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               Nametag : rook


               "Do you realize the power of nature that Kore Industries is?"
               The man in the silk suit shifted in his butternut leather
               swivel chair before the panorama of Delta City skyline and
               adjusted his tie with a pinkie ring hand.

               The man in the much less comfortable but no less expensive
               lower seated chair across the desk from the man in the swivel
               chair began tallying things up in his mind; 'suit, tie,
               chair, desk, view,' he stopped when the sum was greater than
               the cost of his house. Which left most of the items in the
               office off the random list.

               "Look John," the man in the silk tie muttered. "Adam Smith
               was a dumb ass. The free market has never worked and never
               will. Greed dose not self correct even at the threshold of
               genocide. He believed you did not need regulation because
               first he never thought the world governments would be dumb
               enough to let merchants get more powerful then them. But by
               the time you see the merchants in your review mirror they
               have exponentially flown past you and now you are working for
               them. Second, he thought the customers could regulate
               business by simply going somewhere else. But when everyone is
               invested in everyone then no mater where you go there I am.
               And third, he believed that business leaders would need a
               life time to earn enough money to be filthy rich and thus be
               'caretakers' for their businesses and their customers. But
               now it only takes five years or so and you can buy up most of
               the world. Yeah, guy was a dumb ass, and sooner or later the
               people are going to realize that."

               The man stopped fidgeting with his tie, worth a down payment
               on a car, and glanced out over the sprawling view of downtown
               Delta City. "John, Kore Industries currently owns twenty-six
               percent of all of the worlds manufacturing. That is the
               WORLD, John. The entire world. In one form or another we own
               twenty six percent of all industries that make products for
               use or sale and by the end of the next decade it will be
               thirty-four percent."

               "But we are fighting the clock here John. Sooner or latter
               the people of this planet are going to wake up and realize
               that their survival is going to rely entirely upon regulation
               of all commerce and production and trade. Resources after all
               are finite. They are going to realize that there has to be a
               sever separation of big business and government and church at
               all levels. They are going to realize that you can not let
               non-living entities like a company have the same legal rights
               as a living individual. Using the same courts etc.
               And when that day comes the age of acquisitions will come
               disastrously to a close. They will know their enemy and come
               for us with all they can muster."

               "So our threshold is short. We need to get this Beijing
               purchase a done deal. And that means more venture capital
               raised. I am sending you to..." the man in the swivel chair
               picked up his glasses off the desk and glanced through them
               at a paper before tossing them back down. "Some
               unpronounceable backwater. Alice will have your tickets and a
               flash drive with the file. I sent David and Tark three days
               ago and they have failed to check in-"

               "You sent Tark?" John leaned forward out of his chair almost
               hitting his chin on the edge of the desk.

               The man in the raised swivel chair raised his eyes without
               raising his head. "It is vital that we get this property
               secured so we can begin the liquidation of its assets. It may
               be just one lone watch making factory on the outskirts of
               nowhere but the Klok watchmaker family business was once the
               world's largest for generations. They are still the
               watchmaker for kings and queens of the worlds royalty.
               Needless to say they have gone from hundreds of factories
               around the world in the 1920's to just this last lone
               obscurity. I don't give a damn about antiquated watches but
               the Klok portfolio is worth raw millions. I buy that little
               hamlet of useless junk and I get a dust covered portfolio
               that has not only considerable assets but stock leverage in
               our principle target in China! I want that factory, John. And
               I am going to get it!"

               "Yes Mister Kore."

               As the Klok clock and wrist watch making empire slowly
               receded the Klok family factories fell back upon themselves
               until only one remained. Oddly as the fortunes ebbed so did
               the bloodline of the Klok family. By the time they had
               reached their last production factory they had also reached
               their last surviving family member.

               But oddly thought the family had German roots and had spread
               out from that country in their empire; when it collapsed it
               did so not back to the father land but came to an abrupt stop
               in a small village in Africa.

               Most of the people living in the small village worked at the
               Klok watch and clock making factory. While the village looked
               a bit weathered and worn and rag tag as did the outside of
               the Klok factory the inside of the factory was full of very
               clean well kept machinery and the villagers were highly
               skilled craftsmen of generations in the making.

               The factory had been built in the late thirties and the
               village had been built by the factory to house its workers.
               Both the factory and the village had survived the world war
               and since then the world had gathered its self up and limped
               on leaving the place isolated as a small pocket of forgotten

               John's taxi dropped him off in the middle of a dusty yellow
               street that looked like Doris Day and Gregory Peck might come
               waltzing down in khaki Danny Kaye pleated pants and pearl
               necklace dress.

               There were even picket fences. But no hotel or police station
               or fire department. Only the looming lone cow barn looking
               factory set oddly in the center of a sprawl of suburban
               houses all grown up out of the veldt forty miles from the
               nearest city.

               There was a train station, of sorts. Non-passenger lugging
               raw materials to a platform set in the side of the factory.
               There were three water towers. Two obviously for factory use.
               There was a company store. A park. Benches. A baseball
               diamond. A soccer field. A small building that was either a
               church or school. 

               He had done a tour of the entire town and not taken a step
               from where the taxi had left him. The taxi could have been a
               time machine considering the ranch style clap board white
               houses; all the same in appearance and all looking like a cul
               de-sac out of 'Leave it to Beaver.'

               "No mail boxes," John muttered to himself under his breath as
               he squinted against the broiling African sun despite his
               sunglasses. He bent down and took up his two suit cases and
               briefcase in his hands and started walking to the factory.
               Then thought better of it and veered off into the open door
               of the company store.

               "We don't take outsider money here," the old woman behind the
               counter stated mater of fact. She was missing most of her
               teeth and was white. 

               'No dentist and doctor it looks like,' John thought to
               himself. "You don't take money here?!"

               "This here is a company store. It's credit only. Just for the
               workers at the plant." The woman eyed him severely and then
               looked past him no doubt looking for the turnip truck he had
               just fallen off of.

               "Well, I am here to discuss business with the factory. Can
               you tell me if you recently saw two men? Names David Lowly
               and Tark Means? Sort of-" 

               She cut him off before he could begin to describe the
               physical appearance of either man, "this here's a company
               store. It's company property. You're trespassing mister."

               The old woman reached under the counter and produced a small
               base ball bat. It had been drilled and filled with lead. It
               made a loud sharp 'tha-wack!' sound as she brought it down on
               the counter top.

               "Look I surely did not mean to get off on the wrong foot
               here. As I said I am here on business with the factory. Not
               selling anything. Just some contract paper work. Look maybe I
               had better just head on over to the factory right now." John
               picked back up his luggage where he had dropped them upon
               entering the store and backed his way out on to the yellow
               dusty street and scorching heat of the noon day sun and
               headed back again in the direction of the factory.

               "No air-conditioning in the shop but she had an electric fan
               slowly going. No air-conditioning on any of the houses. Noon,
               but don't see anyone heading out of the factory for lunch. No
               place to eat lunch except in one's home." John kept muttering
               his observations to himself as he made his way to the

               The last factory of the Klok empire of clock and wristwatch
               manufacturers was a very large and long building made out of
               a combination of sheet metal and cinder block. It looked very
               unimposing for such a large building. At least it looked
               clean and kept up. Though the grounds were weedy and littered
               with large rusted parts and piles of refuse and an endless
               array of oil barrels and metal cargo transport trailers and
               the crane to lift them seemed ancient the building its self
               was freshly painted and well maintained. 

               Still it was certainly not worth the amount mister Kore was
               about to shell out for it. Not by a long chalk. John hoped
               Kore was right about the stock holdings built up and left
               untouched during the rise and fall of this family business.

               There was a large chain link fence running around the
               perimeter of the factory. The spillage of junk from the
               grounds had long ago past the confines of the fence and now
               sat in piles in the street its self that ran along the
               factories face. Only the main gate was left free of rusted
               piles of metal or tarp covered pyramids. 

               The street was thus unusable in any direction except the
               immediate entry into the grounds of the factory. The heady
               smell of creosote soaked timbers right next to the main gate
               was overpowering and made his eyes water as he stopped before
               the chain link gate and paused.

               No movement from the little open guard house. In fact, no
               movent anywhere. He could make out the screech of metal being
               cut and ground on lath machines and the whumping turning of
               generators coming from inside the large factory building and
               now he could just make out open faced sheds built along the
               sides full of piles of raw materials and weeds.

               "Nothing here is up to code," John sighed. He looked past the
               empty guard house and saw a buck board wagon and harness for
               a draft horse. The axles were buried in weeds and the iron
               rimmed wheels had sank into the cinder littered earth. "Not
               surprised," he muttered to himself. "Not surprised one wit."

               There was no one to let him in or even to deny him access.
               The gate was heavily chained and padlocked. He could easily
               climb up one of the piles of items lying against the fence
               and gain access. But breaking and entering may not be a very
               good first impression to impose on the small populace. He
               looked back over his tired shoulders at the company store,
               "and they do seem a very easily offended lot."

               There was nothing for it; he turned away from the main gate
               and found a place to sit amongst the tarp covered piles and
               up wind from the acidic smelling timbers as he could get and
               still keep an eye on the gate.

               He smoked a cigarette and checked his watch; one of the cheap
               watches that had put Klok out of business and thought about
               that and took off the watch and slipped it into his jacket
               pocket which now hung off a bent pile of re-rod next to him. 

               There was no point in checking his cell phone. He had lost
               signal in the taxi just a few miles outside of the city. He
               began to wonder how he was going to get back to that city? If
               he failed to make any kind of decent impression on the good
               graces of the last member of the Klok family or a foreman or
               such then it was a very, very long walk across open savannah
               before he would reach a hotel in the city.

               "Is that what happened to David and Tark? Did they get kicked
               out of the village and vanish on the walk back to the city?
               Kicked in the head by some thugs? Maybe eaten by a lion? No,
               that would be silly. Pack of wild dogs though. That could
               happen out here." John broke out of his muse. The sun was low
               and it was getting late. He was tired and thirsty and hungry
               and his body was cramping up. 

               He got up and stretched and wondered what the time was. He
               took out his watch. It was nearing five p.m. The sounds of
               the factory machinery kept up its ceaseless muffled roar. 

               "No lunch. No one came out for lunch and the machines never
               stopped. No breaks.
               No union then." John looked at the brilliant dimming of the
               vast sky. "No union will make things much easier and faster."

               Nothing gummed up the works of parting up a factory and the
               destruction of thousands of lives as the presence of a union
               that gave legal voice to those lives. Bribing them was always
               so expensive and there was little time for intimidation.

               While he thought to himself, his eye kept catching on the
               nearest house. Finally he stretched once more and climbed
               over the white picket fence and made his way up to the side
               of the house. The windows were thick with yellow dust. He
               could not see in them. He walked around to the back of the
               house thus avoiding the possible prying eyes of the company
               store clerk who had a view down the main street and the
               factory gates and thus a view of the front of this house.

               The back door even had a small porch. The back yard had a
               metal pole with a tether ball attached to it. Trees were rare
               out here he saw no swing in any of the back yards. There was
               a teeter-totter. And a ball that looked like it had seen
               quiet a bit of weather.

               No sounds of children all day. Not playing not shouting not
               singing not anything. He tried the back door handle. At first
               he thought it was locked but then he realized it was stuck.
               The door swollen in the frame. He tugged and pushed and
               finally popped it half open before it froze stuck again in
               place. He peered inside. No sense in going in any further.
               The house was covered in dust. No one had been inside that
               place for a very long time.

               "Well no one would want to live next to a factory that makes
               noise and smells all the time," John muttered to himself but
               the uneasy feeling did not go away. He began to try all the
               back doors; stepping carefully over the white picket fences
               stained dung yellow by the veldt dust constantly blowing in
               the wind.

               No one. All deserted. He now began to brazenly try the front
               doors or any door to every house he saw. All of them showed
               no signs of occupation. Items, effects, clothes, even rotted
               food were left behind in some of them. But most were simply
               stripped bare. Not a single dropped button or scrap of paper
               left behind.

               The large buildings such as the school or church whatever it
               was were locked but he broke out a window and could see that
               the insides were no less deserted and unused than the houses.

               "It's a ghost town." John said as he surveyed the now
               suddenly ominous village. His eyes stopped on the only
               occupied building he had found. The company store. A small
               electric light went on in front of the shop.
               The lone naked bulb popping and singing as small gants began
               to instantly buzz about it.

               The night was settling fast and with it a sudden chill. John
               made his way back to his jacket and his luggage which he had
               left where he had been waiting near the main gate. He passed
               the company store where the old woman behind the counter
               glared at him with open dislike and hostility.

               "You have not moved a muscle since I first laid eyes upon
               you," John whispered to himself as he passed beyond her gaze
               and picked up his belongings. He quickly tossed the bags over
               the fence and with his jacket back on quickly followed them.

               "There's nothing for it," John stated as he recovered his
               bags and made his way to the main factory building which was
               quickly now being swallowed up in the heavy shadows of night.
               "I am not about to try and traverse twenty miles of open
               countryside on a cracked two lane black top in the middle of
               the night. Nor am I about to lay down in one of those
               oppressive musty tombs of a house and sleep while someone
               slips up and cuts my throat for me." He began to think that
               it was increasingly less and less likely that David and Tark
               had disappeared upon the unforgiving open veldt and had more
               than likely met their now almost certain demise at the hands
               of either the old shop keeper or the people in that factory.

               In either case, he was not about to simply plunge through one
               of the doors and right into their arms until he got a little
               more lay of the land here. "They had to be tricked. Tark was
               military all the way. And Kore only used him for dirty work
               and muscle. No one was going to conk him over the head or
               take him easily by surprise. In an open fight he would have
               left a lot of wounded and dead in his wake.  No they must
               have tricked them or taken them by ambush."

               John kept up the monologue as he stashed his luggage under a
               tarp pile and then proceeded to climbed up the pile to one of
               the windows set high above ground. They were tilt windows and
               could and were tilted out to help ventilate the factory. Foul
               vapors issued from them as well as a steady increase in the
               sounds of the machinery within as he approached.

               John kept up his internal rational that something nasty had
               happened to David and Tark and that it had happened here but
               he kept reassuring himself that they had been taken unawares.
               Tricked and defeated. He knew something was up so he was not
               going to be tricked. He would get the drop on them. He would
               take a good look around before they even knew he was there.
               And then if need be he would hide out until daylight and then
               make his way back to the city and a phone call to mister

               Mister Kore did not like telephone calls that did not begin
               and abruptly end with, 'mission accomplished.' But there was
               a lot at stake here and if the locals were hostile than he
               would needs some hired hostility himself. Mister Kore would
               want to know beforehand that this was the path being taken.
               He wouldn't want to learn firsthand about it by reading about
               it on the front page of the Delta City Guardian. 

               Still David was charismatic and a talker and Tark was a cold
               blooded killer; indeed a very lethal and effective
               combination proven again and again upon the playing field.
               But John was smart and ruthless and lucky. And in business
               there was no better combination.

               Still it was odd to send Tark WITH David out to rub elbows on
               the first pass. Usually that combination was sent in or
               created AFTER a deal had soured. What did Kore know that he
               wasn't telling anyone?

               It took some doing but John finally made it to the open
               tilted window. Just inside was a very large long rectangular
               room filled with loud machinery and steam. Long dangling
               electric lamps made wells of light here and there but not
               enough to make one feel secure in the shadowy darkness.
               Especially with so many machines having so many moving parts.
               The entire factory was filled with pulleys and large belts
               whirling along in constant motion. 

               John frowned and then raised his eyebrows in his astonishment
               as he began to realize that much of the machinery was being
               powered by great steam engines?! That would explain the
               location of the factory; set next to the winding narrow muddy
               Bendy River and the two water towers. It also explained the
               clouds of steam that filled the factory and the need for so
               much open space above the factory floor. The entire second
               story was left open for ventilation. Only a few metal
               walkways allowing access to open or close the large windows
               were to be seen in the cavernous sheet metal upper level.

               The entire works themselves were set in the cinder block
               walled ground level of the factory. This, as stated, was so
               thick with shadow and poorly lit by lone lamps here and there
               that John could make out little through the clouds of steam
               and water vapor condensations.

               "Surely one can not make finely crafted clock work mechanisms
               in such an environment such as this?!" John frowned and
               scowled in perplexity at the maze of large machines and small
               pools of light of the floor below him. Here and there a few
               shadowy figures moved about. "At least there are some people
               here after all. But still, all those machines running full
               tilt and only a handful of men to operate them? And since
               when did you need such large and powerful dynamos to make
               little gears for watches?"

               He pulled himself through the open window and with some
               difficulty fell on his backside onto the metal walkway just
               inside without breaking the glass panels or causing the
               window to snap its housing. At least the blast of raw noise
               of the machinery was such that he did not have to worry about
               what clumsy noise he made drawing any attention from the few
               workers busy dashing about below him. 

               It was a good forty foot drop from the gangplanks to the
               factory floor and he wisely looked for a staircase leading
               down. He found one lone stair well directly across the vast
               factory floor from him and with some light steps made his way
               as quickly as possible toward it. The upper gallery of the
               factory was a grid work of girders and wires running in great
               pipes to the various pieces of machinery and still even
               greater heavier pipes pumping water and steam directly into
               other huge hulking machines. All the lights of the factory
               were in long hanging suspended simple cone shaped cowl lamps.
               These hung from the gird of girders stretching over the open
               vast space where cinder block wall met sheet metal second
               story housing. As such all the light was under the upper
               level leavening it utterly dark at night and making walking a
               strange sensation as one felt like they were walking in the
               dark around and above a pond full of lily pad rings of light
               far bellow one's tread.

               He had just made his way around the first corner and nearing
               the second when he saw a lone figure move up the metal stair
               case he was approaching. He stopped dead and froze in wonder
               and fear. For making its way up the stair case upon the
               gangplank he was on was not a man but a mechanical construct!
               He could readily see its clockwork moving about in its open
               chest and head. Its arms were of pistons and gears. It was
               entirely a mechanical man. Sans skin or any covering. And as
               he watched; it saw him and began to run at him!

               Danna McQueen, heiress, environmentalist, twenty-two years of
               age, five foot nine inches tall, 132 pounds of lithe limb
               tiger fury, hazel green eyes sparkling, platinum blonde hair
               reflecting in the sun, 38 double DD - 24 - 38 of ravishing
               beauty, proud and a touch arrogant, known throughout the
               world as the beautiful jungle goddess Jungle Babe!

               The jungle warrior stood in her nearly naked state in the
               ranger's station with arms folded under her round full pert
               breasts as she listened intently to the park rangers report.
               Her skimpy outfit of tiny leopard skin bikini and bracers and
               her lone hip knife was off set by her ju-ju necklace and her
               single gold head band that marked her a one time jungle
               princess now jungle Queen. 

               "Well that's about it, Jungle Babe. Those bodies can only
               becoming from up river from the Bendy River tributary. It is
               not uncommon to find a few bits and pieces now and then come
               floating up to the docks but when its a half dozen in the
               last few weeks and some of those matching the description of
               some reported missing Delta City business men, well?" The
               park ranger raised a hand and scratched his forehead.

               "I see," Jungle Babe nodded and dropped her arms and placed
               her hands on either side of the map upon the standing rangers
               desk. She shifted her full round hips from side to side as
               pondered the map. The ranger gulped and pulled a standing
               photo of his wife and child to the edge of the desk to try
               and hide his sudden boner.

               Jungle Babe ignored the sweating man and his shameful
               erection. After all she was a reincarnated fertility
               priestess and thus physical representation of that goddess
               upon Earth. In her immediate presence all animals began to
               rut and copulate and men popped boners with the frequency of
               a political ad in early November. 

               In fact she had once been tricked and captured by an elderly
               Arabian prince and trussed up and placed gagged and helpless
               under his bed so he could get a woody and bed his teenage new
               bride with manly vigor. When she had finally broke free she
               had used her recovered knife to remove that 'manly vigor' and
               toss it to his hungry pet lion.

               The man kept moving the photo around in front of his crotch
               as his pecker danced and throbbed there as Jungle Babe tried
               not to say something about his rather small pathetic erection
               being safe as she liked her men hung; long and thick, and not
               tiny and thin. But she cleared her throat instead and instead
               said, "the Delta City men? Do we know who they were working

               "Umm," the ranger had to open a file in order to gain this
               information and this was proving difficult as he was now
               clutching the photo of his wife and daughter to his throbbing
               crotch with both white knuckled hands. Jungle Babe reached
               over in disgust and flipped the file open for him."Ah, Kore!"
               the ranger shouted out as he read it. 

               "Hmmm, I have heard that Kore Industries is trying to buy up
               the old Klok clock making factory and if I remember right
               that would be on the banks of the Bendy River water way."
               Jungle Babe stood up directly in front of the sweating ranger
               who kept his wooden framed photo clutched firmly against his
               raging spring boarding crotch.

               "That's out of our park jurisdiction," the ranger added
               trying desperately to seem normal before the powerful jungle

               "And due to some interesting political dealings just after
               the second world war the grounds of the Klok factory is
               actually a principality and technically outside of anyone's
               jurisdiction. Except of course mine!" Jungle Babe smiled her
               perfect white teeth smile and the ranger forced a smile back
               at her. His face had gone serene and a large wet stain was
               spreading across his khaki shorts above his clutched photo.

               Jungle Babe smirked and glanced down to the nipple slip that
               his glazed eyes were still glued to and sighed. First her
               perfect ass and then one of her puffy large areola's of her
               thumb thick nipples had slipped out her tiny top. Poor boy,
               it had just been too much for him. "Nice photo," Jungle Babe
               deadpanned. "Your wife and daughter?" The ranger nodded dazed
               in bliss as her sexual pheromones continued to overwhelm him.
               "Lucky woman. She must have ample time to do what she pleases
               as you are so fast on the trigger there, sport." Jungle Babe
               flicked a finger at the glass frame and the man simply smiled
               a dopey drooling smile as she shook her head and left with
               his moan filling the air as he fixated upon her sexy swaying

               The Klok family factory was not that far up river from ranger
               station seventeen. And Jungle Babe made good time by using
               her jungle powers to call forth a bull elephant and riding
               there upon his tusks. 

               She left the towering bull with his engorged pecker on the
               outskirts of the small town and factory humping a massive
               termite mound in his induced lusts of her presence; and
               proceeded from the high yellow grass to the sudden paved
               street of what to her amusement looked all the world like
               some one had scooped up several city blocks of 1940's
               suburban Americana and deposited it in the middle of the
               African savanna!

               Only there were no garages with the ranch style track homes
               and no cars upon the paved street. In fact her senses told
               her there was no living person anywhere immediately about her
               but she could feel sentient eyes staring at her in unblinking

               She moved silently alert but erect down the blocks of
               rectangular regular laid out streets. He bare feet padding on
               the warm pavement her healing powers keeping the balls of her
               feet from blistering or her exposed flesh from burning or her
               body from sweating despite the powerful rays of the sun in
               the cloudless sky overhead.

               A light wind danced her long platinum hair about her broad
               shoulders and beautiful face. Her agile long limbs and skinny
               lithe body sauntered in queenly majestic grace down the broad
               avenues of lifeless abandon. No street lights. No fire
               The small town seemed more and more a movie prop than a real
               place people could live in the more she made her way into it
               the more she had doubts anyone had inhabited any of the
               buildings around her and yet the more persistent became the
               sensation that she was being utterly scrutinized. She scanned
               the buildings around her but could not locate the source of
               this 'watched' sensation nor could she make out any place
               from which she could be spied upon unobserved. 

               The Queen of the jungle made her way up to one of the houses.
               Several of the houses had their doors wrenched open. She made
               quick work of studying the house with her jungle tracker
               skills. It was obvious that the door had been opened from a
               lone person from the outside rather than several people from
               the inside and that said person then entered the house looked
               about and then left. She glanced at the foot prints in the
               dust of the floor of the house and then followed them to the
               next house and the next.

               A lone man in dress shoes of some expense and newness had
               obliviously opened these doors in search for occupants and
               found none. He had crossed his own tracks several times in
               his search and had become somewhat frantic in his pace near
               the end.

               Jungle Babe stopped tracking the man it was like following a
               roller coaster track while inside the moving car. She looked
               up at the rooftops. No birds. She looked down at the base of
               the houses. No tracks of animals. There were hundreds of
               birds and animals who should have moved in here and made
               their homes. Nothing.

               The young voluptuous woman made her way to the lone shop. It
               was deserted. The man had entered here too and stopped short
               and left. She walked the short aisles full of cans bulging
               with contamination having long passed their expiration dates
               by years. Likewise the store rooms were musty and full of
               rotting bags of cereals and flours. There was no sign of
               anyone else using the shop or entering it other than the lone
               man's wilder beast tread and her own ball of her feet only
               ghostly hints of a track.

               She ventured out into the street and eyed the factory. It was
               operating. She could hear it clearly. It was the only sounds
               emulating from the area and it was surely the point where any
               visitor would end up arriving at. She lightly touched her
               knife handle and glared again at the felt but unseen eyes
               upon her and made her way to the large chain link fence at
               the end of the street.

               The gate was heavily locked which was odd considering how the
               gate was nothing but galvanized pipe and chain link on old
               iron wheels. No one answered her repeated calls.
               And with morning turning to mid-day she lightly leapt up and
               flipped herself with the help of one spearing hand over the
               gate. She landed on the other side lightly and proceeded to
               investigate the littered grounds before her.

               The factory was quiet large with a large garage door one
               could have driven a pair of semi-trucks simultaneously side
               by side through and two smaller doors immediately facing her
               as she approached. She was puzzled that there was no sign of
               the lone man in the new expensive shoes anywhere. He had
               definitely made his way to the factory but there was no sign
               of him approaching it's front doors.

               "Perhaps he was overtaken at the gate? Or maybe he made his
               way in by climbing over the fence at some other point."
               Jungle Babe stopped her reveille of brooding as a scent of
               hand tooled leather struck her small nostrils. The scent was
               out of place in the acidic smells of rust and iron and steel
               and rotted weeds and clinker coal.  

               It took her only minutes to unearth the hidden suitcases and
               briefcase. Calf hide of Spanish manufacture. Probably cost as
               much as one of the empty houses did when it was built. She
               whipped out her knife and cut the brief case open not
               bothering with the combination locks. Inside where sheaves of
               documents and a lap top and small printer. 

               She took a moment to read the documents. The footprints
               around the hidden luggage suggested they belonged to the man
               she had been absently following. And the contents showed the
               documents to be contracts from Kore Industries to buy up the
               Klok factory and all its holdings. The offer was not too
               enticing though from what she was looking at it would be more
               than what the factory and small village were worth ten times

               Why the man had chose to hide the baggage and documents was a
               mystery to her. There were no other tracks around and only
               the faint scent of the man's expensive cologne clung to the
               tarp. No, he had hide these there and she had been the first
               to discover them. She replaced the items under the tarp and
               made her way again back to the front doors of the factory.
               She reached the now nearest small door and opened it and
               stepped through.

               The inside of the factory was dark. Despite the brightness of
               the sun trying to gain entrance through the large glass
               windows high above. Jungle Babe narrowed her eyes in the
               gloom. There were scattered tin shaded naked lamp bulbs.
               Mercury lights it appeared of ancient design.
               Though they cast a strong purple bluish hued light the bulbs
               themselves were covered in thick dust and a fog of steam
               whirled about in the air. It was more like walking out into
               some London street in the late 1800's than into a factory
               production floor.

               In an instant Jungle Babe knew everything was wrong. This was
               not a watch factory with meticulous small cogs and gears
               being sandwiched into small housings. This wasn't even the
               press area for stamping out or tool and die machining such
               gears and rods and levers out of sheets of metal. This was
               something unlike anything she had seen before. A massive maze
               of huge black machines that hummed and sparked and blurred in
               ceaseless motion towering above her head and shaking the very
               air with bowl tingling vibrations.

               The Jungle Queen was so awe struck by the unexpected
               spectacle of the massive machinery all about her that she
               wandered a step or two into the thrumming factory floor with
               mouth agape and eyes wide and therefore was struck suddenly
               in shock by the sudden appearance of several figures moving
               toward her. She instinctively back stepped toward the still
               open door but then stopped frozen in confusion. 

               There were five of them and they were closing in on her with
               steady unhurried strides and in the dim steam filled air they
               came silhouetted by the pools of lamp light somehow seeming
               to be weaving in front of them rather than through the light
               shafts as they advanced.

               They were humanoid in shape and it was their utter lack of
               triggering any presence in her jungle senses that stunned
               Jungle Babe so completely. Not a mouse in a jungle thicket
               could shush by without her senses being triggered. And yet
               here were five large men moving toward her and she could not
               'feel' anything from them. She could only see them with her

               When one is used to heightened senses working together
               seamless to produce an almost supernatural seeming ability of
               awareness and suddenly one finds one self with just one sense
               telling you that there are five men coming toward you in the
               shadows and all your other senses seem to be saying, 'nothing
               is really there'; well you can imagine the temporary shock of
               bewilderment that would ensue.

               It was this shell shock hesitation of confusion that left the
               jungle queen herself; the mightiest lighting quick agile
               fighter alive, standing there flat footed and tongue tied as
               her head swam around the strange lack of her powerful jungle
               senses working.
               When you spend decades with the ability to sense a cockroach
               sitting quietly behind a large earthen jar cleaning his antae
               from across a crowded room in a loud noisy bar; then the
               sudden ceasing of this sense is like a flash bomb going off
               unexpectedly in your face.

               It was not until one of the approaching figures stepped into
               a cascade of sunlight streaming in through the fog billows
               from an upper window and she saw clearly the automaton
               mechanical face and realized that the reason her jungle sense
               was not telling her about the living men closing in on her
               was not a failure of the jungle sense but rather a lack of
               life in the robots surrounding her!

               Then and only then did the young busty warrior begin to react
               but though her reflexes were as fast as a king cobra; that
               moments hesitation and confusion had proved her undoing for
               even as her hand shot to her knife handle a heavy mechanical
               fist fell down on the back of her head and she sunk into

               When the young busty blonde woke she found herself handcuffed
               to the metal railing of a raised platform that she quickly
               deduced was set at the heart of the large factory floor.

               The platform was thankfully well lit and contained many
               monitoring machines that were linked to the various parts of
               the enormous factory by hundreds of heavy black cables of all
               shapes and sizes.

               A hunched back small figure was busy reading the devices and
               jotting down notes upon a clipboard. When the figure turned
               it saw Jungle Babe and in a thin reedy whine said, "ah,
               you're not dead and you are awake."

               Jungle Babe who had just taken her eyes off the man for a
               second to look around her to better get her bearings heard
               the man she snapped back her head and spoke to him before he
               could turn away from her, "Am I addressing one of the Klok

               "You are addressing the last of the Klok family and other
               than you Jungle Babe; the sole living element in this

               "Ah, so you know me by my reputation. Good. Then you will
               know that you must release me now before things get any worse
               for you," Jungle Babe sneered at the hunched back little man.

               "I know you are called Jungle Babe because that is what is
               sewn into your leopard skin swim suit. If one can call that a
               suit," he gestured off hand at the leopard skin top and
               bottoms and knife sitting on a monitor housing.

               Jungle Babe looked down at her naked body and gasped. She was
               not use to waking up after being knocked out in combat and
               not being raped. Since she was not being raped she had not
               thought anyone would strip her naked. After all what purpose
               was there in stripping an unconscious hot sexy young woman
               naked and NOT raping her?! What kind of sick perverted
               monster was she dealing with?!

               She started to angrily respond to this man having handcuffed
               her and taken off her clothes while she was helplessly passed
               out and then proceeding to NOT rape her when suddenly she was
               overwhelmed by something he had said. "What a minute?! Are
               you trying to say you have not heard of me? Of Jungle Babe?!
               How is that even possible?! I am the most famous woman in all
               of Africa! T I mean, there's a national museum in the Congo
               that has nothing in it but thousands of pictures of my tits!
               I am Jungle Babe!" 

               "Hmm, ah of course! No, wait, nope don't know you." The man
               went back to his machines and his clip board.

               "Well you will! And soon too! And when you do... Oh you won't
               be forgetting me! No matter how hard you try!" Jungle Babe
               yanked on her hand cuffs but they and the railing were too
               strongly built she would not be breaking out of these anytime
               soon. She closed her eyes and tried to search out and find
               any living jungle creatures she could summon to her aid or
               send for help but the machines were too loud and there did
               not even seem to be a mosquito or fly anywhere about to have
               them bite the man or shit in his coffee mug.

               Jungle Babe sighed. "Okay Klok what's up with the clockwork
               men? They seem to be helping you to use all this machinery to
               do something. I am a bit of a captured audience as it were so
               go ahead do your evil plot exposition."

               "Evil? No, no such thing. I have no designs upon this world
               or its people. I just want to be left alone. As far as the
               mechanical men they are helping me do lots of things. Mostly
               though they are helping to build more mechanical men so I
               have more and better helpers and they are helping me with the
               'work!' The man did not even bother to turn around to talk to
               her but kept his back to her as she continued working.

               "Now that's rude," Jungle Babe hissed to herself. "First he
               ties me up and strips me but doesn't rape my sexy ass which
               is just mind boggling perverse! But then he dose his whole
               mad scientist speech with his back turned to me! AND I AM
               NAKED! What asshole can turn his gaze away from THESE!"
               Jungle Babe jutted out her chest and shook her massive jugs
               back and forth in her furry.

               The hunched back man turned back around to her, "eh? Oh I
               thought I heard some clapping.
               You must want to know about the 'work'? Well it's simple
               enough I come from several generations of clock makers and
               since my great-great-grandfather we have been trying to make
               a time machine. That actually is what it was all about. Make
               a machine to travel through time! The whole making clocks and
               such was just a sort of side bit and hey, it made money and
               we needed money to build the time machine so there you go.
               Nothing too fancy there. Pretty straight forward actually." 

               "Time machine, eh?" Jungle Babe looked down at her tits which
               were still raw from her shaking them and from producing the
               loud clapping sound they had made slapping together. "So,
               that's it you build a time machine and you go loot all the
               great treasures of the past!"

               "Treasure? No. I build a time machine and I go on vacation!
               Hee hee!" The man kicked up his heals and went back to work.

               "Oh, you ARE a sick one there, Klok but I know how to deal
               with your kind!" Jungle Babe hissed and then frowned. And
               then regained her superiority and chimed back, "and what of
               those men?! Huh?! Those men from Kore! The one's you killed
               or had your robots kill in order to keep your evil secret

               "What the hell are you talking about? What men? You are the
               first person to enter this factory in decades! I mean there
               was someone the other day or so poking around, but he ran off
               after taking some pot shots at one of my clockwork men."

               "Ran off? Seriously? You didn't kill him and chuck him into
               the Bendy River to get eaten up by crocodiles?" Jungle Babe
               puzzled out loud. 

               "Ugh! Who would do such a thing! You are the one with the
               warped mind, little girl." Klok jabbed his pencil at Jungle
               Babe before returning to his machines. 

               "An't nothing 'little' about me professor." Jungle Babe
               proudly thrust out her chest. "But I am a might confused,"
               Jungle Babe bit her lower lip in thought.

               "Perhaps I can explain," A lone man with a dozen heavily
               armored and armed men came out of the shadows. The clockwork
               men ignored them.

               "Who is that?" Jungle Babe exclaimed standing up straight and
               thrusting out her chest to use her tits to point out the man
               emerging from the shadows with his small army.

               "I don't know. You mean he did not come with you?" The
               hunched back man raised and lowered his glasses trying to see
               more clearly the man approaching the raised platform.

               "Please allow me to elucidate." The man in what was now
               obviously a very expensive face and silk suit gave a slight
               bow. "My name is Kore and I own Kore Industries and I have a
               very pressing interest in your factory mister Klok. At first,
               it was merely a lucrative business offer and I sent my man
               David Lowly to talk to you about it. But before he could do
               so he found out you were working on a time machine AND most
               importantly he reported back to me that he, unobserved, had
               personally seen you make it work! Naturally I sent a second
               man named Tark but I know you never talked to him. Because
               his mission was to silence David; who I already knew was
               selling my secrets to the Chinese just as he was selling
               theirs to me. And this was something I sure the hell did not
               want anyone else to know about it."

               The tan man in the swanky suit waved his arms about him
               taking in the vast factory, "But then nothing. No reports no
               calls. And the one thing Tark really loves, other than
               killing and torturing people, is reports and paper work! Man
               should have been born an SS Nazi! So I decide to send another
               man, John, good man. Trust worthy and sharp as a tack. But
               before he arrives I get some weird half scrambled message
               from Tark. Can't really make heads or tails out of it but it
               makes me think sending John in there is not such a good idea
               after all. So before his plane touches down I send in a
               local. Miss Grant. An old woman and reliable in direct
               proportion to the size of her paycheck. And I made that
               paycheck large indeed."

               The man sauntered up to the platform which Jungle Babe
               suddenly realized had no steps or ladder leading up to it and
               sat a dozen feet above the factory floor. 

               "Now she shows up but unfortunately only hours before John
               does. But at least she reports to me what happened to him and
               from that I can guess what happened to my other operatives."

               "And that would be?" Jungle Babe snarled at the richly
               dressed man and his heavy weapon armed goons as they milled
               around the mechanical men.

               "Why not see for yourself. Mister Klok please fire that
               sucker up!" The man grinned up a beaming smile at the
               confused hunched back man.

               Klok eyed all the large guns and shrugged, "I was about to
               conduct a scheduled test right now. You did not have to bring
               so many guns with you. I am a very reasonable man."

               "Oh, yes mister Klok I did. I really did have to bring so
               many guns with me as I think you will see very shortly." The
               man smiled again and then turned to direct his dozen or so
               heavily armed men about him.

               Klok shrugged again and began flipping switches. There was an
               increase in the pitch of the ceaseless machines and then a
               banshee howl and the very air and all solid matter seemed to
               shudder and pitch about for several seconds and then the
               machines powered down to their common lulling and Klok took
               off his eye goggles and began jotting down notes on his

               "Thank you Mister Klok. Ah, do you mind if Jungle Babe joins
               us outside for a few minutes? I promise we won't be long and
               we'll be right back?"

               "Stay, go, what do I care? I only handcuffed her so she would
               not get in the way of the test." Klok moved over to the
               Jungle Queen and produced a key from his pocket and snapped
               her cuffs off and then went back to his monitors and note

               "Ah, Miss Babe?!" Kore was waving a small pistol in front of
               him in her direction as she rubbed her wrists. "You can worry
               about clothes latter. We need to hurry to catch this and
               trust me you don't want to miss it!"

               Jungle Babe, still nude, flipped easily down to the factory
               floor where Kore and his army quickly and rapidly made their
               way to the main door dodging clockwork men who seemed too
               busy to note them.

               "What is this we are in such a hurry to see," Jungle Babe
               asked her tits rhythmically smacking her firmly in the chin
               as she jogged beside the group of men.

               "It is simply easier to see it than try and explain it, but
               we do have to hurry," Kore answered, a man obviously use to
               having the luxury of several hours a day to work out in a
               gym, was keeping an easy stride with her and his men. 

               There were several more armed men who had apparently been
               stationed at the doors and they flung open both the small
               doors as the group approached and without stopping in stride
               they rushed out into the late afternoon sun as the doors shut
               rapidly behind them.

               Outside of the factory the sky was filled with swooping
               perodactylus and dozens of small dog sized dinosaurs scurried
               about the streets immediately beyond the chain link fence. 

               Jungle Babe blinked, "amazing!"

               "Ha!" Kore laughed as he gazed wide eyed at the strange
               beasts filling the city streets. "I don't even think Klok
               knows he has succeeded.
               He is in there trying to measure fluctuations in one of those
               chambers and all the while he has been opening a rift into
               the past spanning millions of years out here. Right outside
               the factory. Priceless."

               "Dinosaurs?!" Jungle Babe gasped wide eyed. "Real live

               "That's what happened to my men," Kore nodded at one of the
               large leather winged long billed sharp toothed bat-like
               creatures that swooped down and tried to nip one of the men
               in combat gear. "The brilliant idiot in there has been
               opening a temporary temporal rift into the past letting
               dozens of very hungry beasts into his small town who have
               been eating the unwary for months now. Maybe even longer?"

               "You're men were..." Jungle Babe looked over her shoulder and
               down at the rich man.

               "Eaten." Kore responded. "Miss Grant managed to set up some
               small security cameras for me and a satellite signal boost
               before she too ended up ala-cart." 

               "What exactly are your plans here, mister Kore?" Jungle Babe
               scowled at the silk suited man.

               "Better save that for latter." Kore began backing toward the
               door as more and more of the flying reptiles began to swoop
               down attacking at the armed guards who began to open fire in
               defensive response. "Right now I think we had better get back

               Most of them made it back inside some of them didn't before
               the doors were slammed shut. The screams outside cut off
               abruptly but one could still make out the sound of crunching
               bone and snapping powerful jaws even over the loud machines
               humming inside the factory.

               Then the doors and wall began to reverberate with heavy thuds
               as the creatures outside began to smack into them. The
               clockwork men immediately responded to the loud crashes by
               leaving their machines and rushing up to take up combat
               crouches just inches away from the wall and doors.

               "They attacked me when I first entered. But now they seem to
               be ignoring me?" Jungle Babe mused out loud as she eyed the
               mechanical men.

               "From what I have observed from Miss Grant's cameras and the
               few reports I got. The robots only attack anyone or thing
               that tries to enter the factory. And then only to the point
               of subduing it. If you want them to stop attacking you simply
               close the door behind you.
               Once you are 'in' you are no longer trying to get 'in' and
               thus of no concern to them" Kore spoke off hand as he
               continued to eye the shuddering wall and doors and motioned
               his men back. "Let the clockworks deal with them if they
               break in. We are food and they are not. They are more likely
               to break off an attack against them than us."

               The crashing against the wall and doors seemed to be steadily
               increasing. "How long dose this rift last?" Jungle Babe asked
               crouching wearily. She felt naked without her knife. Which
               considering she was naked made it even more a jarring
               sensation of helplessness.

               "It seems to vary but of the half dozen we recorded it seems
               to be a half hour to an hour." Kore eyed the roof and rafters
               and the guards and Jungle Babe and all looked up and
               instantly realized that the sheets of tin were no match
               against anything that was bashing about so roughly the much
               sturdier wooden re-enforced walls and doors before them.

               "And I take it when the rift closes the dinosaurs disappear
               with it?" Jungle Babe could not take her eyes off the roof so
               far above them as she and everyone but the clockwork men
               started to slowly backup.

               "That would seem to be the empirical evidence," Kore turned
               his head and looked into the maze of machines and then back
               at the doors and wooden wall into which they were set which
               were now buckling madly under a constant onslaught. "I think
               it may be best if we returned to the crackpot on the raised
               platform in the center of the factory. More room to spread
               out if we must do so suddenly and still maintain a
               concentrated fire."

               They all turned away from the wooden wall and its doors
               except for the still crouching clockwork men and began to
               walk back to the center of the factory.

               "Was it like this before?" Jungle Babe asked. "Them attacking
               the factory? I am surprised even that tunnel vision stooge
               Klok would not notice this ruckus."

               "No. They usually just milled about eating anyone they found
               and then vanished. Of course," Kore rubbed his chin. "No one
               has unloaded on them with a heavy caliber chain gun before.
               They might have taken that a bit personal."

               "Perhaps Klok can flip a switch or something and send these
               things back sooner?" Jungle Babe increased her pace to match
               those around her who seemed to be picking up their pace as if
               in response to some generally felt threat descending rapidly
               upon them.

               "That would certainly be worth looking into," Kore nodded as
               he turned his head over his shoulder just in time to see the
               entire wall crash inward in a massive shower of splinters!

               They all instinctively stopped dead in their tracks and
               whirled around. There in the back light of the outside sun
               and swirled in tendril clouds of steam stood a massive
               tyrannosaurs rex. It raised its massive head and roared and
               then began scattering attacking clockwork men about it like
               rain drops off a whipper blade. 

               Through the rented opening flying monsters and small dog
               sized carnivores raced in to the massive building in ravenous
               scurrying search for food.

               "I suggest we run," Kore stated flatly and then took off at a
               sprint without waiting to see if the others were taking his

               They wove and dodged through the maze of large machines;
               tripping over layers of heavy bundles of wires and cables and
               dodging out of the way of clockwork men who were racing
               toward the shattered wall and leaping to the attack against
               now not just one but four massive tyrannosaurs rexes.

               "It was only small monsters before!" Kore yelled as he jumped
               over a small waist high machine and then yelped as a swooping
               large shape blurred down and snatched out of mid-air the
               guard who had mimic his jump immediately behind him.

               The attackers where no longer safely behind them but where
               rushing down out of the air from their immediate front! Guard
               after guard was yanked off his feet and vanished into the
               clouds of steam and darkness leaving only their screams

               "They seem to realize that those heavy guns are a threat and
               are taking them out first!" Jungle Babe nodded at yet another
               guard who was speared and jerked skyward in a flash of
               leathery wings.

               They had reached the circular raised platform only to have an
               exasperated Klok waving his clip board and demanding to know
               what was happening. Before he could be answered a huge winged
               creature landed behind him and after a pause eyeing him
               snapped his head off in its huge iron toothy jaws!

               "Okay, just lost our tech support," Kore wheezed as he rolled
               over another waist high wet bronze clacking machine and
               plucked up a heavy machine gun and began to unload its entire
               clip blindly up into the steam clouds directly above him.
               "Any ideas, Milk Jugs?" He fumbled through the pockets of an
               armless, legless, headless, torso of a guard until he found
               another clip and slapped it into the weapon.

               "I can't seem to communicate with these animals. It's just an
               angry white noise that I am picking up from them. And I fear
               even with my knife I can not take them all out!" Jungle Babe
               eyed the raised platform where she knew her costume and knife
               where but where the now gone huge flying creature had just
               been a few seconds before and weighed her options and

               "No one controls my creatures but me! Dino Babe!" Jungle Babe
               and Kore turned their heads up and saw a ravishing young teen
               girl sitting upon the head of a huge tyrannosaurs rex. 

               "Dino Babe?!" Both Jungle Babe and Kore mouthed silently.

               "Put down your weapons or die at the claws and maws of my
               mighty beasts!" The young girl stood up and pointed
               imperiously at them.

               The only one left alive with a weapon was Kore who was lying
               half on his back and he simply dropped the rifle and raised
               his hands up in the universal sign of surrender. Jungle Babe
               stood up gazing at the young girl.

               Dino Babe was youthful in appearance with flashing large cold
               gray eyes and a small chin and sharp thin nose. Her lips were
               full and her blonde hair hung down in twin tails. She was
               thin and long limbed with a narrow waist but full buttocks
               and huge full round breasts with large puffy areolas and
               thick hard nipples. Her pubic hair patch was untrimmed and
               large and she wore no clothes. Upon her head she wore the
               skull of some dinosaur beast as well as bone anklets and
               bracelets and necklaces of bird skulls. Around her neck hung
               a conch shell and in her left hand she held a spear. Her eyes
               sizzled and glowed and then went clear as she dropped to the
               factory floor in front of Jungle Babe.

               As Dino Babe landed all the dinosaurs vanished. "Be wise and
               do not make me summon my creatures to my aid again." The
               young girl looked up at Jungle Babe who towered over her but
               who was a far distant second in breast size to the young

               "The dinosaurs went bye-bye because the rift closed not
               because of any mumble jumble on your part," Kore stood up
               tiredly picking up his heavy machine gun and leveling it at
               both Dino Babe and Jungle Babe. "The question toots is why
               you're still here and did not get sent back as well."

               "Do you know this girl?" Jungle Babe asked over her shoulder
               at Kore while wearily not taking her eyes off the young girl.

               "Well, I have seen her on the satellite footage enough times
               to know she shows up with the monsters and for some reason
               they don't eat her even as they chow down on everyone else.
               But how it is she speaks English or knows about firearms or
               such I have no idea. But not that it maters. I have a working
               time machine and no further need for either of you."

               "You were warned," the girl said simply and her pale eyes
               glowed and sizzled and suddenly a ghostly shape took form
               above Kore who was raising his machine gun to his shoulder
               and siting it on Jungle Babe. He stopped and suddenly found
               himself in heavy shadow he looked up just in time to see the
               great maw of a ghostly tyrannosaurs rex lowering down wide
               mouth and snapping closed on him just as he screamed.

               The girl's eyes stopped blazing and the huge dinosaur
               vanished into the steam mists along with any signs of Kore.

               "Impressive." Jungle Babe nodded. "I just summon an elephant
               for a ride now and then."

               "I used to use a mammoth but they smell and the hair tickles
               my pussy," Dino Babe smiled. "So I started using the T-rex.
               Bit lurching so you got to watch your tits so you don't give
               yourself a black eye, but otherwise not so bad."

               "Tell me about it!" Jungle Babe smiled. "You wouldn't believe
               how many times I have almost knocked myself out in a fight
               because the 'girls' got a bit too rambunctious!" Jungle Babe
               grabbed her breasts and squeezed them and shook them up and
               down. "Speaking of which yours are exceptional. So you are
               obviously an Aphrodite gene awakened heroine and you have
               been to our time at least once to learn the language and
               such. But that summoning power; tell me about that?"

               Dino Babe followed Jungle Babe up on the raised platform in
               an easy leap and talked as the Jungle Queen put back on her
               leopard skin bikini and her hip knife and bracers. 

               "Well before I can summon them I have to defeat them in solo
               battle. Then I make a shaman totem out of their bones." The
               young busty girl fingered her necklaces of bones and ankle
               and wrist bracelets. "As long as I can touch my bones I can
               call them anywhere at any time to my aid. They initially
               appear as ghosts but the longer I keep them summoned the more
               flesh like they become. As ghosts they are rather weak but
               can't be harmed; as flesh they are very powerful but can be
               killed. If they die they return to the spirit plane and I can
               not summon them for a while. That is why I have four T-rex.
               They just tend to be really handy!" The girl beamed a perfect
               white teeth smile and Jungle Babe threw back her head and

               "So why did you not return when the rift closed?" Jungle Babe
               frowned as they picked their way over the remains of the
               guards of which there were little and the bashed and
               shattered clockwork men of which there were many on their way
               to the pile of rubble that used to be the wall and doors at
               the front of the factory.

               "That I don't know?" The young girl looked quizzically at her
               hand and wrist. "For some reason I just got stuck this time.
               But I still have my dino summoning powers and my combat
               skills. I don't know why I remained here when the time portal

               "Well, I happen to know this guy in Delta City named
               Professor Whirtler, bit of a perv but what man isn't, right?
               And I am sure he will want to see these babies." Jungle Babe
               was adjusting her tiny top on her jiggling breasts causing
               Dino Babe to raise an eyebrow in puzzlement and then
               finishing her nipple tucking Jungle Babe shot a delayed thumb
               over her shoulder at the factory and Dino Babe sighed and
               nodded rapidly in relief.

               "If anyone can figure out how to make these things work and
               get you back to your pre-historic past, it's that egg head."
               Jungle Babe was now crab walking forward as she tugged at her
               bikini bottoms which were caught up her crack. "You know,"
               she leaned a hand on Dino Babes small shoulder for support as
               she dug at her bottoms. "I think all that damn steam shrank
               my costume?!"

               Just then there was a muffled explosion and then another from
               inside the factory and then another and then Dino Babe and
               Jungle Babe were running as fast as they could as the whole
               Klok factory erupted into flames and more explosions.

               "I guess my dinosaurs did a bit more damage than I realized,"
               Dino Babe panted as she stood straddled legged next to Jungle
               Babe both of them with hands on knees out of breath.

               "Either that or without the constant administrations of the
               clockwork men the machines ran quickly out of control and
               blew up. In either case, guess you won't be going home
               anytime soon. That bother you, kid?" Jungle Babe shot a
               glance over at the buxom teenager.

               "It's been a long time since I had a hamburger and fries,"
               Dino Babe stood up and looked around her. "I guess I won't
               mind staying for a while."

               "Yeah, you're going to have to explain how you ended up as
               Dino Babe one of these days. But not right now. First we have
               to get back to a hot bath and some fast food. Now," Jungle
               Babe straightened up and started tucking her nipples away
               which always fell out when she leaned forward.
               "First off you are the first super heroine who ever made ME
               feel over dressed so since you will be staying we might need
               to design you a costume. Walking around nearly naked is
               feminist power; walking around naked is jail time. Now, you
               mentioned the mammoth hair tickling your pussy. Actually I
               have the same problem with regular elephants. But let me show
               you a trick I learned," and Jungle Babe summoned a bull
               elephant to them. As they watched it rapidly approach she
               continued. "The trick is to ride on the tusks so their head
               and neck hair don't get you all ticklish and roused up."

               Jungle Babe slapped Dino Babe on the ass and then left her
               hand there gently squeezing the young teens firm ass cheek.
               Dino Babe returned the favor with a loud firm smack so both
               women stood their rubbing one another's bottoms as the
               elephant lumbered forward. "Because getting all roused up,"
               Jungle Babe continued, her voice somewhat husky, "can lead to
               all sorts of surprises out here in the wild jungle bush!" 
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