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               Name tag : rook

               4 PLAY in SCARY MONSTERS 

               "Bodies are easy; but it is hard to move a grave." 

               - Balintine -

               "The city of Tarot. As it was over four hundred years ago." 

               A hand reached out of the thick oily shadow rim of the candle
               light and passed over the large complex maze of many tiered
               sprawling streets and layered buildings that covered the
               rooms high ceiling chamber central table. 

               The miniature model that lay before the silent group was
               intricate in detail and showed the fruits of what must have
               been many thousands of hours of work of a dozen artisans
               working with skillful hands. For it revealed that the larger
               scale original had been crafted by skillful artisans of
               thousands through untold hours of labor. 

               The city was a large circular web of white stone buildings
               intricately carved and woven with mydrid statues and arched
               bridges and passageways. Small buildings seemed to blister
               out of larger ones and gardens of all shapes and sizes budded
               everywhere. At the city's center a large towering citadel sat
               with spider arms extended out into the radius of the canals
               and waterways.

               Everyone in the group leaned in closer to peer at the large
               table top city glowing under the lowered chandelier of

               The man speaking turned his open palm up hand into a downward
               pointing finger that now jabbed again and again at the model;
               spearing locations and punctuating points of interest as he

               "Four hundred years ago Tarot was the largest of the coastal
               cities. With a population of over eighty thousand souls and
               another thirteen thousand of transit traders and visitors on
               any given day. Rich and powerful. It was its unique port that
               made it so. A large bowl of high cliffs sunk back in the
               sheer cliff wall that runs for many miles in all directions.
               The only deep water port of safety in the ravenous Sword Sea.
               With high hinterlands of green verdant fields and endless
               forests and glades. It was the only port so near the distant
               Echo Lands and its rich spices and rare crafts and raw

               "And yet the people of Tarot were far from 'hospitable'
               despite their mercantile cosmopolitan trade. No they were the
               most xenophobic of guests. The harbor may have been ice free
               all year long and inviting but not the hearts of the people
               of Tarot. They lived aloof and with a sneer of distrust and
               contempt for any not of their city. A city they jealousy
               guarded in many ways."

               "You can see how each section is like a fortress unto its
               self. How each house is built with thick walls and heavy
               doors. And note how all the traders and sailors who sailed
               into the secluded bay had to remain here. At the wharfs."

               "You would tie up here at the docks. See how they reach out
               from this great ledge of stone. A natural cavern of immense
               size. Here they found warehouses and trader shops and
               lodgings. Only a handful of visitors would be allowed to be
               escorted up into the city proper. For all others Tarot was
               this twilight kingdom of subterranean shadows and riches." 

               "And then at the height of its power... cataclysm. a great
               earthquake. Followed rapidly by several others. The
               sheltering bay was riddled with jagged spears of rock and
               treacherous reefs and whirlpools. Making all navigation
               impossible; even to this very day."

               "The city its self was splintered and shattered. Sections
               rising up towering high and others sinking low lost in murky
               depths. Only the central citadel remains in place and mostly
               intact. Everything else is now a jumble of dead ends and
               endless wandering ruins. A broken place and a lost people."

               "Few survived the first quake and none the succeeding. Of the
               royal line only the house of Balintiine survived. And they
               only because they had been moved out of the city proper and
               put in charge of the farming communities of the hinter

               "You stand now in the great hall of the Balintines. Still the
               stewards of the Meadow Lands in name and contract though the
               family its self has not left their residence in the distant
               capital city of Byron in generations to visit its holdings."

               "This hall is now more a museum of rare collectables
               priceless nick knacks of the fallen city of Tarot. It is the
               work of the House Guards of Balintine to keep the peace and
               set the bounties on monsters that plague the ruins of the
               Upper Reaches and that wander out of the Black Wood. And to
               find proper individuals who can brave the ruins of Tarot and
               bring out her lost treasures to fill the hall or be sold to
               further the purse of the Balintine."

               "It is why we keep the bounty board here in the hall instead
               of posting them in the inn and tavern as most cities do.
               So we can watch silently the adventures who come and go and
               see if any are judged worthy to undertake the dangerous and
               highly rewarding attempts at entering the sunken ruins of

               "Which is why you four where individually chosen out of the
               hundreds of marauders who pass through and claim a bounty or
               two. You four have shown excessive poise and ability. And now
               that you have seen Tarot as she was let us to horse that you
               may see her as she is now."

               The hand recoiled from the pool of yellow light and the blue
               silver moonlit that slanted in from the high narrow window
               slits backlit the party gathered around the table as they
               straightened up as one.

               "When the city first fell we rushed to her aid. And in doing
               so lost many of our own to treacherous blades."


               "And here you see her now." The voice of the table model
               stood under the new sunrise with his arm stretched before him
               again. The long ride in heavy cloaks along side the
               clattering rumble of a donkey cart had left everyone a bit
               weary and the arm fell fast to its side and the body attached
               to it quickly turned away from the sprawling ruins.

               "There is little to see from this vantage." He ducked quickly
               past the party and made his way down mossy stone steps and
               out of the cold wind the rising sun prowled before it.

               The stone steps led down into the open ruin of a stone walled
               house. The roof and parts of the walls were missing. Rubble
               lay in grassy heaps. He continued weaving his way through the
               open maws of stone door jambs or stepping though half slumped
               windows until he stopped in what may have once been a lower
               court yard.

               Men whose heavy cloaks parted upon their exertion to reveal
               glimpses of the livery of the House of Balintine guards.
               Grunted and huffed as they unloaded the donkey cart and
               unsaddled horses setting up camp in the lower ruins sunken
               down out of the bitting wind that seemed to grow colder and
               colder as the sun rose. It was going to be a gray and
               overcast day. Icy rain began to erratically spit and soured
               the temper of the men as they worked. 

               "As you can see," the voice continued as the party of chosen
               adventures split off from the men setting up camp and
               approached the captain of the House Guard to where he had
               stopped in the lower courtyard. "A great chasm has split the
               city of Tarot from the cliffs themselves. All entrances from
               the hinterlands were severed."

               The captain shook off his robes hood and showed a face much
               scared but still strong and handsome despite its heavy
               grizzle of beard. "The only way in is through the docks far
               below. It is a very difficult entry. Requires a lot of
               acrobatics to span the shattered bridges. And entry can only
               be made at low tide."

               "You have to get there by taking the lower path. Several
               hours journey from here. Obviously we don not intend for you
               to try entry that way or we would not have ridden to this

               "You see after a couple of hundred years of sending in
               scavengers and thieves and adventures in through the docks.
               Well the dock lands are all picked clean. And the passages up
               into the city proper from there have long ago been sealed by
               the earthquakes."

               "So... we have this." He half turned and nodded at an open
               moss and grass covered stone staircase that lead down in the
               middle of the overgrown courtyard. "At the base of those
               short flight of stone steps is a heavy iron door. Locked and
               placed there by the Balintine. It is the only land based way
               to now enter the lost city of Tarot."

               "To be honest I had never thought to see its use."

               He looked back at the adventures who still wore their cloaks
               with their hoods up against the chill and damp of the gray
               lowering sky that had now settled like a wet fog about them
               and had canceled out any sensation of morning.

               Lasiter, Captain of the House Guard of the House of Balintine
               whistled and nodded at one of the men above them who was
               setting up camp and he stopped his duties to grab a case off
               of the donkey cart and lug it down to his Captains side.

               "The citizens of Tarot were an untrusting unforgiving and
               greedy lot. They riddled their city with magical walls and
               traps." He opened the heavy box before him and frowned as he
               looked at the slim graceful silver wrist bracelets inside. He
               took out each one carefully and snapped it over the arm of
               the adventures. 

               These arm bands will let you pass through its streets without
               being stopped by magical barriers or setting off traps.
               Lose these and you are as good as dead. I can't emphasize how
               priceless these bracelets are. They are the last of their
               kind outside of Tarot herself."

               He finished placing the four armbands on the four party
               members. "We have paid off your debts and negated your own
               bounties and now we will pay you quiet handsomely for any
               piece of treasure you can lug out of Tarot herself."

               "The ruling elite of the city took many pains to protect its
               self from threats outside and inside. You can see those
               bracelets were made to be worn by female citizens. That is
               why all four of you are women."

               At that each of the adventures shook off her hood and held up
               the shimmering armband clasped on her arm to gaze and ponder

               "Obviously we are taken a gamble to use our last four ways
               into the city like this. So a high priority would be your
               recovering off any of the bodies or from any of the houses
               any similar kind of armband that we can then use in future

               "Now," Lasiter turned and pointed at the stair case and the
               man snapped the wooden chest that had once held the silver
               woven bracelets shut and set it upon a nearby pile of stone
               ruble and took the Captains proffered key chain and hurried
               down the stone steps sunk into the ground where the sound of
               a rusty lock turning and the scraping rasping slow heavy
               sound of a stout door being pushed open resounded. The
               Captain held out his hand and gestured to the black pit where
               the steps lead down and then lead the way.

               The musty darkness gave way to the eruption of dim smoky
               light as the guard struck flint to match and match to wick
               lighting the small hip lantern at his side. He bustled about
               the small narrow stone room lighting a dozen other small tin
               lanterns set about upon stone niches.  

               "See that stone chest." There in the corner of the room was a
               large stone chest. The captain walked up to it. Its top rose
               up to his waist and it was wide enough for a man to lay down
               in. "There are keys like this," he held up a large key. "That
               will open that chest. That chest will hold anything you put
               into it providing it fits through its appature. Anything." 

               "As long as it fits past its mouth and sides you can place
               anything in there. It is for all intense purposes bottomless.
               You can put all the loot of Tarot in there. As long as its
               not magical and not alive it can be placed inside one of

               "There are hundreds of such chest scattered through out the
               city. A person would go to a merchant and buy something and
               then use their personal key to open the stone chest in that
               merchants shop and place their purchase in it. Then they
               would go back to their home and use their key again to open
               the chest in their own house and take it back out again. Each
               individual key opens to what that key placed in there. So if
               you open it and put in a sword and then you opened it with a
               different key and put in a shield and then when you open it
               again with the first key there would only be a sword in there
               and when you open it with the second key there would only be
               a shield."

               "Remember that. If one of you falls holding the key. Take the
               key. Or all that was put into that chest by that key remains
               lost until that key is recovered and used to open a chest."

               "So you can see any key or bracelet you recover will be of
               tremendous use to us. Not only will the bracelet allow us to
               enter into Tarot but the key will allow us to access anything
               that key put into any chest in the city four hundred years

               "The bracelets and keys are magical so they can not be placed
               into a chest. You will have to carry them out. But any non
               living non-magical thing you find that will fit through the
               mouth of the chest you can put in there and we can recover it
               latter with your key here from this chest."

               "See you won't have to lug a lot of stuff back here. You can
               just find a nearby chest and put it in and then come back
               here and we can pull it out and recover it. Remember the
               artisans of Tarot were far ahead of the rest of the humane
               race in their crafts and skills and still remain so. Even
               trinkets like goblets or bowls or dinnerware are highly
               valuable and will net you a nice payment. Still rare weapons
               and armor and any magical items will be even higher valued."

               "A few last things and then you can be on your way. First:
               the city is and was the most magical in all the lands. There
               is a magical barrier that surrounds most of it even now. Your
               bracelets will grow in strength when you enter the city
               proper. Here in this room we are at the very edge of the
               city's great influence. That chest is the outermost that
               still remains functioning and intact. When you past that
               doorway there you will enter the power of the lost city a
               place where we without such bracelets can not venture and

               The adventure party turned and looked at the large heavy door
               which the guardsman was now unlocking at the captain's nod.

               "Second: a century back the city somehow became tainted. A
               darkness swelled up in her heart. I can not explain it.
               But persons who we sent into the dock lands to scavenge began
               to tell tales of the fallen dead who now rise and walk and
               savagely attack anything that enters the city. If you fall in
               Tarot it will raise you as a monster to fight on its behalf
               against any it considers invaders."

               "Third: time stops as soon as you enter. It is hard to
               explain. But I and my men will wait four days in our camp
               here for your return. After that we will know you are never
               coming back. For four days out here is equally to many months
               in timeless Tarot."

               "And fourth: you can not take anything into Tarot that is not
               of Tarot. Such as your weapons armor or... clothes."

               The Captain gave a long unblinking stern look at the
               surprised and confused four young women and then he stepped
               forward and took the red long locks of one of young women and
               began to braid it and then used the braid to fashion the
               chest key to her crimson hair. 

               "All you can take into the city is the bracelets and this
               key. I know what you are thinking. But average citizens were
               not allowed to carry weapons. But these bracelets were
               designed as weapons and shields and armor." He held out his
               hand and the guardsman quickly pulled out a pouch and dropped
               a gem into his palm. 

               Lasiter grabbed the bracelet encased wrist of the red headed
               young girl he had just twined the chest key into her long
               locks and snapped the gem in to the bracelet. "You will find
               these in your travels in the city. The bracelets are designed
               at their base level to let you pass freely through it
               unmolested by the basic traps and barrier walls set up to
               ward out invited noncitizens. But they were also designed to
               receive in them these gems. These gems will allow you to
               summon weapons and armor of varying kinds and strength
               depending on the gem inserted and the will power of the

               Lasiter looked firmly into the eyes of the redheaded freckle
               faced girl. "Cherry Leigh you will be the leader of the party
               charged with its overall survival and its task to seek out
               and recover any viable plunder from the city its self.'

               "You will carry the chest key and this gem I have just placed
               in to your bracelet will let you summon dual daggers. And
               this gem," he snapped in a green gem now to go along side the
               red one. "Will map your surroundings until it is full. You
               must find more such gems. Maps of the upper city are vital
               and will net you high reward."

               "This gem will let you cast a basic level spell," he held up
               a yellow gem between his thumb and forefinger before snapping
               it into place upon the bracelet. "That spell will depend upon
               what grimoire you find and read. These are spell books or
               tombes you will find in the city of Tarot. She should be full
               of them. Each spell gem will hold one learned spell. Just as
               each weapon gem will let you summon one kind of weapon. Red
               gems are weapon gems and blue gems are armor gems and green
               gems are support gems and yellow gems are spell gems. Be on a
               constant look out for gems."

               "The more you use a gem the more you will link with it and
               the more powerful that summoned weapon or spell will become.
               As you defeat the monsters of Tarot their essence will in
               turn power up the gems even further. Be safe but do not fear
               a fight. Or the further you go the weaker you will be when
               you come across a much more powerful creatures."

               Captain Laister of the House Guards of the House of Balintine
               passed by Cherry Leigh and grabbed the bracelet wrist of the
               next party member. "B. J. Knightly, you will be the principle
               fighter of the group. I give you a sword gem and a shield
               gem. Also a purple buff gem that will increase your heal rate
               in face of the risk you will face in front of the battle.

               Lasiter then passed past the tall blonde B. J. Knightly and
               paused before the short in body and hair brunette. "Ivana
               Cox, you will be the principle thief of the party. Though the
               bracelets will let you all pass the basic sigil spells set
               into the streets and arches of Tarot designed to harm or stop
               outsiders; there are numerous other sigil spells and locks on
               doors and gates that will need a thief's touch to open. This
               gem will summon a lock pick set and pry bar. And this gem
               will summon the unblinking eye spell. A spell that will let
               you identify a sigil or ward and know what the appropriate
               response will be to open it. This gem will summon a long bow
               with endless supply of arrows. But beware each arrow you fire
               will take away a sliver of your health. So make sure you let
               your self recover before venturing on."

               The short stout man stopped again before the last of the four
               adventures. A tall willowy raven haired pale girl; "Alotta
               Moans. You will be the principle magic user of the party. I
               give you a healing gem spell. A fire ball combat spell gem. A
               summon a coven of bats spell gem."

               "You will all notice that each of your bracelets can hold
               several gems and you can switch them out as you please.
               Remember gems are magical as are the basic bracelets and any
               more key you may find. As such you can not store them in
               chests. You will have to lug them around with you. And since
               you will now have to strip naked.
               What you can carry until you find some new garments or packs
               will be very limited indeed." The captain crossed his arms
               and stood back and then waited as the four girls slowly

               "I can no longer look upon the shattered ruins of my homeland
               from my fresh hewn battlements. Therefore I charge the
               Captain of my guard to hold my keep and protect my people and
               I will away to the capital Byron to seek what sanity I may."


               Cherry Leigh stood braced and bold; straddled legged upon the
               street of Tarot. The sky was golden and warm and inviting
               with soft languid breezes that like the light seemed to come
               from everywhere and no where.

               There was no sun no cloud in the sky overhead just a sheath
               of soft blue and considering they had just emerged from a
               narrow and dank dirt faced tunnel that led back to the small
               cellar room and then a somber gray overcast wet with bitter
               cold; the freshness of this timeless day was unnerving and
               yet invigorating none the less.

               The young woman and leader of the party was lithe in build
               her body well turned with long legs and arms her long red
               hair cascaded down her strong back touching the top of her
               round full buttocks. Her narrow waist joined her strong
               thighs at a thick heavy patch of crimson pubes and her upper
               body was endowed with a set of oversized large breasts with
               large puffy areolas and every hard nipples. Her double jj-cup
               breasts heaved and jiggled as she breathed and her green wide
               large eyes flashed above her smirking thick full lips. She
               stood naked upon the warm bricks of the humped street with
               both her summoned daggers in her hands glowing white blue.

               Next to her stood the towering maiden. B. J. Knightly. From
               the far frozen upper lands the long limbed thin woman was a
               giant. Seven feet in height her thin but muscular frame and
               long limbs were dwarfed only by her enormous breasts that
               were each easily twice the size of her head. Her pubic patch
               was shaved bald. She too stood defiant and naked with her
               summoned shield and sword glowing sliver white in her hands.

               Behind the two Alotta Moans standing a little taller than
               Cherry Leigh and almost shoulder height to B. J. Knightly was
               dusting off the dirt of the passage with the palm of her
               Incredible as it might sound her breasts were the largest
               pair of the group and unlike the red head and blonde her
               pubic patch had obviously never been trimmed. Her eyes darted
               around her with apprehension.

               Next to Alotta Moans, the thief Ivanna Cox, had just cast
               unblinking eye. Not only did it have the power to reveal
               traps and their workings but it let the young girl read the
               wooden carved sign above the half crumbled house they had
               just exited. 

               "What dose it say?' Cherry asked as she looked over her round
               shoulder at the thief.

               Alotta was the shortest of the group and her body was more
               compressed but still pleasantly formed. Her large breasts
               were a tad less pert and jutting as the others and tended to
               hang a bit but she was no less attractive and had the most
               beautiful face of the group. She also kept her pubic area
               trimmed but into a small vertical strip that seemed a touch
               pretentious compared to the others.

               "It says, 'the house of Lazurus'. Nothing more." The thief
               looked back at Cherry her eyes still glowing yellow from the
               spells effect.

               "Do see any spells or traps around us?" Cherry asked as she
               looked back at the empty street. It was disquieting that
               looking back and above the house one did not see the jutting
               overhang of rock and dirt where the rest of the house of
               Lazurus and the captain and his men should be camped waiting
               for them. Instead there was only a wall of blue sky.

               "Well..." Alotta pivoted her head in all directions. "I see
               several sigil's glowing on the street and embedded in walls."
               She reached out carefully and rubbed a nearby wall. "But our
               employer seems to have been correct. Our bracelets seem to
               keep us from triggering them."

               The cellar opening which was all that remained of the house
               of Lazurus that and a pile of stone rubble opened out upon a
               street that was entirely lined with squat short block-ish
               houses. Small niche gardens and window boxes lined the
               otherwise sealed in street. The obviously suburban street
               slanted downward and both visible ends of the street ended
               abruptly in intersections of more low houses and gardens. 

               "I don't think it's going to matter which way we go. At first
               anyway." The tall lithe giant spoke. Her voice had a frosty
               demeanor and she spoke with a clip accent of the upper lands.

               Cherry nodded. Until a few moments ago none of them had met
               and now here they were stark naked and in an adventuring
               party together in what was considered one of the most
               dangerous cities in the realm; both before and after its

               "In that case let's head down hill. It will give us some
               advantage if we need to fight. I would like to see a bit more
               of the general layout before we start looting the houses in
               the immediate local." Cherry nodded again but they all four
               hesitated and no one ventured forward down the gentle slope
               of the rolling buckled street.

               "These houses don't seem particularly prosperous. I doubt we
               would find anything exceptional in them." Ivanna spoke lowly.
               There seemed an unspoken agreement amongst the party not to
               break the silence of the city.

               "The Captain said 'anything' from Tarot would have value.
               Even table settings," Alotta added under her breath. They
               were all looking about them at the yellow stone of the
               buildings and street. The stones had been so white in the
               table model. 

               "Still I am sure he would want something more than vases and
               cutlery when we return," Cherry's eyes seemed to be becoming
               use to the odd blue sky's light and its odd effect of making
               the stones glow and the shadows seem flat and sharp in their

               "Indeed. I believe what he really wants are more of these
               bracelets and chest keys like the ones he gave us. More
               insurance of being able to send others in here than just us."
               The blonde warrior spoke in her methodical husky way.

               "I am not sure bringing him back any more of these bracelets
               especially ones taken off the corpses of males would be a
               great idea for our finical future," Alotta stated as she
               pushed her bangs out of her face.

               No one said anything but lips tightened and eyes narrowed.

               "All right then. First thing lets take in some of the sights
               and then find one of those stone chests. From what the
               Captain said we should be able to find one in most of these
               dwellings. But ideally we would be best served by finding a
               shop of some kind with a stone chest in it. Preferably a
               market with several shops. The Captain made it sound like he
               wasn't so picky but I am sure he would want four hundred year
               old trinkets untouched off a shop self rather than the same
               item much used from some houses larder."

               "The Balintine family were of the royal family line. But the
               fact that they were 'removed' from the city of Tarot and set
               up in the hinterlands lends one to seriously question their
               beloved ties to the Tarot Citadel and the policies there in."

               - Balintine-

               The streets were much more labyrinthine than they first
               appeared with many arched gateways and small court yards from
               which streets branched off at odd angles going up or down or
               sideways. To this was the general upheaval which become
               increasingly more notable and prevalent. 

               Great sink holes suddenly appeared that fell away to inky
               blackness and huge fissures and up reared hoary headed spikes
               of rock thrust out of the ground at dangerous frozen

               But even without these jutting monstrosities and pitfalls it
               became increasingly apparent that the people of Tarot had
               taken it for common course that a direct line of conveyance
               was not to be expected or perhaps desired. One did not simply
               walk a straight street that turned a corner or two and
               reached a market or larger concourse. No, one waked down a
               street that dead ended in a small courtyard. To go further
               you had to go up a flight of stone open faced stairs that led
               you to the rooftops of the shoulder to shoulder houses you
               had already passed and then you back tracked upon their roofs
               which were laid out like streets and alley ways themselves
               and continued upon your way until you went down or up another
               stair case. There were roof courtyards and shops set up here
               just as there were courtyards and shops set up underground
               below the street level.

               The model had seemed a circular maze of sprawling buildings
               layered like cake boxes upon each other but with large
               central roads radiating out like spokes striking out from the
               central citadel for traffic to quickly move along its ridged
               unflinching lines with spiralling off shoots of cul-de-sacs
               here and there like smoky fil-de-gree glass.

               But in reality arched gate houses and courtyards sealed off
               all direct access. And the constant need to stop and pick the
               bronze gate locks made it often easier and faster to find
               another passage above or below that by-passed the gate house
               and its barred passage.

               These passages were often narrow and hidden. Niches that were
               actually portals or dead-ends that were often hidden portals
               leading down or up if one knew where to look. 

               Many of these had been closed by the ruin of the earthquake.
               Entire areas were collapsed or left just a lone standing
               building. Pathways were blocked off. Or new passages opened.
               Many times the caved in walls of a home or walled gate house
               led the way onward.

               Moreover every single door was locked. Many further bolted
               from the inside as well as locked. Ivanna knitted her brow
               and sweated at the tasks but it was apparent these were not
               normal locks.

               Each of them had been chosen because of their skills as
               observed by their claiming jobs off the bounty board posted
               in the Balintine keep, and evidently by them all being women
               so as to be able to use the bracers the house guard

               The Captain had then assigned each of them a place and task
               in the party again based on their skills. As such Alotta was
               the most skilled at lock picking in their party and probably
               the most skilled in the entire Meadow Lands. And she was
               having a difficult time opening even the doors of what were
               obviously simple hovels.

               "I don't understand this." Alotta blew a fpuff of air out of
               the corner of her mouth to push her bangs aside of her large
               eyes. "The Captain said we would grow in skill the more we
               use our summoned equipment. But I have been using these lock
               picks and jimmy's for what must be over a hundred locks so
               far and though the gem stone glows and sparkles with each
               successful pick I don't feel any increase in skill at all! In
               fact I should be 'learning' just by rote these odd locks with
               each attempt but instead its like every lock is brand new to
               me when I start in on it?!"

               "I am not sure how much of the Captain's blather we can
               trust," B. J. Knightly mused. "I mean did we really have to
               strip naked in order to pass into here?"

               "It dose seem like they are putting all their eggs in this
               one basket. We do seem their last chance to bring out more
               loot from Tarot." Cherry Leigh sighed as she watched over
               Ivanna's shoulder as she once more set about the lock door in
               front of them.

               "True. But did you see how their peckers were leaping about
               in their pants when we dropped our clothes?" B. J. Knightly
               smirked and all the other girls began to giggle.

               "Well, we can trust in the greed of the Balintine family.
               They haven't worked a day in their lives for generations and
               they have made a rich and lucrative career out of plundering
               Tarot. That plunder has become a trickle and then nothing the
               past decade.
               I am sure that the Captain was speaking true when he said the
               dock lands had been stripped clean and there was nothing left
               that they could get to by their normal means."

               "He also said the city was teaming with monsters and un-dead.
               So far we have seen only ruins and locked doors." B. J.
               Knightly raised up both her hands and pushed her fingers
               through her radiant long golden hair. None of the party had
               their weapons summoned now. They had found that summoning
               their weapons slowly tired them. So they un-summoned them and
               kept on alert if something should warrant their sudden need.

               "You sound disappointed, B. J." Alotta purred in her strange
               soft accent of the distant Sun Dry Lands. 

               There was a loud snapping click and then the rasp of hinges.
               "Well that might just well change." Ivanna muttered as she
               stood up and dispelled her lock picking set and summoned up
               her bow.

               There before them was yet another large courtyard but here
               all the stones were of a bluish hue and there was a strange
               black purple moss and vapors clinging to the pavement and
               issuing forth from the wall chinks and cracks.

               "That must be the 'taint' the Captain spoke of?" Cherry
               peered past Ivanna's raised bow and hunkered shoulder.
               "Hmm, taint or not. I still would worry more of the Crossed
               Swords. Those pirates have been sneaking in past the
               Balintine house guards for decades and slipping out with
               enough loot to merit more such clandestine raids." B. J.
               Knightly pushed slowly past the bottle neck at the opened
               door and entered the courtyard summoning her shield and

               "There's more than just the Crossed Swords to keep an eye out
               for; the Balintine family is not the only descendents of the
               royal line of Tarot. The Rosenthornes married out of the city
               and into the house of Blackmarsh before the cataclysm. They
               are much more powerful than the Balintine. The Guilds and
               House of Charters may recognize the Balintine as the only
               legitimate heirs to lay claim and salvage to the lost city of
               Tarot but the Rosenthornes of Blackmarsh wield considerable
               influence in the capital of Byron and through much of the
               realms. They have been sending in small squads of their own
               soldiers and troops into the ruins for centuries. I would not
               be surprised to stumble across a unit or two of them well
               fortified in one of these courtyards or one of these larger
               gate houses." Cherry Leigh nodded up at the battlements
               ringing the large open stone paved courtyard before them.

               "The Rosenthornes are one of the richest houses in all of the
               realms. Why would they bother with looting the ruins of
               Tarot?" Alotta frowned.

               "Why indeed?" Cherry whispered.

               "Perhaps we should ask them?" Ivanna pointed her bow behind
               the group which had just reached the center of the courtyard
               for there exiting another door way in the wall strode several
               knights clad in the distinctive armor of Rosenthournes and
               Blackmarsh house.

               "Hey!" Snarled Alotta, "why do they get to wear clothes?!"
               She quickly grabbed one of her breasts to cover the areola
               and nipple while using her forearm and biceps of the same arm
               to cover up the areola and nipple of the other breast while
               her remaining hand slipped down over her exposed sex. She
               scrunched up to hide her naked body from the advancing

               "Yes that indeed seems unfair," B. J. Knightly muttered and
               lowered her self into a combat crouch. Her large shield
               raised as well as her sword.

               Suddenly an arrow of bluish hue shot forward and sunk deep
               into the mail chest piece of one of the advancing knights. He
               paused to grab it by its glowing shaft and then sunk to his
               knees pausing only briefly before falling full upon his face
               plated helmet.

               "I guess that means all talk is out the window," Cherry Leigh
               looked over at Ivanna who seemed startled that her bow had
               just fired.

               "Sorry," Ivanna gave an uneasy smile back at Cherry and B. J.
               "it just sort of slipped."

               "Well wielding magical summoned weapons can be a bit tricky
               at first," B. J. sighed and looked back at the cluster of
               Rosenthorne guards who instead of advancing any further had
               stopped abruptly and were inching away from their dead fallen

               This seemingly odd behavior become much less so when the dead
               guard began to clamber to his unsteady feet and then with
               weapon in hand made a sudden furious lurch at one of his
               comrades. The living guards immediately set about hacking at
               the dead knight but he hewed one down in the process and as
               they continued to cut at his mailed limbs the second dead
               guard rose and joined in the attack on the living knights
               driving them back across the courtyard to the open doorway
               they had just issued out of moments before.

               "I believe that is our cue to beat a hasty retreat," Cherry
               growled as she spun and high tailed it to the nearest stair
               case leading up onto the encircling walls.

               "Seems the Captain was right in his warning about the dead
               rising in Tarot to fight the unwelcome," B. J. shouted as she
               and the others turned to join Cherry in her flight.

               "Yeah but what about the clothes? Can we wear clothes or
               not?" Alotta howled still trying to cover up her naked body
               as she ran.

               "Well, considering that we don't have any clothes to wear I
               guess that point is now moot." B. J. barked as they reached
               the open face stone stair case and rushed up it to the
               courtyard walls top.

               Here they paused the knights both living and dead had
               disappeared back through the dark doorway they had previously
               entered from. That doorway was only a dozen yards from their
               own still open doorway. 

               They kept an eye on the two open doorways as they caught
               their breath and surveyed the vantage of the high wall they
               now found themselves crowned upon. 

               For the first time since they had arrived in Tarot they could
               see a large section of the city. All the rooftop advantages
               before had not risen up above the inner curtained walls which
               cut off sections of the city. But now they found themselves
               upon one such curtained wall and it towered over the
               immediate city on both sides.

               From here they could see the first of the many water canales
               cut in channels in the stone block streets and the many
               archways and gate houses both in front and behind them. The
               area behind them had been composed almost entirely of small
               houses but the area before them was full of large stone
               structures and showed much promise for loot and the yet
               illusive stone chests into which they were to place said

               The inner part of the city was covered in the 'taint' and all
               the blocks of stone had taken on a blue-black cast and purple
               vespers and moss and foul looking red-black thorny vines
               covered everything. 

               "Look," B. J. Knightly pointed out past the large courtyard
               past its far wall which was lower than the curtain wall they
               were now on. There many humanoid shapes slowly shuffled along
               and large, much larger, shapes could just be made slowly
               moving amongst the open areas and boulevards. "From now on it
               will be almost constant fighting."

               "We have not come far," Cherry looked out over the area they
               had just traversed. "I can see the Lazurus house through
               who's cellar and earthen tunnel we had entered the city."

               "Eh? How is that even possible?!" Alotta whined. "We have
               been walking for ever!"

               "It's true," B. J. Knightly chimed in, "with a good bow I
               could hit the house from here. While we have traveled a very
               short distance... less than a hundred paces as the crow
               flies. We have covered many miles in actual travel. See there
               is where we had to go up the stair case and back track across
               the roofs and there is where we went down to the lower level
               and we came up there and-"

               "There were many dead ends and a lot of searching for the
               next way forward. And a LOT of locks." Ivanna sighed.

               "Our mapping gem has stopped shimmering. It has turned an
               opaque gold now. I am going to guess that means it is full.
               So were not going to make any more money off the mapping
               portions of this visit unless we can find another such
               stone." Cherry looked at the now lusterless stone set upon
               her sliver wrist band and then back up and around her, "we
               had best find some treasure and return as soon as possible to
               the Captain."

               "That would appear to be easier said than done," B. J.
               Dispelled her weapon and shield and stretched. "So far we
               have seen nothing. Not even a cracked pot. Could it be that
               this area too has been picked clean like the docks? Maybe the
               Crossed Swords or the Rosenthorne have some other way in to
               this area and looted it clean?"

               "So many locks. I have not seen so many locks before. Why
               would anyone put locks that strong on every single door and
               not one key in sight?!" Ivanna dispelled her bow and waved
               her arms.
               "SLAVES!" Everyone turned to look at Alotta who was suddenly
               very excited. "Don't you see that area we just went through.
               That was were the Tarot kept their slaves!"

               "Slaves? How do you know they had slaves? I thought they used
               magic to do all their work. Golem and mechanical constructs."
               B. J. Frowned.

               "I have read several books on Tarot in the libraries at
               Thoth. And they had plenty of slaves." Alotta stuck out her
               chin in defiant smugness.

               "Thoth, the home of the magic guild and their schools. That
               makes sense that a magic user like Alotta would have studied
               there." Cherry tapped her chin in thought.

               "Hold on," B. J. Sneered. "Thoth is also where the courtesan
               guilds headquarters are and where they have their, er,
               schools in that city as well."

               Alotta began to blush and grit her teeth.

               "A real, trained mage, would have fired an offensive combat
               or defensive buff spell as soon as she saw those knights
               approaching. Only a whore, and not a very good whore, would
               have grabbed her tits and crotch and started whining." It was
               B. J.'s turn to jut out her chin and smile in smugness.

               "Well these bracelets have a magical assessment meter built
               into them. See," Cherry held up her silver wrist bracelet.
               "It shows our aptitudes and abilities for various tasks and
               functions at our current base level compared to a set
               standard. And Alotta's magical aptitude to both learn and use
               spells is higher than all the rest of ours put together. So
               she has certainly had magical training."

               "I am not saying she can't wield a spell or two. What I am
               saying is that it is not uncommon for the two schools of
               wizards and whores to have cross over students. Look at her
               agility and vigor and endurance and stamina and base healing
               rate! You will never find any magic user with stats like
               that! Only a courtesan would have all those heightened base
               skills and all needed for her line of work!" B. J. Let go of
               Alotta's wrist who was now getting a bit angry.

               "Regardless she is the party's mage and that's all that
               matters," Cherry growled.

               "Don't you get it?" B. J. looked at her companions in
               surprise and disbelief. "I have no problem with a
               professional whore in our company; in fact that tends to be
               extremely useful on many occasions. But what I am saying is
               we have our COOK! Courtesans are all master chefs! And I
               don't know about you but I am starved!"

               "It would seem that even if time does not pass here in Tarot
               and our bodies supposedly don't age; we do grow tired and
               need to rest and now that you mention it I am rather hungry
               myself." Cherry rubbed her flat stomach and sighed.

               "The slave thing makes sense," Ivanna mumbled. Apparently
               missing out in her deep thought the entire conversation about
               Alotta being a professional trained whore. "You would have
               strong locks that work from the outside on a slaves door and
               not bolts on the inside and the houses would not have simple
               windows but barred as these all have.
               So you could lock them in and not have them lock you out. And
               there would be no stone chests for possessions for what
               possessions do slaves have. It explains why only the one
               house had a name on it. The Lazurus family must have been in
               charge of the slave quarter and that might explain why they
               had an escape tunnel in their cellar. In case the slaves

               "That dose make sense. That also means that perhaps the Cross
               Swords and the Rosenthornes have not picked the area clean
               but that the area being a slave quarter simply had nothing to
               steal?" Cherry looked out over where they had been at the low
               flat simple buildings piled up upon each other. 

               "It would also explain why there were no fountains or wells.
               Withholding water is a strong way to quell a riot." B. J.
               looked solemnly out over the yellow simple hovels.

               "Look at the new area we have entered." Alotta tilted her
               head out past the large bluish stone block courtyard.
               "Statues and monuments and fountains and aqueducts and even
               water falls and canales and every stone seems etched and
               carved. Opulence abounds."

               "And undead and monsters and-" B. J. frowned.

               "And treasure. A lot of treasure I hope. And some kind of
               food. Since we have brought no provisions at all with us."
               Cherry rubbed her abdomen again.

               "AH!" Alotta exclaimed.

               "What is it?!" B. J. and Cherry and Ivanna startled summoning
               their weapons and instinctively turning toward the distant
               door where the knights had vanished some minutes before.

               "There," pointed Alotta. "It's a library!"

               B. J. Dispelled her shield and sword and slapped her forehead
               pulling at her face.

               "Seriously Alotta!" Cherry dispelled her twin daggers and

               "But don't you get it? A LIBRARY!" Alotta looked at the
               scornful faces around her. "You know a place where they keep
               books. As in books full of information. As in treasure."

               "More like a room full of dust after four hundred years," B.
               J. growled. 

               "Well nothing else has aged or rotted in here after four
               hundred years. Except for the damage done by the earthquakes
               everything seems pristine.
               I would have to say that if that tower over there is indeed a
               repository of tombes then they should remain in tact." Ivanna
               nodded at the lone tower as she spoke.

               "How can you be sure it's a library?" B. J. puckered her lips
               at the stone tower.

               "Because it says, 'library' above the main door," Alotta
               moved past the chagrined Knightly and pondered out loud, "but
               how do we get in there?"

               The curtain wall passed through a large square tower. The
               wall continued on the other side of the tower. At a right
               angle to the square tower a lower wall ran making the
               backside of the large courtyard. That wall had no doors or
               gates or passage ways leading out of the courtyard much like
               the curtained wall they were standing on now. 

               This lower wall ended at a lone round tower. The tower Alotta
               had pointed out to be a library. Another lower wall right
               angled out of the round tower moving back towards the wall
               where they and the knights had passed through two doorways
               and first entered the courtyard. This wall directly opposite
               of them had several iron gated archways in it and beyond it
               they could see a large portion of the city proper.

               The 'main' doorway as Alotta had called it was in fact down
               bellow in the courtyard at the base of the round tower and
               piles of fallen rubble blocked much of it making any
               likelihood of ingress impossible. However the party could see
               that the wall leading out from the square tower where it met
               the round lone tower had a smaller secondary access door.

               All they had to do was enter the square tower and then turn
               right and exit the tower and follow the walkway on top of the
               lower wall until it reached the lone round tower and then
               enter the door there. That door was half way up the tower and
               should not prove any more impossible to open than the dozens
               of locked doors Ivanna had been dealing with since they first
               stepped bare footed into Tarot.

               Of course nothing is ever that simple. The entrance to the
               square tower that the curtain wall ran through the center of
               had an bronze gate that the earthquake had shifted and warped
               so as it could not be opened. The party managed to get past
               it by climbing upon one another's shoulders and accessing an
               area where the bronze decorative work had been sundered by
               collapsing stone. 

               There is something a bit unnerving climbing helplessly and
               blindly into a dark area uninvited which you are relatively
               certain are full of monsters.

               But after some tugging and pulling and anxious moments and
               some cursing of boob size and buttocks girth the party found
               its self inside the square tower. There was however no door
               way leading to the right to the lower wall. The choices left
               to them was taking a half collapsed metal stair case leading
               down with little chance of getting back up it or squeezing
               past the bronze gate directly across from the one they
               entered and following the curtain wall further or taking
               another wooden staircase up to the wooden floor above them.

               Being tired and needing to rest and still hoping to find some
               form of food and secure shelter they chose to head up the
               wooden stairs as it seemed the easiest path and least prone
               for danger.

               Here they met their first Crossed Sword. Four undead a bit
               withered and slightly worn still wearing their bronze chain
               mail shirts. Simple armor that hangs down from the shoulder
               to the knees with a cloth sleeveless tunic bearing the
               Crossed Swords Confederate Island Crest and the local Island
               logo of their home city-state. 

               They came at them with bronze hand axe, sword, spear, with
               the last one hanging back and working slowly at a heavy cross

               While each member of the party had proven themselves
               individually to the Captain through their successful bounties
               claimed at the Balintine hall jobs board. They had never yet
               worked together as a team. As such the fight which should
               have been relatively easy was instead a screaming awkward
               stumbling helter-skelter mishap that ended with B. J. ass end
               up trapped in a wicker basket and Cherry frantically
               scrambling to not lose her grip on the drapes as she dangled
               out the rooms sole window and Ivanna helpless buried under
               the weight of three dead undead. Only Alotta had remained
               upright and unscathed. 

               Knowing that casting any of her offensive combat spells in
               such a small stone room with so many franticly moving about
               comrades was not a good idea; the busty sorceress had instead
               tried to cast heal spells on her allies as they took punches
               and blows and gained scrapes and cuts under the mechanical
               onslaught of the undead scavenger thieves. 

               She had missed. Every cast had missed her intended target and
               struck an undead pirate. To her utter surprise she had found
               her heal spell weakened and even killed the undead. 

               Of course once the fighting was over and she had rushed about
               the room and helped everyone back on to their feet she kept
               this ignorance and accidental heroism to herself and cast her
               heal spells on her breathless comrades who thanked her
               heartily and marveled at her prowess in battle.

               In the small stone chamber of the guards room they found
               their first stone chest and their first items of loot. The
               weapons and armor worn by the undead looters were nothing
               special. Certainly not the legendary weapons produced by the
               hammer smiths of Tarot. But it was still finely crafted
               bronze weapons and still in good condition. Not as powerful
               as their own magically summoned weapons and too heavy for
               lugging around but they fit nicely into the stone chest so in
               they went.

               They passed around the bronze mail shirts and the cloth
               tunics but all four young girls proved far too busty to
               squeeze into them. So those too went into the chest. The room
               was full of sundry items such as tankards and plates and
               knives and jugs and pots and all of that went into the chest
               as well. 

               They stripped the room bare including ornate and odd lanterns
               and a half dozen books full of stories about adventure and
               war that none of them had ever heard of before and several
               bobbles and trinkets with semi-precious stones set in them.
               But nothing one would call real 'loot'. Still as Cherry noted
               it was a start and a far improvement over their previous

               There was however no food to speak of and after the combat
               and spell casting they all agreed that they were getting
               tired enough to sleep and stomachs were growling.

               Since each member of the party was use to working alone or
               being in charge of a group of adventures they now all voiced
               their opinions of what should be done and Cherry was hard
               pressed to keep the opinions from coming to blows.

               While dozens of variations persisted the general choices
               boiled down to this; the part could stay in the room where
               they were and bed down on the wood floor and sleep. No meal
               but no immediate threat about.

               Or they could tie the drapes and tapestries in the room
               together and use them to lower themselves out of the towers
               window down to the lower wall and venture over to the lone
               round library tower and explore that.

               Or they could retrace their steps and return to the options
               that had faced them when they first entered the square guard
               tower. Basically heading past the next gate and following the
               curtain wall some more. Or heading down into the lower depths
               of the tower.

               There was also the simple fact that they had not followed the
               tower up to its top. There was obviously a wooden ceiling
               above them which thus was in turn a wooden floor and a wooden
               stair case must lead up yet further.
               That the stair case was not in their small room and that the
               room was obviously smaller than the lower floor foot print of
               the tower where they had first entered. Suggested that there
               was at least another room if not two on the floor they were
               on. Despite the fact that all around them appeared to be
               stone walls all solid and sturdy and only one with a window
               in it and that looking out over the lower wall leading to the
               library tower everyone agreed there must be some form of
               secret passage leading to what must surely be the rest of the
               tower floor.

               Everyone also agreed that the original idea to head to the
               library tower should still be pursued and that lowering
               themselves out the rooms window made more sense than trying
               to find some passage up or down that must then lead to some
               hidden passage to the top of the lower wall and thus the
               round tower's secondary door.

               But most also agreed that it did not make sense having a
               stone chest finally in their immediate environment to not
               search the stone guard tower a bit more thoroughly for loot. 

               What no one could agree about was wether they should make
               camp where they were. The arguments against were very
               compelling but so where the tired and sore joints and growing
               gnawing hunger. 

               Cherry in the end convinced everyone that they could not
               possibly bed down in a room where they all believed there was
               a secret passage leading to other unknown rooms and where
               four hacked up freshly dead undead might re-dead themselves
               and attack them at any minute. The idea of tossing the now
               naked undead out the tower window was boycotted on the simple
               logic that they generally planed on climbing out that window
               sooner or latter and would be climbing down on top of those
               jettisoned bodies.

               So with grunts and groans they party got up and started
               searching for the secret passage into the rest of that floors
               rooms. Not surprisingly it was Ivanna and the spell
               unblinking eye that found not one but several hidden

               They found three which turned out to be little more than
               storage niches or hidden spider bolt holes for guards to leap
               out of upon unexpected guests. 

               In two of these the party found their first Tarot foraged
               weapons and armor. Much prized and highly rewarding. Still
               the armor was made for men and apparently the men of Tarot
               four hundred years ago were smaller in stature and shrunken
               in the chest and buttocks compared to the adventurers who
               tossed each piece into the stone chest with a sigh.

               "Now we are talking!" Cherry beamed. "This is the loot we
               were after! The Captain should be happy with this lot." She
               giggled as she tossed an arm load of swords and spears and
               halberds into the stone chest and leaned her head close to
               lock it shut with the key woven into her fiery red hair.

               "Should we return then?" B. J. wondered out loud. "There is
               no sign of food and all the water I have seen so far seems
               tainted with that purple muck."

               "Going further into Tarot would be risky without some proper
               stores." Ivanna looked out of the window in the stone chest
               room at the sky over the city. The sky over the outskirts of
               the city in the slave quarter had been this brilliant flat
               blue. But over the tainted parts of the city the sky broiled
               with think leaden gray and black clouds. The areas under that
               sky were much darker; being thick in shadow and that odd
               bluish black purple glow from the lichen covered stones and
               the deadly looking vines.

               Cherry tapped her chin in thought. "Agreed we must turn back
               and rest in the Captains camp where we can get some food and
               water. Even if we can not bring anything inside with us as he
               said, and of which I have some doubts considering those we
               have met who brought in their clothes and weapons with them;
               we can at least eat and sleep and recover our strength before
               venturing back inside. We have already explored enough of the
               city to make our next visit's travels go a lot faster and
               smoother. But still... I think we should see if we can't find
               just a bit more loot. I would hate to think the Captain felt
               his time and money were not well spent on our efforts."

               "Well there is yet the third secret passage we found. It has
               no stores in it or weapons and ends in a dead end. It is
               rather obvious that it must have another secret opening that
               leads into the next room or staircase leading upwards. We
               could quickly search that." Ivanna mused out loud.

               "Excellent idea!" Cherry exploded in smiles as she leapt up
               from the side of the stone chest her own large chest leaping
               about on her young body.

               The party filed into the narrow stone passage behind Ivanna
               who did not even have cast the unblinking eye spell to find
               the lever to open the secret door.

               The first thing they noticed when they crept into the dim
               room was the smell. It was hideous. It reminded one of a
               miners camp that has come down with a sickness and the only
               medicine to have is beer in vast quantities and some blister
               and boil covered wretch staggers to his unsteady feet and
               takes a long acidic leak of foul brown urine on the coals of
               the only fire used for cooking and pyre a like.

               The room was a large rectangle making up the entire missing
               half of the rest of the floor of the keep. Against the far
               wall the shattered remains of a wooden stair case lay at
               bottom of the well of light of the splintered apature leading
               to the outside elements.

               In the center of the room lay something enormous. It was
               long, wide, and curled up in a black shadowy purple and red
               and black ball of bristles. 

               It's sides rose slowly up and down like a breathing hill. All
               about it lay the chewed up remains of clumps of bones and
               twisted up mangled bits of armor and weapons that had
               obviously passed through its foul body.

               Without a word the party inched back into the passage and
               back into the guard room while Ivanna quietly closed both
               secret doors.

               It was decided that an attempt on the libraries secondary
               door should be made before heading back to the Captain's camp
               and the party quickly and quietly set about tearing up the
               drapes and tapestries and tying them together into a
               makeshift rope. Thus sacrificing the items as treasure in
               hopes the round tower would yield better offerings for their
               stone chest. 

               The rope ended about eight feet from the top of the lower
               wall but everyone in the party was limber enough to make such
               a drop with ease. 

               Upon the wall, on either side, there were large carved heads
               adorning it set about ten feet down, in front of these were
               piles of rubble that once must have been their decorative
               bodies set in the wall in raised relief. A further drop of
               another ten feet or so and these piles could be reached.
               Sliding down those would reach the courtyard on either side
               of the wall. Not the most desirable means to get off the wall
               so if the round library tower had no other means back down to
               the courtyard other than the obstructed main door they had
               seen then they could at least slip and drop down via the
               remains of the statues once they had explored the lone tower.

               The lower wall was very thick and with the checkerboard
               pattern of the large heads now bodiless it zigzag in its
               depth to even wider breadth. It was with ease that the four
               companions made their way across the top of the wall to the
               round stone tower. 

               Here they found themselves confronted with a bronze gate of
               bars set with two bronze heads where there should have been
               handles or locks.

               Alotta pushed past the befuddled Ivanna and knocked on each
               head in turn which were set next to one another and slowly
               they opened their metal eyelids.

               "I know this one!" Cherry excitedly whispered to B. J. as
               Alotta exchanged greetings with the two metal heads and began
               conversing with them. "You see the first head only tells the
               truth and the second head only tells lies and what you have
               to do is-"

               Alotta shoved one of her huge tits into one metal mouth and
               then the other tit in the second one. 

               "GLORMPH! GLORMPH!" The heads masticated and sucked on the
               large firm tits as trickles of milk ran down their metal

               The bronze heads parted as the gate opened and a blushing
               Alotta popped her breasts out of each smiling mouth and waved
               good-bye as the party quickly passed through the gate and
               stood at the base of the short flight of stone stairs that
               ran around in a spiral circle fallowing the outer stone wall.

               "Now that's what I am talking about," exclaimed one head as
               it smacked its metal lips.

               "Four hundred years and someone finally got it right," the
               other head wind-chimed in gleeful agreement. 

               "They're called 'knockers' for a reason," Alotta smiled back
               over her shoulder as she skipped up the steps.

               "Is that how it's done?" B. J. leaned into the ear of a
               shocked Cherry Leigh and smirked. "I was a little confused on
               which one was telling the truth and which one was lying
               though." Cherry looked at B. J. and blinked and then frowned
               before storming up the staircase after Alotta and Ivanna.
               "Whore collage I am telling you. She even got her lactating
               major," B. J. giggled and winked and leaped up the stairs
               after the party as the bronze gate slowly wheezed closed
               behind them.

               The stairs ended abruptly at a simple wooden door with no
               lock that opened upon a large circular room that had one
               window and was full from floor to ceiling with books of all
               shapes and sizes. That ceiling was quiet a ways up and a
               number of ladders leaned here and there against the towering
               overladen racks.

               The floor its self was covered in piles of books and strange
               esoteric items poking out of wooden crates and fire hardened
               pots. According to the bronze plate upon the wooden door this
               was 'the screaming savant' room.
               It was becoming increasingly obvious that the people of Tarot
               did not use simple numbers to denote locations but had the
               rather confusing habit of naming every street every house
               every courtyard every street corner every stair case with
               unusual and unsavory titles such as; 'the burning hand', 'the
               blind mare', 'lost souls', 'the sun lotus', to just name a
               few that the party had seen in its short journey from the
               house of Lazurus. One could take the small bronze plaques
               that bore these location names and hammer them into armor
               enough for all the armies of the realm.

               In some places the books were stacked into towering teetering
               walls so that the party had to wind their way through the
               room exploring musty valleys of arcane wisdom, exciting
               adventures, travel logs, how to books on cooking or sailing;
               a brightly burnished canyon wall of multicolored leather
               bindings and book marker ribbons that hung down like willow
               tree limbs or soared upon unfelt zephyrs high above their

               It was Cherry who saw the stone chest first and burst into
               glee and with her characteristic wild emotional abandon
               knocked over a short stack of books with her excited bobbing
               breasts as they pointed out the stone chest.

               "Careful there," the old man in the khaki shorts and pith
               helmet standing unseen by Cherry right next to the stone
               chest admonish. Causing the red headed girl to startle and
               knock over another stack of books with her full round bubble

               "Careful as in 'try not to knock over the books please',"
               sighed the old man.

               The old man was wearing a short sleeved khaki shirt covered
               with buttons and lapel straps for its dozens of bulging
               pockets. His pale knobby knees and elbows jutted out at
               slight angels and it was his turn to knock over several
               stacks of books with these withered appendages as the
               surprised party summoned their weapons and he staggered back
               in alarm.

               "Careful! Careful!" He shouted covering his face with his
               arms and then pointed a wrist wearing a gold webbed band down
               at the floor and summoned a large cannon. "Careful as in, 'do
               not attack the man with the large cannon' please. It makes a
               frightful mess."

               B. J. stood up out of her fighter crouch and dispelled her
               weapons as slowly the rest of the party followed her example.
               The old man nodded and swallowed, his pointed Adam's apple
               bouncing up and down as he did so, and his own large cannon

               "You're obviously not one of the undead or a member of the
               Crossed Swords or of the Rosenthorens." B. J. mused as she
               carefully folded her arms under her proud large breasts.

               "Ah, if you have been dealing with them then I can understand
               why you are so jumpy." The old man nodded and then waved them
               into the small open area where he had obviously set up camp
               just under the rooms lone window. The casement was open and a
               refreshing breeze was blowing in despite the heavy black and
               gray clouds churning just beyond its view.

               "Let me introduce myself I am professor Seymour Nips. The
               emanate explorer, writer, lecturer, adventurer, and foremost
               authority on the history of Tarot. You may have heard of me
               or read several of my award winning books. Er, you do read,
               don't you?"

               "I have read several of your books mister Nips especially
               your series on the ruins of the Blasted Heath," Alotta
               excitedly gushed as she shyly pushed forward from the group
               once again with her arms and hands covering her naked body.

               "Ah, well, eh, young girl," the old man eyed the young naked
               woman up and down while smacking his lips. "It is always a
               pleasure to meet an adoring fan. But as great as those works
               are they are nothing compared to my magnum opus on Tarot. I
               have been painstakingly searching its ruins now for, er, well
               it's a bit hard to judge time in this place but I entered the
               ruins in the year 1082 in the Baron's calendar. Year of the
               Jackal I believe under the Mad Marsh Kings reign; been here
               oh about er-"

               "Fifteen years!" Cherry exclaimed. 

               "Is that all? Feels a tad longer. We don't age in here, you
               know." The old man smiled. "I have been collecting data." He
               pointed at his wrist where a golden version of the silver
               wrist bands the girls were wearing resided. It was covered in
               dozens of gems; most of them being golden filled mapping

               "We were told you can't wear clothes if you come in here,"
               Alotta sadly whispered as she nestled up along side the old

               "Oh, well that's actually true! My blushing lass. There,
               there, perk up. You see," the old man pulled off his pith
               helmet and then replaced it and then pulled up the cuffs of
               his shirt and shorts. "See those blisters and burn marks?
               They were far worse. I can assure you of that. See, the
               people of Tarot did not want any non-citizens walking around
               wearing clothes or weapons so if you do wear your garments
               and weapons your clothes begin to burn your skin and keep
               burning your skin.
               Only clothes made in Tarot can be worn in here. Or you need
               one of these." He held up his hand and pointed at a red ring.
               "It's a guest ring and it let's you wear clothes that don't
               bear the hidden magic seals of Tarot. Wish I had one of these
               when I first entered the city but I was fortunate enough to
               come across it soon after entering the lower ruins."

               "You came through the lower ruins? I thought those were
               picked clean and closed off by the earthquake?" Cherry tapped
               her chin in thought. "I wonder if those Rosenthorne knights
               we saw came from the lower ruins as well?"

               "They might have there are very few ways into the ruins. You
               see," the old man pivoted around and began to point out the
               window at the city sprawling below and beyond the view. In
               doing so he revealed that he had his hand clamped firmly on
               Alotta's round firm ass which she seemed to be ignoring as
               she demurely pivoted with him in his arms blushing meekly.

               "You see the city used to connect to the cliff side. There
               was an outer curtain wall with two gates; all gone, all gone
               now." The old man patted Alotta's ass as he smiled and spoke.
               "The earthquake caused a rift between the city and the cliff
               side and all of that wall and much of the slave quarters that
               existed between that wall and the next inner wall collapsed
               into that rift. Very little of that outer part of the city

               "So those were slave houses we passed through when we entered
               the ruins," Alotta shyly whispered.

               "If you came through the outer ring of the collapsed wall
               then the Balintine house guards sent you in here to scavenge;
               as they are the only ones who have any access to the cliff
               side entry and they keep that jealously locked with iron and
               magic sigils." The old man gleefully grabbed Alotta by the
               shoulder and clasped her to him and shook her before letting
               his hand return to her ass where it seemed to immediately
               slip into her butt crack where the fingers wiggled like fog
               worms on morning pavement.

               "I came from below. Through the dock lands. Most come in that
               way. And you're right it is for the most part sealed off by
               collapse from the cataclysm. Not only rock, but ice. There
               are large areas down there that are thick with ice. And other
               areas boiling with liquid rock. Terrible, terrible place. But
               I got through the ice locked passages with his help." The old
               man nodded at his lantern which was set on a hook attacked to
               a wooden pole which was held aloft by being sandwiched
               between a stack of books. 

               "There's a little fire ifreet in there. He sleeps mostly;
               good for lighting your way or cooking your supper. But wake
               him up and he can melt a glacier in seconds.
               Quiet the temper. Very dangerous. But most useful on my
               journeys." The old man was whispering confidently in Alotta's
               blushing ear as his fingers were now rhythmical pumping in
               and out of the young girl's soft inner thigh area.

               "Cooking supper did you say?" Cherry clutched her stomach as
               a low growl escaped her slender belly.

               "Oh, you poor things! You must be famished! Here," the old
               man took out a key ring from one of his pockets laden with
               dozens of odd shaped keys and removed one and tossed it to
               Cherry. "There that one is from one of the great markets. Use
               it on that stone chest over there and you will find bread and
               milk and cheese and meats as fresh as they were when they
               were first placed in there over four hundred years ago!"

               "See," B. J. whispered into Cherry's ear with a large smile
               on her lips. "I would have a whore mage over a battle mage
               anytime! So much more useful!"

               It was true. Cherry could only nod. Alotta had somehow
               slipped her long slim wrist long delicate fingered hand into
               the front pocket of the old man's shorts where it seemed to
               oddly vibrate and rhythmically move like a leaf brushing over
               an iced pond. Every time the old man would stop talking she
               would slowly slip her hand out of his pocket and as soon as
               he started talking again she would slip it back in. In just
               minutes she had conditioned the old man to keep up a constant
               monologue where he seemed compelled to answer all their
               questions and be predisposed to share all his belongings with
               them. The slower and lighter her hand moved the faster he
               talked so whenever Alotta became personally distracted, such
               as when the food began to be pulled out of the chest, the old
               man would erupt in high pitched tirade of rambling

               "I used that key to put in all the food I could find into
               stone chests. Four hundred year old bread and still warm
               still freshly baked! Of course we don't need to eat. All
               cellular decrepitude stops when you enter Tarot. But hunger
               remains. Of course what goes in must come out. So when nature
               calls just lean your posterior out the window. Word of
               warning; aim with the wind. Of course time dose not really
               stop. If it did we would cease to ever having been. We need
               time and space to process thought to have senses. There are
               nine concentric rings of walls dividing the city. In its
               center is the citadel. There is a main stair case forty
               horses wide that runs down from the citadel to five of the
               nine lower levels of the city. Those knights you saw probably
               came in with me. I got separated from them. There were forty
               of them when we first entered Tarot."

               Alotta mercifully if unwittingly let her hand slip out of the
               purple faced old man's front pocket as she dove with both
               hands face first into the piles of food being dragged out of
               the stone chest. He stagged backward breathless and almost

               "You came in to Tarot with those Rosenthorne knights?" Cherry
               asked through a mouthful of warm bread slathered with

               "Wha? Ah, yes. Others have shown up since. All horribly
               scared under their armor with hands blistered from wielding
               their weapons. Even guest rings won't let you wear armor or
               handle weapons not made in Tarot without causing some burning
               and pain. But yes. I went to the Balintine first with my
               proposal of researching and exploring Tarot for my book.
               Looking for backers you know. Since they had a land based way
               into Tarot they seemed the more logical. But they were broke
               and could not afford to fund a scientific venture into the

               "Broke?!" B. J. frowned spitting out turkey leg and wine as
               she quickly refilled her mouth with more wine.

               "Oh yes. The Balintine family in Byron have been plagued by
               creditors for decades. They were always an extravagant lot.
               Living well beyond their means." The old man winced and
               recoiled when he reached for a scrap of a bit of roasted
               chicken and Alotta slapped his hand away.

               "I have over a thousand silver pieces from bounties I have
               earned off their board. I don't see how they are broke." B.
               J. snarled with a half laugh and poured more wine in with the
               strawberry pie she was wolfing down.

               "All bounties are paid by the capital city of Byron.
               Technically Tarot is a national treasure and must be
               protected. Or so says the powerful Rosenthorne family. I
               assure you the Balintine family is utterly broke and
               coperless." The old man started to reach for a wine jug
               caught Alotta's eye and thought better of it.

               "Apricot marmalade!" Squealed Alotta.

               "If they are so broke how is it they paid off all our debts
               and bounties and hired us?" Cherry pondered out loud as sugar
               cake and cream dribbled down her small chin.

               "Obviously they couldn't," the old man leaned back rubbing
               his still smarting wrist and began to look around blinking as
               if waking up from a dream.

               "Maybe they mean to pay us AFTER we bring out some of the
               loot and they sell it?" Cherry mumbled slowly.

               "Now you sound like all those capital creditors back in
               Byron. The Balintine never pay their debts. 'Why pay what you
               owe for what you already got when you can get more stuff?'
               That should be their family motto and their crest should be a
               hand with a hole in its palm. Say?" The old man frowned as if
               gathering up his wits. "How did you get up here to this tower
               by and by? There is only the window. The lower door is buried
               under rubble."

               "We came in through an iron gate door and up those steps over
               there," Cherry wiped the blueberry tart crumbs off her face
               with the back of her pale hand. She didn't like the way the
               man seemed to be coming out of a daze and wondered what
               exactly whore magic was composed of and what its parameters

               "The puzzle gate?! Ha! I never could get that thing to open.
               Could never get the answer right. 'What can open large doors,
               can be found on a bull, and proceeds some beautiful ladies?'
               Pages? Balls? Attendants? I was never much good with puzzle
               doors and sadly Tarot is rife with them. Sometimes when I was
               healing up from some wound or other I would go down and read
               to them. The less cranky one likes poems by Mutton. So you
               can see what that was like."

               "And how did you get into this tower?" Cherry asked but she
               could see that the old man was becoming withdrawn and cagey
               as he stood up and turned his back on them looking out the
               window at the boiling sky. 

               "Is that a full mapping stone on your bracelet?" The old man
               singsong in what was supposed to be an indifferent non
               menacing air.

               Alotta seemed to sense her presence was needed and quickly
               wiped her face and hands on the drapery and nuzzled up along
               side the old man and in a moment he was joyfully blathering

               "Oh! How I got up here? Well, you see that coven of bats
               spell stone you have on your wrist there? Well you can keep
               using that spell and over time increase its power or you can
               use an arcane forge in an alchemist shop to meld another
               similar or same gem type spell onto that spell see?" The old
               man blissfully held up his golden wrist bracelet and showed
               Alotta a swirled gemstone. "That gemstone now casts 'murder
               of crows' and that is how I got up here."

               The old man took the stone out of his bracelet and popped it
               into Alotta's bracelet. "Now try casting that. Focus hard and
               don't let your mind stray. It is a rather draining spell."

               Alotta let the old man guide her wrist so it was pointing out
               the window and cast the spell.
               A great covey of large black birds ignited in the air in a
               fiery black smoke wheeling in a great circle.

               "Unlike the lower level bats spell which automatically
               extends your sight in darkness or attacks the nearest hostile
               presence. This spell summons a host of circling large black
               birds. You can send them out to scout an area for you giving
               you a hazy sense of what's ahead, but they work best if you
               tilt their horizontal pattern into a vertical one. Yes! Like
               that! Now all you have to do is step out on the back of one.
               Don't worry they won't let you fall. Go on! There! Now just
               keep stepping and one will race up and catch your foot. Focus
               your sight to a tunnel vision on some object on the landscape
               and you can simply walk through the air to get there! Oh! You
               look like you are getting a bit weak! Better come back inside
               now! There you are!"

               Alotta made it just back inside the casement before the birds
               exploded into smoky puffs and vanished. She fell into the old
               man's arms who cackled with delight. "It's a tiring spell but
               work at it and you can go just about anywhere they can fly.
               Mind the space though. They have to have enough room to
               circle at least in an oval pattern or they will just vanish.
               Got to keep the pattern locked in your mind. Not much good on
               the attack like bats is but great for exploring or walking
               over things."

               Alotta blushed up into the adoring face of the old man. "You
               keep that stone for a short while and practice with it. Each
               one of the birds bodies is about the size of one of these,"
               he tweaked her nipple and shook her large breast and giggled
               with her. Behind them a long loud fart erupted out of a pile
               of empty wine jugs as well as a weak moan that vaguely
               sounded like B. J. The old man sighed, "what goes in must
               come out. I will go into the stacks and give you girls some
               privacy while you get yourselves ready for bed."

               "We thought ourselves the last house of Tarot. Imagine our
               surprise when those lowly off-cast merchants of Rosenthorne
               suddenly laid claim to our beloved city."


               There was a bloody shriek and then the sound of torn thunder
               and another scream and then the smell of burnt ozone. By the
               time Ivanna and B. J. and Cherry had come crashing through
               the stacks of books they arrived just in time to see a very
               undead Seymour Nips taking a fire ball in the chest and being
               flung backwards by its force out the open window in a long
               smoldering arc.

               "What in the nine gates of Tarot just happened?!" A rather
               green looking B. J. screeched on unsteady feet her summoned
               weapons somewhat prodding the back side of Ivanna who gave
               her a shove in return. 

               B. J. hopped backwards on one foot and Cherry took over the
               questioning. "What is going on?"

               A rather shaken Alotta stood up from the ifreet lamp campsite
               with hands clasped over her breasts and sex and joined the
               others as they looked out of the window.

               The old, now charred, man had landed in a purple waterway
               face up with arms and legs struck wide floating and unmoving.

               "Well, you see." Alotta began as all stared at the man
               floating there amongst the water lilies and lotus, "he hadn't
               had IT for a very long time and well I haven't had IT for a
               very long time and well I think I got a little greedy."

               "You fucked him to death and he became a zombie," B. J.

               "All those keys! Those gemstones!" Ivanna shouted out in

               "We have to get those keys and that wrist bracelet back!"
               Cherry barked.

               B. J. looked around her and then snatched up a long coil of
               rope which she immediately let go of as it burned her
               fingers. "Ouch!" She stuck her blistered fingers into her
               mouth and sucked on them.

               "Oh no! I think he's sinking!" Ivanna cried out.

               "I don't think he's sinking," Alotta whispered.

               The purple hued water around the spread eagle crispy old man
               began to bubble and then boil and then a very large mouth
               ringed in tentacles appeared under the professor and rose up
               and swallowed him whole before sinking slowly back down into
               the mire of lilies and lotuses. 

               Ivanna, Alotta, and Cherry all cringed back while exclaiming,

               B. J. snorted, "tentacles. Why are there always tentacles?"

               "Maybe we can still get those keys and gems back?" Cherry

               Everyone gave her a cold even look.

               "Or not." Cherry moaned.

               "I wasn't much looking forward to lowering myself down into a
               pile of shit and piss decades in the making anyway," B. J.
               leaned out the window and looked straight down at the base of
               the tower and crinkled up her nose.

               "Well, ah, let's put this past us okay. Like it never ever
               happened. No need to ever mention this, right?" Alotta
               nervously pushed her finger tips together again and again as
               she forced a smile on her sweating face.

               "All those mapping stones. A fortune gone," Ivanna sighed.

               "A fortune if we took them to the Rosenthornes maybe? The old
               man said the Balintine were broke and not to be trusted." B.
               J. frowned at her fingers which were starting to heal and
               then looked back at the rope she had dropped. "He did seem to
               be right about anything brought from the outside not being
               able to be used without getting burned."

               "And I really, really wanted that red ring that let's you
               wear clothes too!" Alotta whined.

               "We all did," Cherry sighed.

               "So now what?" B. J. looked sternly at Cherry awaiting her

               "First let's take a stock of what we have and then, well, I
               am open to suggestions as to what course of action we should
               take." Cherry gave a sagely nod with her hands on her
               luscious hips.

               "Well, we still have the chest key that get's us all that
               food." Ivanna began tallying up mental notes on her finger

               "And wine!" B. J. chimed in with a large bright smile.

               "And wine," Ivanna continued. "We have the ifreet lantern,
               which seems to be of Tarot origin so we can take and use
               that. And we can put all these books into the container to
               retrieve latter. That should be great plunder for the Captain
               or whoever. And we have two back packs which are also of
               Tarot craftsmanship which work like the stone chests; in that
               you can put a lot into them. I put over one hundred and forty
               volumes in one of them, experimenting, before it was stuffed
               but then I couldn't lift it until I had taken over one
               hundred and thirty back out. So you can put a lot of stuff in
               it but they you have to actually lug around its actual

               "And this gem pouch," B. J. snatched up a gem pouch from a
               pile of books. "Same as the backpacks. Not sure if it was
               made here but it bears the seal of Tarot. That maybe key.
               That it is not so much that something was made here as much
               as it has a magical seal of Tarot placed upon it somehow to
               let you use it here. I noticed the knights had Tarot seals
               glowing on their helms when we first saw them. Anyway this
               little baby will hold a lot but you feel the weight. I got
               three jugs of Blood Bore wine in here right now!" B. J.
               smiled as she slipped the thong leather pouch around her
               waist and after a pause moved the pouch so it hung over her
               shaved naked sex slightly covering it up. "There we go!

               Unfortunately the small backpacks could not be worn in anyway
               as to cover up their exposed breasts or groins no matter how
               they tried and in fact the straps seemed to push and pull
               their large breasts into even more bouncy enticements.

               "We also still have the murder of crows stone," Alotta noted
               as she raised up her silver wrist band. "And well the old man
               really likes to talk. Even when he's, er, busy... doing other
               things. And so he told me that he has a theory as to what is
               going on in Tarot what happened to it four hundred years

               "You see, according to the old man, he found that none of the
               outer rings of Tarot have any people from Tarot in them. They
               are all weird monsters or the undead tainted strangers who
               have come in to Tarot AFTER the cataclysm. He seemed to think
               that everyone went to the citadel just before the earthquake.
               He found orders posted that all the slaves; and I guess over
               two thirds of the Tarot population were slaves," Alotta
               continued. "That they and all the citizens were to go to the
               great court yard of the inner circle which houses only the
               citadel its self." 

               "Why?" Cherry puzzled out loud. "Why would they want everyone
               who was a slave or citizen of Tarot to go to the inner circle
               at the same time?"

               "Well, the old man said that Tarot had never been known for
               having such a strange effect of non-decay or non-aging or
               such. There was no records of such an extraordinary effect.
               He seemed to think that the slaves were all sacrificed for
               some terrible spell that would grant the citizens of Tarot
               immortality. But obviously something went horrible wrong."
               Alotta shrugged at the inquisitive faces turned toward her.

               "Things generally tend to do that when you kill a few tens of
               thousands of people to invoke a spell." B. J. muttered.

               "My lords of the High Council of Byron, it is difficult to
               explain what Tarot means to us; what it was, what it is, what
               it will be."


               "Are you sure about this?" Cherry's eyes narrowed to a slit
               as she gave B. J. her sternest best practiced no-nonsense

               "Yep." B. J. nodded. "More or less. The old man's notes and
               from what he said; before Alotta humped him to death and then
               blew him out a forty foot high window with a fire ball into
               the mouth of some aquatic canal monster, along with my own
               observations all point to the same conclusion."

               The party all stood before the doorway the Rosenthorne
               knights had appeared from and through which their own undead
               fallen bothers had backed them through again. They kept
               hesitating before the inky black portal rimmed in elaborate
               stone carvings of screaming heads and casting looks back over
               to the other doorway which Ivanna had opened for them earlier
               and its known path back to the slave quarter and the Lazurus
               house and its earthen tunnel back to the Captain.

               "It's just that we all seemed to have voted to check back in
               with the Captain. I mean we just loaded an entire library of
               priceless lost works in to the stone chest which have to be
               worth quiet a lot not to mention the professors notes and
               sketches." Cherry eyed the dark doorway where the undead had
               chased several well armed and armored knights and not

               "That was before Alotta tried to murder of crows us up a wall
               and damn near killed us," B. J. fumed as she rubbed her
               backside. "We NEED practice. We need to use these magic
               weapons before we head back. From what I can tell if we try
               to use higher level weapons we find or try and make on an
               arcane gem forge we will be utterly unable to use them. We
               have to gain experience with these before we can hope to
               enter into the next walled area."

               "I am not sure I agree with pressing forward despite the food
               and wine we have loaded into our packs," Ivanna shifted the
               back pack she wore. The straps of the pack passed tightly
               under her large breasts making them even more springy and
               bouncy as they did Alotta's who wore the other backpack. 

               "Ugh! I think these back packs are actually made for school
               children as book bags!
               They were obviously not intended for adults!" Ivanna tugged
               at the straps of hers causing her breasts to leap about and
               jiggle until she blew her bangs out of her eyes and
               continued, "as I was saying. Even provisioned we might be
               better off checking back in with the Captain especially after
               what the professor was saying of the Balintine household
               being utterly broke. But I do agree with her assessment that
               we should make no attempt to enter any further into the next
               circle of rings until we have spent time using our weapons
               and skills."

               B. J. held up her wrist band. "These little wonders like all
               the Tarot magic only work inside of the influence of the
               city. Getting stronger and increasing in their functions the
               closer you get to the center and the citadel."

               Ivanna shifted the long strangely carved pole and the equally
               weirdly carved lantern on her shoulder as she spoke, "I doubt
               we will even be able to carry our fire elemental out of the
               city when we leave. We will probably have to leave him in the
               Lazurus house. The sigil that bind him will surly break
               outside of the city proper."

               "The first curtain wall was swallowed up by the earthquakes.
               That first area we entered is what is left of the slave
               quarters. This curtain wall here is the second wall of the
               nine concentric walls. There was really nothing to fight in
               the first outer circle at least what we passed through. We
               won't be able to practice with these things outside of Tarot
               so if we are going to do so it should be with the relatively
               weaker creatures and monsters we find in this circle." B. J.
               nodded for dramatic effect.

               "The old man did say the creatures and undead get
               exponentially stronger the further in you go towards the
               center," Alotta added.

               "Here look at my bracelet," Ivanna held her forearm out
               before her as she spoke. "When I first put this on in the
               room with the Captain it had almost no information. Then in
               the slave quarter it began to show what Tarot considered my
               basic statistics based on its own scale and values. It put me
               at a four in archery. After we passed the second curtain wall
               it suddenly started showing other stats on kills and such.
               Look here, when I sort of accidently killed that Rosenthorne
               knight with my summoned bow, my archery skill went up to
               seven! But look if I summon my bow and keep it summoned until
               it vanishes due to exhaustion I get experience skill points
               too. But very few. In fact it seems to proceed in increments 
               of 'thousands'. I would have to summon my bow until I
               collapse many hundreds of times to gain a full level. So
               obviously how often you use the bow gains some points but how
               you use the bow gains the most points."

               "The professor also said you get more experience points for
               killing undead versions of things than living versions of
               things. The longer something remains in Tarot the more the
               taint infects it. Upon death even something very weak while
               it was alive can suddenly become very powerful as an undead.
               He also said the taint is conscious. That it is alive and
               aware and that the undead are not mere mindless beasts but
               the freshly undead are not as 'conscious' with the taint as
               ones who have been shuffling along for a while." Alotta added
               while sucking on her thumb in thought.

               "The more reason for us to get out of this taint and back
               outside for a breather," Cherry muttered. "And quit sucking
               your thumb. You do that a lot you know."

               "Yes, even our recent experiment when Alotta kept firing her
               fireball spells at that section of wall until she collapsed
               it never came close to how many experience points she earned
               by toasting the professor after he was zombified. And you do,
               you suck your thumb like all the time." B. J. added sagely.

               "But she also got points when she banged the old geezer to
               death too. Even when she did that without a summoned weapon;
               just using her body. The points showed up and were
               automatically assigned to her over all stats equally. So
               while most outside magic in nulled by entering Tarot the
               bracelet acknowledges Alotta's 'glamour body link magic' and
               rewards its use. That said, obviously this is all some Tarot
               based magical system and I seriously doubt these skill
               enhancements will have any lingering effect when we leave the
               city. But it seems obvious that for whatever reason, the
               people of Tarot devised this militia bracelet for its
               citizens to protect themselves and placed in it a system of
               reward for any kind of successful completed endeavor; from
               combat to defense to cooking to making a clay pot!" Ivanna
               hummed, "and seriously in your sleep it sounds like a barn
               full of calves going at their mothers udders. You really got
               to break that thumb sucking habit."

               "Okay, okay, I get that we have to use these things to get
               better. Got that. And yeah we all know that Alotta has a
               major oral fixation and I think we all know why. But what I
               am having a real difficult time in understanding is why we
               want to stay in Tarot and keep exploring and building up our
               powers when we have enough stuff in the stone chest to put a
               smile on the Captain's face and we are right next to the
               exit. Why not just head outside for a day or two or three
               before we go play with the scary monsters?" Cherry had one
               hand on her shapely cocked to the side ass while the other
               waved about the air as she spoke.

               "Because from what I gather from the late professors notes
               these wrist bands reset when you exit Tarot and then reenter
               it." Ivanna sighed.

               "In other words if we leave now all the experience we have
               gained is erased in the Tarot magical system that we have so
               far earned and we would have to start all over again. There
               might be some residual learned ability carry over from our
               simple body and mind personal link experience. But this over
               all strange magical buff stat thing would reset back down to
               zero." B. J. frowned at the bracelet on her wrist.

               "Bummer." Alotta murmured. "And I don't suck my thumb anymore
               than anyone else dose!"

               "The point would be that one; if we leave Tarot we will lose
               all these odd buffs the city's magic is giving us as rewards
               for our successful completion of tasks and skill usage. And
               two; that the whole point is that most people DON'T suck
               their thumbs awake or asleep!" Ivanna rolled her large eyes
               and shook her head.

               "Okay, I think I got it." Cherry looked at her own glowing
               summoned weapons. "Basically if we report back to the Captain
               now we loose all these Tarot skill buffs to our magic weapon
               usage and magic enhanced abilities. If we stay we can keep
               what we got but we need to get more experience so we can
               forge and use better more powerful gemstones so we can head
               further inwards to the better good stuff. The one downside I
               see to staying is that the more time and effort we invest in
               our visit to Tarot the harder it will be to lose all of that
               in leaving the city ruins at a later date. So the question we
               face is; do we stay and in staying agree that we are staying
               for a significantly greater time or do we head out while the
               loss will be as lesser as it will ever get?"

               "Are we voting on this?" Alotta said, popping her thumb out
               of her mouth.

               "Yes we are. I think this is a rather big decision and
               everyone should have a say on it. Because if we stay it will
               probably mean the gains in skills will keep encouraging us
               not to turn back." Cherry adopted her favorite stance of
               hands grasping her own backside with legs wide and leaning
               forward with breasts jutting and face taught with
               seriousness. A look she usually used just before breaking
               into a smile and laugh but this time she remained stern as
               she eyed the rest of the party.

               "Then I vote that Alotta stops sucking her thumb," B. J. gave
               a grim single nod as she spoke.

               "And I second that vote as well," Ivanna also nodded.

               Cherry sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, "and I
               wonder why my head hurts."

               "You're not drinking enough wine," B. J. exclaimed yanking a
               wine bottle out of the snug mouth of the small gem pouch
               hanging in front of her shaved mound tossing back her head
               and taking a large pull.

               "Well I vote that's nobody's business what I suck on!" Alotta
               petulantly growled. 

               "Listen, seriously guys. Do we go down the creepy dark stairs
               beyond that unexplored door with all the screaming carved
               faces or do we head back to the Captain's camp and see just
               how much he screwed us out of our pay?" Cherry raised her
               eyes if not her head and looked over her pinched forefinger
               and thumb; before her Ivanna was trying to wrestle the wine
               jug out of B. J.'s hand while screaming at her not to waste
               it while B. J. altered between ignoring her as she dangled
               off her biceps and swigging away to angrily barking at her to
               mind her own business. All while Alotta sulked and sucked on
               her thumb while trying to make the loudest suck noises she

               "HEY! KNOCK IT OFF!" Screamed Cherry her arms waving at her
               sides where they ended in little white balls of clenched
               fists. "There! That's better. More like it. Glad I have your
               attention. Now, is it through the door called, 'the bloody
               gullet,' where the knights went or through the door we opened
               called, 'the fallen star'? What? What are you staring at?
               Something bad, right? There's something bad directly behind
               me that just came out that screaming head bloody fucking
               gullet door, right?"

               Cherry nervously slowly turned her head and upper body to see
               over her shoulder a giant white worm methodically pulling its
               huge bulk through the 'bloody gullet' doorway.

               All three girls shrieked and began running around in circles
               as the enormous worm extracted its self from the narrow
               passage into the courtyard.

               Cherry finally managed to calm everyone down and get them
               into a semi-circle battle line. "Points here we come!" The
               red head shouted as they all leaped at the worm at once.

               The blows did little damage to the white worms thick semi
               glowing gelatinous plated skin. The semi-transparent creature
               shrugged them off sending them soaring through the air. Only
               B. J. Seemed to be holding her own against the monster. Her
               shield absorbing its blows even as the concussions drove the
               balls of her feet backwards in small trenches.

               When it found it could not lash Knightly away like it did the
               others it turned its spiked maw at her and whooshed out a
               white thick cloud of breath. B. J. Came stiff legged out of
               the cloud as rapidly as she could with teeth chattering.

               "Th-th-that's COLD! You could use my nips to cut glass about
               now!" The tall blonde chattered as she tried to hurry out of
               the clouds wake as fast as her frost stiffened joints would
               allow her.

               She never would have made it for the white worm was whipping
               its self straight toward her when a fast succession of magic
               arrows slapped into one of its large yellow glowing eyes. 

               Cherry grabbed B. J. and dragged her out of harms way under
               the cover fire of Ivanna's summoned bow while Alotta cast
               heal spells on the frosted icicle blonde.

               The party fell back to the far wall as the worm lashed about
               in silent agony and rage over its wounded eye. 

               "I vote we let our most powerful member, Alotta, take care of
               that thing!" B. J. stammered; her blue skin returning to a
               more healthy hue under Alotta's heal spells.

               "I already hit it with a dozen fireball spells. It just made
               the things jelly skin a bit crispy," Alotta blurted out as
               they all continued to back up.

               "Who was talking this weak ass Tarot magic? Use your Glamour
               Body Link magic! That' our most powerful stat right now," B.
               J. grinned through chattering teeth. "Go on Alotta fuck that
               thing to death!"

               "WHA?! Are you crazy?! Listen I may have a size queen thing
               going on but even I have my limits! That thing is bigger
               around than my entire body is long!" Alotta howled.

               "She was just kidding," Cherry reassured the alarmed young
               girl. "I hope."

               A shivering B. J. gave a wide white tooth grin to the party
               but then stopped and turned her head as the others did at the
               sound of rocks grinding and tumbling.

               Immediately behind the group one of the large stone faces set
               in the back lower wall had detached and the shattered stone
               pile at its base were slowly rising up to reform its body.

               "Stone golem! We must have got too close and accidently
               triggered its release sigil!" Ivanna shouted over the roar of
               the reverse rock-slide.

               Heads snapped back around to the white worm which had stopped
               its pained thrashing and was now moving rapidly toward them
               and then back again at the forming giant of stone.

               "Okay! I have an idea! You three take out the stone golem and
               I will deal with our frosty friend!" Ivanna shouted as she
               whipped the pole and lantern off her shoulder breaking the
               shoulder strap of her backpack as she did so and raced
               forward toward the white worm with the ifreet lantern raised
               before her.

               "You heard the lady!" Cherry yelled over the ear deafening
               roar the stone golem now made as it neared its completion.
               "Alotta you have had some magical training so do these things
               have any weak points?"

               The whore mage nodded, her thick lips taught, "follow my
               lead!" And she rushed straight at the towering hulk of stone.

               "One tap for light, two taps for cooking, and-" Ivanna
               stopped running right in front of the white worm and began to
               swing the lantern on the end of its pole while shouting,
               "WAKE-UP! WAKE-UP! WAKE-UP!" The lantern began to hiss and
               glow and shudder and pop and sizzle and soon it was yanking
               the pole this way and that before it suddenly burst forth in
               a powerful jet of flame. 

               The flame geyser hit the ice worm full in the head causing it
               to corkscrew back upon its own body. But it did not stop
               there; the flame jet continued to build until it was a sphere
               of flame half the size of the courtyard. Inside the molten
               air one could just make out the shimmering shape of an
               enormous fire djinn. 

               At the edge of the inferno threatening to suck all into it's
               ever widening expanse; Ivanna dug her fingers into the pole
               and began to sing a lullaby. Her hair rose up around her
               reddened face, her breath was being sucked out of her lungs
               as she sang, the backpack began to smoke and the pole seemed
               impossibly stretched to the width of a hair into the heart of
               the huge ball of flame.

               For a brief second it seemed as if the pole would snap and
               Ivanna would melt but then it all calmed down and the pole
               was normal size again and the lantern was back on its end
               jangling madly as the flame was being rapidly sucked back
               into it.

               "...and three, a lullaby to put it back to sleep again if it
               should awake." Ivanna sighed quietly before falling face
               first in exhaustion upon the charred stone.

               The weakness of the stone golem was the glowing heart stone
               that dropped out of the center of its forehead and down into
               its chest once it was completed. This chest was a spinning
               whirlwind of stones and shards as deadly as any hoplite
               shield and spear wall.

               However, the bracelets they wore confused the stone giant.
               Not only did the bracelets let the wearer read and speak the
               ancient tongues of Tarot but it let them command the
               protective guardians such as this golem. The taint and
               perhaps the presence of the ice worm had triggered its
               awakening but it is hard for even the taint to corrupt stone
               even after a four hundred year soak. 

               The stone giant gave a few confused swats at the party before
               Alotta managed to ring its hallow carved head with a swarm of
               bats and then blast enough of the swirling rocks of its chest
               into molten strands with fireball spells for Ivanna to riddle
               the heart stone with arrows. 

               A thrown dagger from Cherry who was breathless from
               distracting it when the bats were all destroyed; was the last
               straw and the heart stone cracked and crumbled turning the
               stone golem into a sudden avalanche of exploding boulders and
               a shower of razor sharp shards; sending the party fleeing for
               their young lives.

               "Tarot is not a ruin it is a chrysalis. And what shall emerge
               when it emerges shall be more than the world has ever known."


               A charcoal dusted frizzy haired Cherry looked feebly around
               her from her half hunched over knees together bent back
               position. All the other members of the party were singed and
               smudged in face and body and gasping for breath on their
               knees or backs. The courtyard was a mix of strewn blackened
               rocks and roasted jelly sizzling pools.

               "Ah. Ohhhh-kay. Where were we? All those in favor of leaving
               Tarot say aye." Cherry watched as limp wrist hands weakly
               went up all around and bruised lips all mumbled 'aye'. She
               nodded and raised her own hand and then collapsed on her
               face; muttering into the gray ashen lichen, "aye."
[ top ]

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