion man went up in a combusting instantaneous  ball of flame and the sound he made was something like the snapping of a tall forest pine drowned out by the roar of brilliant popping fire. He fell into a cinder heap and died before Xera had even noted fully the immediate danger. She did however roll away from the flaming husk and right up into the blast furnace face of the heat wave shimmering salamander. It looked at her with its glowing lidless eyes half in surprise and half in hate as it had not realized there had been another other than it’s charge the lion man in the room; and it seemed very confused when it found it could not open its mouth and spit flame at her because her axe had in a single blur of motion severed its head from its body and left it dead and smoldering in two distinct pieces in its metal  bed.



Xera felt a little bad about the death of the lion man as he had been such a promising fuck but reminded herself of his quick selfish ejaculation and she had forgotten him by the time she made her way down the next spiral stair case to the level below. The dying of the salamander had greatly reduced both its heat and its light and in that lessening of illumination Xera had caught a milky dull glow radiating up from the floor below and she decided to check on it before leaving the base of the fountain and returning on her interrupted sojourn to the heavy gates.



When she saw the source of the milky white light her mouth fell open and she stood in shock and horror and wonder for there in a large glass globe swirled what was unmistakably the Shroud!



“They have a secret weapon none can fight against” the words of Bold came back to her as she stared at the sealed up serpentine fog that like a living thing rammed its self against its glass containment at her approach. It was a thing of evil and it wanted nothing more than be free and attack her. She watched it swirl and press its formless fog mass this way and that in the large ovoid hallow glass sphere and she pondered as she reflexively crouched behind her axe this things hideous presence here yet unleashed upon the world in a masterless state as she had known it would end up being. Then suddenly she felt the begging of the teleportation orgasm and not wishing to be in this small chamber with the Shroud she dropped her axe and helped the mind melting orgasm on its way with rapid fingers as her rolling eyes remained glued to the enemy of man.


<the end>