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               CRIMES AT MIDNIGHT

               A sound of static, then the whine of a radio dial whirling,
               more static then the sound of a zipper being unzipped
               followed by a cry of astonishment and then a kiss.

                                   MISTY KISS
                         Kiss, kiss, faithful listeners.
                         This is your surprise host Misty
                         Kiss filling in for this weeks
                         suddenly missing super heroine
                         guest host, Wolf Woman and Cub. And
                         this is FEM Radio. The all feminist
                         all the time Delta City radio
                         station. Fighting the good fight
                         one dick at a time. 

               A sound of chatter and shushing and then applause.

                                   MISTY KISS
                         Most of you will know me from my
                         morning show, Cock Talk, but here
                         we are in the wee-wee hours when
                         FEM brings you all the great and
                         groovy Delta City super heroine-ing
                         you can handle and then some. And
                         it is Tuesday night so that means
                         Retro-Super Heroine Theater. So I
                         hope you kiddies dusted off your
                         decoder rings with a good blow.

               A stirring musical march score rises and then falls away.

                                   MISTY KISS
                         That's right my little warriors of
                         woman's rights. Before there was
                         the Ms. Americana and Green Specter
                         and Got Gal of today there were
                         other super heroines from the 70's,
                         60's, 50's, dating all the way back
                         to the 1920's. The White Wraith,
                         the Black Beetle, the Golden
                         Guardian, just as famous then as
                         our own intrepid heroines are
                         And just as there are men now who
                         can't handle the idea of a powerful
                         sexy woman in control, there were
                         men back then who couldn't handle
                         their in your face tits, eh, fists
                         of justice.
                         They didn't have social media back
                         then or the internet or cell phones
                         or Television. So to try and make
                         sense out of these proud and
                         powerful scantily clad women in
                         their tights and tiaras they used
                         the cutting edge mass media of
                         their day. Radio. 
                         This included not only re
                         broadcasts of the twice daily news
                         paper depicting their real world
                         battles against corruption and
                         crime; but fictional radio drama
                         plays depicting the marauding
                         masked maidens of might in a more
                         entertaining light. As well as
                         interviews with the real life
                         beauties behind the bustier who
                         both inspired these radio dramas
                         and battled the beasts of that long
                         ago city so like ours and yet so
                         alien to us now. 
                         So settle back and get comfy. Let
                         your hair down and your girls out.
                         Here it comes; FEM brings you
                         another super heroine radio blast
                         from the past. Straight out of the
                         Delta City Museum Archives. So un
                         straddle that man and give this
                         your head instead.

               The sound of more static and the whirl of a radio dial and
               then the pop and hiss of a phonograph player overlaying a
               growing musical score of heralding triumph. 

                                   LIVE MALE ANOUNCER
                         And remember golden filling Corn-a
                         bix for that late night snack.
                         Yummie right out of the box! And
                         now on with the show!

               Sound of a live audience applauding as an orchestral strikes
               up incidental music.

                                   LIVE MALE ANOUNCER
                         Today we make our way to that
                         secret lab where Doctor Purity Lane
                         and her faithful adopted assistant,
                         Charity Lane are working diligently
                         to find a cure for the measles!

                                   DOCTOR PURITY LANE
                         Hand me that flask of Uranium-40
                         Charity. Careful now. 

                                   CHARITY LANE
                         Here you are doctor. I sure hope
                         this works! Millions of children
                         world wide are in dire need of this
                         Oh! It's the Atomic-Communicator!

                                   DOCTOR PURITY LANE
                         Yes. It seems some one is trying to
                         contact us on our secret frequency.
                         I had better answer it while you
                         put this back into the lead safe. I
                         feel our task for the night is
                         about to be interrupted. 
                         Yes. This is Doctor Lane. Who is

                                   CHASTITY HILLS
                         Doctor Lane? This is Chastity

                                   DOCTOR PURITY LANE
                         Yes, Chastity always a pleasure to
                         hear from you, but I suspect since
                         you are using your secret atomic
                         communication bracelet which I gave
                         to you for use in cases of
                         emergency only situations that this
                         is not a social call.

                                   CHASTITY HILLS
                         Sadly no, doctor. I am afraid your
                         suspicions about Professor Zin Zang
                         may have had merit. Working as I do
                         at the Cobalt Club in the chorus
                         and as a privet dancer for the
                         elite patrons. I have had ample
                         opportunity to keep an eye on Zin
                         as he makes an almost regular
                         nightly visit to the club and asks
                         for me on each visit to come and
                         dance for him in his privet rooms.

                                   DOCTOR PURITY LANE
                         That foul fiend has an almost
                         compulsive disorder for excessively
                         large breasts on a young skinny
                         I knew once he got a gander of your
                         own G-cups he would be on you like
                         flies on butter.

                                   CHASTITY HILLS
                         Ah, yes. He certainly seems fixated
                         upon my girls.

                                   DOCTOR PURITY LANE
                         The chauvinist pig! But has he said
                         something? You mentioned my
                         suspicions about the man were well
                         founded. What have you seen or over
                         heard him say to bring you to that

                                   CHASTITY HILLS
                         Well, nothing all at once. In fact
                         he seems to talk to the girls more
                         than to my face, but just this
                         night while he was, er, motor
                         boating in the highlands, if you
                         get my meaning, he was interrupted
                         by another Asian gentle man who I
                         have never seen before.

                                   DOCTOR PURITY LANE
                         Was this man as short and stout as
                         Zin is tall and thin and did he
                         have a distinctive scar running
                         past his left eye?

                                   CHASTITY HILLS
                         Yes! That's him! You know the man?

                                   DOCTOR PURITY LANE
                         Well, that I did not. But yes, he's
                         one Hung by name. And worthy of
                         that name if the description of all
                         those women he has fouled are to be
                         taken as accurate. 

                                   CHASTITY HILLS
                         Oh! I would I could answer to that.
                         But he had his pants on the entire
                         time he was there. I did hear some
                         of what the two men said together
                         as they were too excited in their
                         speech to leave the room or bid me
                         to leave it but huddled off to the
                         side while I feigned indifference
                         and ignorance.

                                   DOCTOR PURITY LANE
                         Pray tell! What did you hear?

                                   CHASTITY HILLS
                         Not a lot that made sense to me but
                         something I thought I should relate
                         to your ears as it seemed strange
                         and you are always after me to tell
                         you about any strange and unusual
                         things I may see or experience.
                         Usually you seem to want to know
                         about the sexual perversions that
                         men pay me to-

                                   DOCTOR PURITY LANE
                         Yes, yes. That's all right. No need
                         to go into that now. Just tell me
                         what you overheard Zin and Hung
                         talk about. 

                                   CHASTITY HILLS
                         Very well. But there was that same
                         stud from Blakeshire yesterday that
                         you are so engrossed with
                         documenting and this time as well
                         as the costume and collar he
                         brought this sheep with him-

                                   DOCTOR PURITY LANE
                         Tomorrow will be fit enough for
                         that. But for now... what discourse
                         did you eavesdrop on with this Zin.

                                   CHASTITY HILLS
                         So you want me to come by tomorrow
                         and act it all out for you again?

                                   DOCTOR PURITY LANE
                         Eckhem. I pray you to the immediate
                         point at hand!

                                   CHASTITY HILLS
                         Well then. It was not too clear to
                         me but the gist of it was that this
                         here Hung wanted Zin to leave with
                         him immediately to pier 37 where a
                         ship called the Illustrious Dove
                         was berthed. They left not more
                         than half an hour ago!

                                   DOCTOR PURITY LANE
                         Half an hour?! Why by all that's
                         sacred and duty bound of our fair
                         nation! Why did you wait so long to
                         contact me!

                                   CHASTITY HILLS
                         You know how Zin is. He tied me up
                         as he always does when he, er, well
                         finishes the 'dance.' It takes me a
                         while to get out of those ropes of
                         his. I knew the importance so I
                         called as soon as I worked my wrist
                         free. I showed you how he does it.
                         It took you almost an hour to get
                         yourself free of-

                                   DOCTOR PURITY LANE
                         Yes of course. Thanks Chastity for
                         the information!

                                   CHASTITY HILLS
                         I take it you are heading to the
                         docks then after Zin? If so do you
                         think you could swing by the Cobalt
                         Club and help me out of these
                         ropes? The thing is Zin was extra
                         excited, no doubt by Hung's
                         presence and his need to hurry, and
                         well he nearly glued my eyes shut.
                         It stings and I can't rightly see!
                         And its all a bit tight even for
                         him and -

                                   DOCTOR PURITY LANE
                         Sorry Chastity; nation to save and
                         all that. Doctor Lane out!

                                   CHARITY LANE
                         Gosh! Who would have thought that
                         being a chorus line dancer was
                         so... involved?

                                   DOCTOR PURITY LANE
                         Yes. Just another of our unsung
                         hero sisters in this foul and
                         deranged city. From scullery maid
                         to bankers wife we are all united
                         in our sisterhood of
                         enfranchisement for personal, nay,
                         universal liberty for all!

                                   CHARITY LANE
                         I take it then I will be suiting up
                         again for this outing?

                                   DOCTOR PURITY LANE
                         It would seem once again our fair
                         and befouled city calls for the
                         super heroine might of... Atomic

                                   CHARITY LANE
                         You know I don't mind putting on
                         the costume and doing my part to
                         thwart crime in our besmirched
                         city. But, well, does it HAVE to
                         show so much skin?!

                                   DOCTOR PURITY LANE
                         As I have said a million times now.
                         The atomic rays from the
                         transformation device must imbue
                         themselves upon your naked body.
                         Then after you emerge with your
                         super powers fully charged the more
                         skin left exposed the more power
                         you can use and unleash. So the
                         costume you put on HAS to be a
                         trifle immodest.

                                   CHARITY LANE
                         Yeah. I get that, I really do, it's
                         just that you know you can see
                         my... unmentionables.

                                   DOCTOR PURITY LANE
                         Now, now. We are fighting for the
                         very future of liberty and mankind!

                                   CHARITY LANE
                         My nipples, in public, and you can
                         see them.

                                   DOCTOR PURITY LANE
                         Think upon the glory and wonder we
                         do for all the humane race!

                                   CHARITY LANE
                         And my groin. It digs in so deeply.
                         You can see everything that not
                         even a husband should see!

                                   DOCTOR PURITY LANE
                         How many girls would so willingly
                         don that garment of worldly
                         chastity and purity and honor so
                         renowned as it is for truth,
                         justice, and the pursuit for the
                         protection of liberty! 

                                   CHARITY LANE
                         Well my guess is that it would be
                         far fewer than one might expect
                         when they get a good look at it and
                         realize its an almost see-through
                         tight stretchy top and bottom made
                         out of the most flimsy and
                         superficial of material. In fact, I
                         am willing to bet that half of them
                         would tell you to go fig yourself.

                                   DOCTOR PURITY LANE
                         Now, now, enough of this carping.
                         It's just the warhorse pawing at
                         the ground as it sniffs the air of
                         the coming battle. Nerves, nothing
                         but the giddy blood tensing for the
                         upcoming adventure. We both feel

                                   CHARITY LANE
                         Ah, yeah. I take it you will be
                         staying here in the lab again and
                         talking to me over the helmet ear

                                   DOCTOR PURITY LANE
                         Of course! You won't see me
                         shirking MY duty to country and the
                         right of the rule of law!

                                   CHARITY LANE
                         You know I have always wondered why
                         I can wear a helmet and thigh high
                         boots and opera gloves but almost
                         nothing else?

                                   DOCTOR PURITY LANE
                         Are we still on this?! Now, hurry
                         strip naked and get into the atomic
                         chamber. Stop twaddling! 

                                   CHARITY LANE
                         Could I at least have a cape? Some
                         token of maidenly modesty for when
                         the press show up with their flash
                         bulb cameras? Those newspaper
                         pictures show EVERYTHING! 

                                   DOCTOR PURITY LANE
                         Clothes off and into the chamber
                         now, now, now! I have been after
                         Zin since his arrival over a year
                         ago. I know he is behind several of
                         the most recent industrial
                         'accidents' as well as the theft of
                         several secret government documents
                         but I have been sure there is even
                         something more sinister he has been
                         working on in our fair city! This
                         public meeting up with the equally
                         dubious Mister Hung may be the
                         keystone to unlocking all of their
                         shadowy schemes! 
                         Aren't you naked yet?! What is it
                         with young girls these days?! Why,
                         when I was your age I could be out
                         of my knickers in less time than it
                         took a pecker to harden!

                                   CHARITY LANE
                         Well that would be a waste. To
                         hurry to wait. Geesh! I can do it
                         myself! Stop yanking on my bra
                         strap! You're worse than those
                         thugs you send me out to apprehend!

                                   DOCTOR PURITY LANE
                         Sigh. If only my atomic ray machine
                         worked on me. But alas you have
                         some special semi-awakened gene
                         that allows its rays to grant you
                         super powers if only for a short
                         So much of life is wasted on the
                         youth. They neither appreciate nor
                         fathom its depth of wonder. 
                         Panties off girl and get into that
                         cylinder! No more back talk and I
                         don't want to hear anymore about,
                         'is it safe?'!

                                   LIVE MALE ANOUNCER
                         As our teen super heroine Atomic
                         Lass prepares herself for the
                         nights adventures ahead lets take a
                         moment with our studio audience and
                         welcome our special guest tonight,
                         the one, the only, The Plutonium

               Sounds of loud applause and whistling.

                                   LIVE MALE ANOUNCER
                         Welcome The Plutonium Patriot! I
                         wonder if the audience tonight both
                         in the studio and at home realize
                         that the fictional live drama they
                         are listening to is loosely based
                         on your own real life exploits?

                                   THE PLUTONIUM PATRIOT
                         Well, I have no idea about that.
                         But I do dimly remember an incident
                         involving some oriental business
                         men and some industrial sabotage
                         and theft of important top secret
                         metallurgist techniques from early
                         in my career. 

                                   LIVE MALE ANOUNCER 
                         For our listeners at home let me
                         mention that you, yourself, are not
                         wearing any kind of costume but
                         instead your entire body glows with
                         an almost blinding light. In fact,
                         I as well as the studio audience
                         have been given and are wearing
                         these special goggles so that we
                         may actually look at you.

                                   THE PLUTONIUM PATRIOT
                         Well, I hope you are all liking
                         what you are seeing. As you said my
                         bodies natural glow makes it
                         superfluous for me to wear a
                         costume as no one can look at me
                         but in an eye watering squint but
                         with those glasses I am sure you
                         and the studio audience are getting
                         an eye full!

               General laughter and wolf whistles.

                                   LIVE MALE ANOUNCER
                         Whenever we have a real life super
                         heroine on the show I always ask
                         her how our fictional entertainment
                         portrayals weighs in parity to the
                         real life of a super heroine.

                                   THE PLUTONIUM PATRIOT
                         Wow! Men just usually ask for my
                         phone number or my bra size!

               General laughter and more hoots and wolf whistles.

                                   THE PLUTONIUM PATRIOT
                         That said. I would say the
                         performances add a bit of
                         understandable commercial glamour
                         and sexiness to the occupation that
                         otherwise tends to lean a bit more
                         to tedious fact checking and
                         mundane procedural investigation
                         then the more exciting fist fights
                         in the streets with large
                         mechanical robots and alien
                         monsters that everyone tends to
                         first think of when they think
                         'super heroine.'

                                   LIVE MALE ANOUNCER
                         I hear you are to be awarded the
                         key to the city. Again!

                                   THE PLUTONIUM PATRIOT
                         Yes, it is a great and humbling
                         honor and one I look forward to
                         with auspicious and nervous
                         apprehension. I just hope I don't
                         power down and end up stark naked
                         in front of the entire press corps
                         again! Ha!

               More laughter and howls.

                                   LIVE MALE ANOUNCER
                         On a more serious note. What can
                         you tell us about this rumor of
                         some kind of sexual perverse
                         monsters in the Delta City sewer
                         and storm drain system?

                                   THE PLUTONIUM PATRIOT
                         Well, as the mayor and chief of
                         police have already stated its only
                         a rumor.
                         But no one should be going down
                         into those dangerous tunnels
                         anyway. It's dark and dank and
                         smells bad and there are plenty of
                         two legged monsters down there in
                         the form of escaped felons and
                         gangs of thugs that, trust me,
                         nobody wants to walk smack into!

                                   LIVE MALE ANOUNCER
                         One last question before you go as
                         I know your time is precious and
                         the city streets need your
                         benevolent protection. There is yet
                         another rumor. This one concerns an
                         apparent black market of something
                         called, 'super heroine milk'? Do
                         you know anything about that?

                                   THE PLUTONIUM PATRIOT
                         Wow. That's a new one even for me.
                         Where do people get this stuff?! I
                         have heard of an underground market
                         of course. Every major city has its
                         fences and sadly Delta City seems
                         to have gone a step beyond that and
                         the fences have formed a sort of
                         shadow guild. You can get just
                         about any illegal things there.
                         From military weapons to stolen
                         merchandise of all kinds and in all
                         shapes and sizes. 
                         But super heroine milk?! I mean,
                         what is that even suppose to mean?
                         Sounds like some gimmick or
                         marketing product that might host
                         your shows?

                                   LIVE MALE ANOUNCER
                         There's an intro cue if I ever
                         heard one. Remember folks that it's
                         Wheezy Cough Syrup that keeps you
                         up all day and asleep all night.
                         Wheezy! When you need to stop that
                         rasping sore throat cough! 
                         I want to extend a heartfelt thanks
                         for our guest today; The Plutonium
                         Patriot for taking the time to stop
                         by our live broadcast studios. 
                         Thanks for coming. Now back to our

               General loud applause and cheering.

                                   MISTY KISS
                         Ohhhh baby. Are you digging it? We
                         are about to head back to our
                         little song and dance number
                         tonight on FEM radio. I hope you
                         are enjoying this old broadcast
                         from the past. Looks like this show
                         was recorded live with live actors
                         and a live studio audience at the
                         Waitmoore Theater here in Delta
                         City in 1937 on January 3rd. 
                         Seems from the archives notes that
                         the Waitmoore doubled not only as a
                         drama theater and radio hall but
                         also as a topless club for the
                         horny pervs of the day. 
                         It burned down in 1947 and was
                         replaced by the Burlington. A
                         modest hotel in downtown that was
                         renovated and renamed the Superior
                         after the super heroine Superior
                         Woman in the late 1960's. 
                         Torn down in the early 80's it was
                         replaced with a parking garage and
                         a small park. Both named after then
                         Mayor Krotch who turned states
                         evidence in 1987 and avoided what
                         would have been a lengthy sentence
                         behind bars. 
                         In the 90's the entire area was
                         purchased by Brenda Wade and turned
                         into part of the massive downtown
                         renovation project. Full of small
                         businesses and public parks and
                         free mass transit. 
                         Way to go girl! Brenda has always
                         been a solid supporter of FEM and I
                         have had the pleasure of having her
                         on my talk show Cock Talk where we
                         discuss the bizarre behavior of men
                         inside and outside of the bedroom
                         in relationships. And has SHE had
                         her fair share of such experiences! 
                         Now back to our slice of the past
                         and the interesting things we can
                         see about the stated ideals of the
                         general public and how our grand
                         parents and great grand parents
                         actually related to the super
                         heroines in their mass Freudian IDs
                         and Ego's. You heard me. Let's play
                         doctor! Now drop your pants and
                         cough, big boy. 

                                   DOCTOR PURITY LANE
                         Atomic Lass have you reached the
                         dock in question?

                                   ATOMIC LASS
                         Yeah. Thanks to my body powered
                         atomic jet pack I have reached pier
                         37 and am hovering above The
                         Illustrious Dove. Seems quiet. Am
                         about to descend and take a closer
                         look about. Over.

                                   DOCTOR PURITY LANE
                         Hmmm. Why does the name of that
                         ship make my girls itch? Seems
                         familiar and yet...

                                   ATOMIC LASS
                         Nothing much on deck. There's a
                         lone crew man in the deck house. He
                         hasn't seen me. There is a nice
                         limo parked next to the ship. I am
                         betting that is what ole Zing and
                         fat boy arrived in. I am going to
                         take a snoop inside the ship.

                                   DOCTOR PURITY LANE
                         The hull might play havoc with your
                         helmet communications. So expect
                         some interment static and radio
                         drop out.

                                   ATOMIC LASS
                         Gottcha doc. I am opening the hatch
                         now. No one so far. Place seems
                         deserted. Hopefully I can find
                         where Zin and Hung are hanging out
                         and use my atomic enhanced hearing
                         to find out what they are up to...
                         Here is a metal plague that
                         contains the ships registry number
                         and call signs posted inside the
                         empty radio room but it says the
                         ship is called the Illustrious-

                                   DOCTOR PURITY LANE
                         DRAGON! The Illustrious Dragon!

                                   ATOMIC LASS
                         Say that's right. How did you know?
                         Uh oh. Someone's coming. I don't
                         want to turn this into a full blown
                         fisticuffs yet. So I am going to
                         hide in this other room.

                                   DOCTOR PURITY LANE
                         Atomic Lass? Atomic Lass?! Can you
                         hear me? Drat! She must have shut a
                         door or ventured further into the
                         bowels of the ship where it is
                         cutting off my radio signal! 
                         If that indeed is the Illustrious
                         Dragon then that girl is in
                         terrible danger. Even for an atomic
                         powered super heroine teen! 
                         For the Illustrious Dragon is a
                         notorious white slaver ship both
                         feared and pursued by law
                         enforcement all over the world! 
                         I can only hope her training and
                         atomic super powers are enough to
                         deal single handily with such
                         debase villainy! Less her chaste
                         virginity be much abused!

               Musical ominous score plays and fades out. 

                                   ATOMIC LASS
                         Okay you thugs! You have much
                         abused my chaste virginity over the
                         past three hours since you got the
                         drop on me. Now tell me; what are
                         Zin and Hung doing on board this
                         ship! What evil plans are they
                         plotting! What dire events are they
                         unfolding! Go on! Speak! I charge
                         you on behalf of all decent law
                         abiding citizens who love democracy
                         and freedom! Speak!

                         Zin and Hung? You mean those two
                         guys who arrived in that swank
                         limo? They are in the Illustrious
                         Dove. The ship berthed on the other
                         side of the pier opposite of us.

                                   ATOMIC LASS
                         Oh. I see. My mistake then. All
                         right. Just untie me and I will
                         pretend to forget all the
                         unspeakable things you have just
                         done to my ravished young teen body
                         for the past few hours and leave.

                         You for real? You know what a super
                         heroine teen brings on the black
                         market these days? We don't even
                         have to leave the city to sell your
                         sweet and tender ass.

               Musical sting plays as thugs laugh.

                                   DOCTOR PURITY LANE
                         As you can see your tasks here will
                         be moderately light. For the most
                         part you will be assisting me in my
                         lab work and as such will be
                         staying with me here at my home.

                                   GIDDY YOUNG ORPHAN GIRL
                         Gosh! That sounds swell Ms. Lane.
                         When you came to the orphanage all
                         the other girls hid saying you come
                         and take girls away who are never
                         heard from again; but I knew you
                         were a good person! 
                         But golly, what's that thing?

                                   DOCTOR PURITY LANE
                         Ah. That my pet is my atomic ray
                         cylinder. It gives young girls like
                         you who have a special gene super
                         powers. Would you like to try it?

                                   GIDDY YOUNG ORPHAN GIRL
                         Can I REALLY?!

                                   DOCTOR PURITY LANE
                         Why of course my child. By the way.
                         You DO believe in the pursuit of
                         truth and justice and the American
                         way don't you? Above any and ALL
                         personal self costs? 
                         That is; that the fight against
                         evil is worth every sacrifice. And,
                         er, you don't mind prancing about
                         naked as a jay bird in public do

                                   GIDDY YOUNG ORPHAN GIRL
                         Excuse me? What?

                                   DOCTOR PURITY LANE
                         Never mind, never mind. In all good
                         time. Now, let's get you out of
                         that smock and into that cylinder.
                         Shall we?

               Patriotic theme rises up and crashes to crescendo before
               dimming back down.

                                   MISTY KISS
                         Well kittens we can skip the outro
                         and the hard sell of more boxes of
                         corn syrup and wheat snacks to
                         break and rot your teeth. 
                         It should be noted that the Delta
                         City radio shows featuring super
                         heroines of the times were a bit
                         more risque then what the rest of
                         the nation fared upon. 
                         We thankfully don't see the muscle
                         man wearing his underwear on the
                         outside of his tights taking and
                         bouncing bullets off his chest with
                         a grin but then cowering down and
                         dodging the thrown empty gun less
                         it hits him in the puss. 
                         This is no doubt due to the fact
                         that Delta City's super heroines
                         have always been very independent
                         women and that despite the best
                         efforts of the early forefathers of
                         the city to clean up the aftermath
                         of some of their more notorious
                         public sexual humiliations and
                         scandalous citywide topped and
                         often bottomless public battles
                         with a censored press and feigned
                         ignorance bordering on the
                         That it's hard to pretend that when
                         a super heroine is gang raped by a
                         tentacle monster in the middle of a
                         downtown city park in front of
                         hundreds of eye witnesses, that
                         nothing really happened, other than
                         she 'got her man' good and hard,
                         again and again as she always does. 
                         This no doubt leads to many of the
                         sexual asides and blunt sexual
                         remarks that are voiced by the
                         actors in the dramas that reflect
                         the real world words and actions of
                         the super heroines they portray.
                         And thus may seem out of conjecture
                         with the time they portray as it
                         was portrayed in other cities. In
                         art as often life; reality will
                         more or less win out over artifice
                         of affected moral will. 
                         Unless the ungodly power of a
                         political party adopts it and then
                         its time to rise up the barricades
                         in the streets and fight for what
                         has always been right; the freedoms
                         of the individual before that of
                         the wealthy, and the equality of a
                         just and fair and open law that
                         topples all class injustice before
                         it and places the right of living
                         people before non-living business. 
                         Now my little night owls its time
                         to leave our program and slip into
                         the weather and news hour as those
                         early bird commuter's alarm clocks
                         are starting to buzz all over our
                         fair city.
                         I just want to leave you with one
                         final word or two. 
                         If you see today one of our fair
                         sister super heroines fighting in
                         the street for our safety and she
                         is in combat topped as often is the
                         case; do not let that pevy
                         boyfriend of yours snatch up her
                         bra for a souvenir. 
                         But rather smack him soundly and
                         return our champions over the
                         shoulder boulder holder back to her
                         as those double GG-cup suckers cost
                         a fortune! 
                         And its hard to lug those champion
                         sized chest cannons about even with
                         a super muscled slim narrow back
                         without some support. So lend a
                         girl YOUR support! 
                         Amen sisters. 
                         I will catch you in another few
                         hours on my talk show, Cock Talk,
                         where I think today's subject will
                         be; 'pervy boyfriends who want me
                         to dress up like a super heroine in
                         the bed room!' Kiss, kiss.

[ top ]

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