All heroines, villains, and Delta City are the creations of Mr. X’s.  Mr. Klimstit and his Inner Circle are my own creation.


If Bondage, Forced Lactation, and other sexual behavior are offensive to you, do not read any further.  Also, this is a Holiday story, and being such, I break some of my normal rules about characters in my stories.


Any feedback may be sent to


Everyone Gets What They Want


            December; the last month of the year.  Since the time of the Romans, it gained its name from the fact that it was the tenth month of the year, as well as the last month of the year.  It is also the time of miracles.   Many noted miracles apparently happen at this time, from the Miracle of Lights according to Jewish beliefs, and the celebration of the Birth of Christ in all Christian religions.

            As time progressed, the miracles did not cease.  As recently as World War II, foes have laid down their arms, and had a peaceful Christmas dinner, and then allow their foes to go back to their own troops.  Even today, things get peaceful in families, communities, and even cities.

            Delta City is one such city.  The city was like any other place in the world as the miracle season blanketed it.  While one might expect a rise in crime as people tried to procure gifts during the gift giving season, it was actually the opposite.  In fact, even the criminal element thought it was low to steal during this time of year.

            Still, crime was never known to truly sleep.  There was always some sort of Holiday menace happening.  It was why all the heroines of Delta City, both native, and visiting, were on patrol.  In the past, the perversion of the Holiday figure, Psycho Santa, had struck at this time.  There was also sightings of Gremlins that only came out at this time.

            This night, however, was peacefully quiet.  It was so quiet that the major heroines decided to let the junior league continue the patrol.  This meant the collective group known as Teen Squad was on patrol.  They were the junior league, and no doubt they would use the opportunity to prove themselves.  In the same regard, while the senior heroines would take a night off, it was the junior squad that was stuck with missing out on Holiday fun.

            There was a reason, however, why the patrol was long and boring for all the heroines this season.  Almost every villain that operated, or visited, Delta City were meeting at a nondescript building.  It was an invitation only event, and all had arrived there as discretely as possible.  Each one brought as much cash as they could get their hands on, and that was because of the promise of an one of a kind auction.

            As the group of villains all entered the largest room of the building, all the major heroines were returning to their homes.  Ms. Americana had returned to her home at Wade Manor, but had yet to get out of her costume.  The same could be said about Green Specter, GOT-Gal, Omega Woman, Champion Girl, and several other buxom heroines.  They all returned to their individual homes, or where they were staying while in Delta City.

            Normally, this would put any one of them at ease.  They would get out of their costumes, possibly at their leisure, and prepare to relax for the night.  This time, they didn‘t do that.  Each one of them found something odd in their dwellings, and while the item itself wasn't menacing in appearance, the fact that it was there was unsettling.

            The item was a gift box, and it was a big one.  In height, the box came up to her waist, and the tag on it read 'For Ms. Americana'.  It was even wrapped in paper that reflected her costume.  While a gift was usually a welcome sight, the fact that it was in the home of Brenda Wade bothered the heroine.

            This was the same at the homes of various other heroines.  At the home of Axanna Morgan, Green Specter had arrived to find a package wrapped in green wrapping paper, with her insignia on it.  It almost looked out of place next to the menorah.  Likewise, in the dwelling of Amanda Greer, there was a similar present decked out in wrapping paper reflecting the costume of Lady Midnight, right near the Kwanza kinara.  Even in the dwellings of all the agents of B.A.B.E., a similar box could be found.  It was one of the few times that Holiday gifts were unsettling.

            There was a good reason all the gift were unsettling, and the heroines did not know this fact.  Each gift had in it certain machinery, and if the heroines were aware of it, they would know that they were being watched that moment.  Various screens in the building where all the villains had arrived at were displaying the images of the heroines.  Lucky for them, it fed the images a nondescript background.  It was that image that made all the villains in the room start to salivate in anticipation.

            They stopped staring when a door closed very loudly.  They had all turned to look at the door, and noticed two individuals walking in.  The first, and more eye catching, was a buxom redhead in a business suit.  The blouse was unbuttoned to show a generous amount of cleavage, drawing attention to her Aphrodite worthy breasts.  The second individual, however, was a Caucasian man in a business suit.  He also radiated an aura that said he was in charge of what ever was going on.

            After a moment, the figure spoke, and those gathered knew what was about to happen.  It was the reason they were there in the first place.  "Gentleman.  I am glad you all accepted the invitations you all received.  I want to welcome you all to the Aphrodite auction.  I am your host, Mr. Klimstit, and tonight I give you all the chance to bid on the opportunity of a life time.  You all get a chance to deliver a blow to ego of those big breasted heroines that plague our group every moment.  I'm sure every one of you have been dealt a blow by these beauties."  Mr. Klimstit pointed to the one monitor displaying Ms. Americana at that moment, to illustrate his point.

            One particular man, who looked badly scarred, and dressed in an outfit not seen since World War II, got up and address Mr. Klimstit with an exaggerated German accent.  “Are you planning on giving us that inferior bitch for our own use?  If so, they don‘t even look restrained?”.  This comment caused a murmur of agreement to echo through the room.

            To the surprise of most of the villains there, Mr Klimstit smiled at them.  “True enough.  Let us make them more presentable then.”  He then nodded to the redhead with him, and she pulled out a tablet.  She opened up a specially made app, and pressed the restrain button.  In that instant, on all the monitors, every heroine gasped in surprise as specialized cables shot out of the gifts.  It was such a surprise to most of them that they didn‘t even put up a fight.  Those that did, however, were quickly subdued.  In one image, Green Specter was seen being quickly bound, almost knocking down the menorah in the process.  On another screen, the Brazilian beauty known as Hexanna tried to cast a spell, but the cables had managed to yank her staff out of her hand.  Similar scenes played out on all the other monitors, which caused all the villains to smile and shout out in glee.

            The signal that had gone out did not go unnoticed.  Not to far from the building was the group collectively known as Teen Squad.  They were made up of Flag Girl, GOT-Chic, and Specter Girl, all of whom were known sidekicks, and three solo heroines, Azure Angel, Amazing Babe, and Shield.  The last three were all college age, and did what they could to prove themselves to be part of the upper echelon of the heroines in Delta City.  They were also joined by Wild Girl, since both she and Jungle Babe were in Delta City around the holiday.

            While Amazing Babe was the only known Type Three Aphrodite in the group, the de facto leader of the group was Flag Girl, since she was the sidekick of Ms. Americana.  It was for that reason alone that the group turned to her as leader.  After a friend of Shield told her about some weird signals coming from the apparently abandoned building, Flag Girl had decided to take them all to check it out, especially at the one time of year that the senior heroines seem to let them have a shot at proving themselves.  Of course, the odd thing about that seemed to be that the only foes about were usually Psycho Santa, or the Christmas Gremlins.  Those encounters never seemed to end favorably, and at least some of their numbers needed a rescue afterwards.

            Now, the group was overlooking the building, noticing a lack of activity outside, but Specter Girl had noticed certain vehicles in the local area.  She was just reporting this at the moment.  “I saw a few vehicles not to far from here.  I‘m certain a few belong to some of the pimps in Sugar Town.  Something big must be going down here, maybe one of their trading sessions.”

            This caused all the heroines to have a look of disgust cross their faces.  While none wanted to admit it, some of them had been a part of those sessions, at least before they were rescued.  It would be a real feather in their caps if they were able to bust up one of those meetings, and put a few pimps and criminals behind bars.  Even Amazing Babe remarked about two particular perps she had encountered in her past.  “I hope a certain duo of thugs are there.  I have a score to settle with them.”  All of the women nodded in agreement, and as one, made their way towards the building.

            Their actions did not go unnoticed, since Mr. Klimstit was running this event.  His own group of associates, a group of women dubbed his Inner Circle, were also keeping an eye on things.  It had been them who had noticed the approach of the heroines.  This did not overly worry them, since this was even taken into account.  The brunette, whose name was Sasha, started pushing some buttons on the control panel and said, "Looks like the boss was right.  The Teen Squad were out on patrol, and noticed things.  I'm preparing the room they will encounter, making sure the auction continues uninterrupted."  She then looked over at the redhead, and said, "Scarlett, you may want to inform him of this."

            The redhead had just gotten up out of her seat, while adjusting the new outfit she had donned while everything was starting.  It still gave off a sense of business, and professionalism, but it was also sexy and holiday themed.  She looked over at the brunette, and just said, "I know, Sasha.  Trust me, Mr. Klimstit is ready for this.  In fact, he had taken their arrival into consideration for his master plan.  Just make sure they don't enter the main hall.  If that happens, we may just have to endure a punishment."  The idea made each girl shiver, and reflexively cover their breasts.  The redhead then shook that notion off, and headed back out to the hall, hoping that the looking at the goods part was over.

            In fact, it was over, and Mr. Klimstit was enjoying what was happening now.  The real auction was about to begin.  He had gone over all the ladies that would be up for bid.  When each one was talked about, the mechanical traps ripped off the heroines' tops, exposing their ample orbs.  He then turned to all the men assembled and said, "Now that we have their orbs out, let's go over the rules of the auction.  When I say it begins, you will all place bids on the various ladies.  While you bid, each of the ladies will be having those wonder orbs milked, as well as their crotches vibed.  Once their orbs are milked, and they have climaxed over it, the bidding will stop, and the highest bid gets a chance to gloat over the fallen heroine, via a very special room."  At that point, all the milking machines were activated, and the bidding began.

            Around the city, as the bidding happened, the major heroines in Delta City's pantheon of heroines struggled to no avail.  In her apartment, Lady Midnight could only try to shake the milking cones off of her as they sucked on her breasts.  It was a half hearted try as the vibrator pressed against her crotch was enough to make her not focus fully on that, since she didn't want to enjoy her predicament.

            At the sports center, where almost everyone had left after watching the featured bout, Wolf Woman was motionless as two milking cones drained her bountiful melons.  Her eyes were half rolled as she tried not to think about the building pleasure she was feeling.  Another part of her hoped that no one would think to check her dressing room out, since she could feel her breasts yielding their milk, and her breasts losing their firmness.

            In another part of the city, however, one heroine was yielding faster than she wanted to.  Champion Girl struggled in her restraints, but to no avail.  What was worse was that her majestic mams were losing their milk and firmness very quickly.  Combined that with the fact that it was night time, when her powers were weakest, meant the heroine was losing the battle very quickly.  In fact, her climax was the first to happen, and had it not been for the diabolical gift box, she would have collapsed to her knees.

            The scene caused a loud cheer to come from the assembled villains.  It was a cheer that could be heard through the building.  It was even heard in the deserted entry hall that was just being entered by Teen Squad.  It was a sound that made them pause, since with what seemed to be an empty building, sound could bounce around.  After a moment, Wild Girl looked at the others and said, "I don't think that was a good sound.  What would make a bunch of villains cheer like that."

            All the girls looked from one to the other before Amazing Babe answered.  "I'm thinking they must have someone captive that they just managed to break.  Maybe one of the senior ranks of the heroines."  The answer caused a very troublesome thought to go through Wild Girl's mind.  What if it was her sister, Jungle Babe.  Away from the wild, their own powers became almost nothing.

            She also noticed a look of concern on the faces of Flag Girl, GOT-Chic, and Specter Girl.  All three were sidekicks to a major heroine.  Eventually, it was Shield who broke the silence.  The redhead, whom in the past, Wild Girl remember had been brunette, said, "Then we better find them, and quick.  Judging by the volume of those cheers, we may not be able to handle them all."  It was another troubling thought that went through her head, as well as the heads of the others.

            All the heroines put that thought aside, and made a beeline for the source of the sound.  Their path, however, took them to a large room.  In that room, they saw no other exit except the one they had entered the room from, a sign, and a bunch of boxes.  In fact, they weren‘t ordinary boxes, but gift boxes.  Almost all of Teen Squad looked at the room with a growing sense of caution.  The only one of them not glancing at the boxes was Flag Girl, who was reading the sign.  “It‘s a message to the assembled villains.  Apparently, the way to access where they are assembled is to open these boxes, and push a button inside them.”

            The assembled girls looked at the boxes, and again, they felt uneasy.  Specter Girl looked at one that was green in color, and even had her insignia on it.  In fact, as she looked around, all the boxes had insignias on them, matching the various Teen Squad members.  As she looked on at the box that was for her, she said, "I don't know.  This feels like a trap.  Besides, I'm Jewish.  I don't get …”

            The last word was drowned out by the sound of surprised gasps.  All of the members of Teen Squad had been attacked by cables coming from the boxes.  The cables had quickly lashed out and ensnared their arms and legs.  In addition to that, more cables lashed out, and exposed their breasts.  They had walked into a trap, and the only one who seemed to have remained farthest from the traps had been Azure Angel, the one of the group who always ended up caught in traps.

            The activation of the traps sent a signal to Scarlett who had just entered the main hall where the auction was taking place.  As the redhead approached, ready to inform Mr. Klimstit of the current development, he was taking with the winner of the first heroine, Doctor Armageddon.  Mr. Klimstit calmly shook hands with the villain, and was showing the man to a door.  "I hope you enjoy this.  The set up in there is set to interact with her where ever she is.  It will be the ultimate sexual high."

            After he said that, the villain looked through the door, and started undoing his pants.  "You don't know the half of it.  That bitch, and her solar powers, wrecked my lab."  Mr Klimstit watched as he was about to enter the room, but then the villain stopped and asked a key question.  "Will I be able to knock that bitch up?"  Mr. Klimstit understood what the man was asking, and a portion of him was not thrilled that it was asked.  Still, he had figured that some of the villains would want to do that.

            He escorted Doctor Armageddon into the room, and motioned to the device in the room.  "There is a slight chance.  Just put your member in the Sexflesh attachment.  Anything you do there, the mechanical dildo in the present will do.  If you shoot a load, it will be scanned here, and the load will be manufactured there."  It was a partial lie, but judging by the smile he received, the lie was believed.

            Once the door was closed, Mr. Klimstit looked at Scarlett as she approached.  She had altered her outfit a bit, showing a good deal of cleavage.  The change actually had a dual meaning.  While she remained professional, the display meant she would take over the auction.  That meant they had 'unexpected' guests.  At least the group that was bidding would not be expecting others, but he had been expecting them.  He looked for a moment at the various screens, and then said, "Take over.  Looks like Drek just won some time with Green Specter, and Ringleader just won time with Hexanna."

            He saw Scarlett nod, and then saw her look over the assembled mass.  "Anything else I should make sure of?"  He knew what she was asking.  When the plans for tonight had been made, she had some reservation about when she took over.  He figured some of the assembled would attempt to try something, but there would be a hefty fine for that.

            He looked at her, and quietly said, "Make sure to send the signal when the last one has climaxed.  Also, make sure you get in touch with the one who delivered our special boxes.  He'll want his promised share."  He then looked at all his guests, and said, "Gentlemen, I must attend to something.  While I am gone, my associate, Scarlett, will be in charge.  Step out of line with her, and you forfit all bids, pay a fine of half of what you brought with, and will be kicked out of here."  He then added in an ominous tone, "And believe me, all my associates know what to use to make sure you have no recollection of the past week."  He then departed, leaving Scarlett in charge.

            While that was happening, Champion Girl panted from the climax the vibrating wand had caused.  She felt humiliated, being made to climax as her breasts were milked dry.  What was worse was the fact that she was still restrained.  The vibrator had pulled away, but it still remained nearby.  She wondered what was going to happen now.  Would her captor reveal themselves?  Given that the trap looked like a Christmas present, she had a feeling it was the perverted fiend known as Psycho Santa.

            A sudden movement caught her attention, as what looked like a small screen came out of the present.  The vibrator also started to change.  It appeared to change shape, and to her horror, it took on the appearance of an erect cock, with huge balls.  Also two mechanical hands came out of the box, and ripped off the lower part of the costume.  She now had a very good idea what was going to happen.  She then gasped as a face from her past appeared on the screen.  She tried to sound brave, though, as she addressed the man.  "Doctor Armageddon.  So you are behind this."

            To her surprise, he laughed, and she was certain there was something in it that was mocking her.  Was she wrong about him being behind this?  He then spoke, and his words chilled her.  "Part of me wishes that were the case, but I can't argue with this opportunity.  Let's just say I won the right to tame you; a fitting payback for how you ruined my plans long ago."  She wanted to ask what he meant, at least about winning the right, but she couldn't.  It was at that moment that the cock plunged right into her unprotected woman hood, and started thrusting in and out, vibrating the whole time.

            That little scene also started playing out with the other heroines that had been captured by the odd presents.  For some, it meant being dominated by villains they had never faced before, while others were dominated by familiar foes.  What was worse was that the foes also saw what they were doing, and that the drained breasts seemed to flop about.

            The only heroines, however, not facing that fate, were Teen Squad.  The milkings they were enduring were going slower.  This, however, allowed them to get focused on two new things  The first was a huge phallic dildo like object rising out, and seemed to be pointing at their faces.  The second was a door opening just enough to allow a sole person to enter.  It was Amazing Babe who gasped, part in pleasure, and part in shock, since she recognized the figure.  “Good grief!  You’re Mr. Klimstit.  What are you doing here?”  She did not make the connection, at least not at first.

            This didn’t help the members of Teen Squad, as at that moment, the suction of the cones all picked up.  It was at that second that Shield managed to reach the correct conclusion.  “He’s the one in charge of this.  He’s the mastermind.”  For her statement, she gasped, and then started a low moan.  She had forgotten about the vibrator, and it had suddenly increased in vibration, making it a confirmation of her statement.

            To add to the shock of Teen Squad, Mr. Klimstit didn't even both to deny it.  He just nodded and said, "Correct on both counts.  I am the one in charge here, and I did mastermind all this; but you ladies don't realize how much I am manipulating things."  He then pushed a button on the wall, and a screen came to life, showing the current roster.  A few images showed some of the heroines being milked, while others were obviously being raped.

            After a few moments, Wild Girl gasped, both in astonishment and pleasure, as she realized where the image of Jungle Babe was coming from.  “By the Goddess, that‘s were Jungle Babe and I are staying.  How did you find out about that place?”  She tried to give Mr. Klimstit a venomous look, but with the pleasure she was experiencing, it wasn‘t working.  Part of her knew it as well, but she still tried.

            Flag Girl took that information in, especially when Mr. Klimstit responded to the question.  “Yes.  The person who delivered those packages managed to learn that tidbit.  He really gets into his role.”  She was then hit with a sickening feeling, especially as those words registered with her.  A person getting into their role, at this time of year meant he had help from Psycho Santa; and if Psycho Santa knew were to deliver the items, then that meant only one thing.

            She tries to shout, but she had to control herself when a climax threatened to happen.  “You mean you know all their identities?”  She bit her lip, as that climax threatened to make her give in, and most likely pass out.  She had avoided climaxing for a while, and no doubt it would be so powerful she would pass out.

            To her surprise, he responded in a way that didn‘t sound right to her.  “Oh, I don‘t know that info, even though he offered to give it to me.  It is information that I don‘t consider should be discovered, or exploited.  I know all those criminals in there would love that info, but it‘s not for sale.”  She then saw a wry smile cross his face.  “Let‘s just say I don‘t like losing potential donors.  Of course, I doubt any of you will remember that fact.”

            In that moment, several people got release.  The last few heroine being milked and bid on climaxed as their drained breasts were released.  With that action, the ones who won the right were already whipping out their raging hard-ons.  One of those men, however, foolishly goosed Scarlett, and the result was a quick loss of their claim, and money bid, as the honor of doing Lady Victory went to the mysterious Trapster.

            Also, several of the winners of bids, including Doctor Armageddon and Professor Pervo, orgasmed at that moment, shooting their respective loads into the devices their erections were in.  Those respective loads sent a signal to the mechanized dildos inserted into the heroines’ womanhood.  This was a fact that went unknown to the villains, however, since as they shot their loads, they went unconscious, due to a drug that coated the sheath their manhood was in.

            Fortunately for most of those heroines, they didn’t climax and it meant that all they got was the concoction that had nothing in it.  Unfortunately, Sara Kraft climaxed at the same time as the one who won the bid on her.  This resulted in a mixture made from an altered fraction of her milk.  Unknown to the helpless heroine figure, she was being shot full of a highly potent load, one that might not be prevented.

            In the room that held Teen Squad, many of the members also climaxed.  It was an intense moment for Flag Girl, Specter Girl, Shield and Wild Girl.  Their drained breasts were released, sagging down to their waists.  This was coupled by the phallic looking device in front of their faces unloading a glowing goo all over their faces.  At that moment, a blank look came over their faces.

            At that moment, Azure Angel looked at Mr. Klimstit and asked, “What have you done to them, prepared them for slavery?”  It was a fate she faced many times, until she was rescued by one heroine or another.  It wasn’t anything she was overly scared of, but it might be hard to escape from it this time, with the person they would be sold into slavery to in the next room.

            For some reason, she was surprised when he said, “Oh hell no.  It is the holiday season, and everyone here will be getting what they want.”  For some reason, that worried her.  If all the villains in this place wanted to best, dominate, enslave, and even kill the heroines; there could be no other thing that could happen to them.

            As that though crossed Azure Angel‘s mind, Amazing Babe moaned as a climax rocked her body.  This coincided with GOT-Chic also climaxing.  Mr. Klimstit watched this, as both heroines breasts were released by the milking cones, leaving them sagging to their waists.  Both the moans were also cut short as the fake cocks fired thick glowing loads into the heroines mouth.

            In the main room, the last of the villains were shooting their loads, as those who didn’t all cheered on, those who had placed bets collecting from those who lost.  They were all unaware of something in the air, something that Scarlett had been made immune to.  As some of those celebrating started to pass out, appearing to have had too much to  drink, Scarlett sent a message to Mr. Klimstit, saying the guests were ready for the next phase.

            When Mr. Klimstit saw that message, he looked at Azure Angel and smiled.  “Well, it looks like all the others are ready.  You are the only hold out.  I do, however, have something to help with that.”  He then held out a hand, palm up, as if he was waiting for something to drop into it.  “Since you seem to have the strongest resistance to climaxing, for some reason, it might be best to knock you out.”

            At that moment, a small orb started to fall from the ceiling.  As it fell, Azure was certain a very potent knock out gas was in it.  If it hit the floor, they would be both knocked out.  She had a feeling that wouldn’t happen, but she was certain he wouldn’t catch it.  It was almost as if he was deliberately short of where it would fall.  That was unlikely, but she had to intercept it.  It would be their only way to escape.

            She managed to free her one hand, and reach forward.  That action was enough to allow her to catch the orb.  She looked over at Mr. Klimstit, who appeared shocked.  He obviously hadn’t expected that.  This was the opportunity she needed.  She smirked and said, “I think it’s time you and your clients took that nap.”  She then hurled the orb at Mr. Klimstit, just as her momentary enjoyment caused her to give in to the building climax.  She saw him duck into the hall, with the orb following him, but that was all when the cock in front of her let lose its load.  In that moment, everything went fuzzy and dark.

            What Azure Angel was unaware of was the fact that she had done exactly what Mr. Klimstit had wanted.  When she threw the orb, all she had done was activated a smoke screen.  It filled the area, but the villains were so out of it that none reacted.  All of them were helpless, like the heroines all over the city.  Azure Angel was released at the same time, and all of Teen Squad were on the floor, out of it.

            The only figures still moving were Mr. Klimstit, Scarlett, and the other members of his Inner Circle.  They wasted no time in setting things up.  Each of the villains were restrained in some way, and they managed to make sure Teen Squad were free of their traps, and all traces had been removed.  This final move was all part of the plan, since none of the items would be left to be discovered.

            Once that was done, signals were sent to the other presents, and they released their prey.  The milk collected was sent out in separate containers, two to be exact.  The first went to Mr. Klimstit as the second went elsewhere.  None of the heroines would admit to this having happened, at least in public, but it wouldn’t matter.  None of them knew who was really behind what happened.

            By the time everything was done, and they were gone from the location, people started to stir from their induced slumber.  Fortunately for them, it was Flag Girl, Specter Girl, and GOT-Chic, who all woke first.  Each one them had gotten up slowly, and it was Flag Girl who first reacted to their state.  “Damn it, my tits are all drained.  I hate it when that happens.  None of my outfits fit after that.”

            Specter Girl was next to respond.  “I know.  Ugh.  It looks so bad to have saggy tits.”  The young heroine was cupping her drained breasts as she said that.  She even had a dejected look on her face, as if she still felt defeated.  It wasn’t a look she was alone in having.  The others, as they recovered, had similar looks on their face.

            GOT-Chic shook her head, as she looked around for her top, and said, “I just wish I could remember who did this.  I’m guessing their plan, whatever it was, went wrong.”  At least, the ebony skinned sidekick hoped the plan went wrong, as well as hoped she could remember who it was.

            Shield groaned as she got up, and felt her drained breasts.  “This is horrible.  Was this the work of Dr. Lactose, or Milk Man?”  All of the girls shivered after hearing both names.  Both were known to be obsessed with breast milk, especially from super heroines.  None of them wanted to end up in their clutches.  Some of them even had nightmares of being turned into those fiends’ personal dairy herd.

            Finally, Azure Angel got up, putting a hand to her head.  “I hate being knocked out.”  She then looked over at the others, and said, “I don’t remember who was behind it, but I caught something he was going to use, and threw it right back at him.”  She then pointed to a slightly open door.  “He had come from that door.  Let’s go.”

            The others hesitated for a moment, since they all knew the Asian girls reputation for being a bungler.  Still, they had been in a trap, and some how were released.  There had to be something good happening for them.  With that in mind, they rushed after Azure Angel, and down the hallway.

            They were all in shock when the reached the end.  It had ended at a huge room, and in the room, all out cold, was almost every villain in Delta City.  There were even some from outside the city present.  As they looked around, they noticed each one had their hands restrained behind their backs.  They even found a few in small rooms that were next to the big room, on the floor, with their manhood out, limp and spent.

            Once Teen Squad was done looking around, they huddled up in a circle.  They still hadn’t found their tops, but they realized what they were looking at.  It was Amazing Babe who said, “I don’t know what to make of this, but it looks like we have someone helping us.”

            They all nodded, but Wild Girl mentioned the obvious problem.  “Yes, but did they help us so they could get away, or what?  And where are our tops?”  The two questions didn’t set well with any of the heroines.  Still, they didn’t want to lose this prime opportunity.  This would lead to a major boost in the credibility as a whole.

            After a few moments, Flag Girl made the choice.  “I say we bring them in.  Hopefully we can find our tops as we gather them all together.  Besides, I don’t think we were the only ones affected.  For some reason, I can recall that Ms. Americana, Green Specter and the other heroines were preyed on as well.”

            They all agreed, and they gather the villains together.  Eventually, they even found their tops, and brought the whole group out of the place.  To their surprise, a news van was nearby, and caught the whole story.  It resulted in Teen Squad as a whole getting a whole lot more respect.  Even Azure Angel got a boost in her credit as a super heroine.

            None of the heroines who had been captured at their homes said anything publicly, but they congratulated Teen Squad for their efforts.  Even Ms. Americana had to give Azure Angel the gratitude she had earned.  They all still wondered, however, how those booby trapped gifts had arrived in their homes.  It was a thought that would bother them all, especially if the one conclusion they were coming to was true.

            Elsewhere, north of Delta City, a red sleigh was flying.  The owner of the sleigh, however, was looking at a screen.  It was a video call that he was having with a man in a business suit.  “Ho. Ho. Ho.  Did you catch all the hoes you had wanted, Mr. Klimstit?”

            The person nodded, and said with a smile, “Indeed, Psycho Santa.  Every one of the heroine got caught and milked.  As per our agreement, you should be receiving your cut.  It was a small price to pay, but worth it in the end.”  He had indeed received the milk.  He even had to agree that it was a small price to pay.  Normally, he would cause some mischief, and capture a few of the heroines.  They made fine gifts for the villains of the world.  This time, he delivered the gifts specially designed by Mr. Klimstit.  It had been a true treat.  It was a shame he couldn’t always recall the locations of the heroines.  It was only something he could do once a year, and it was rare he could do it for so many of them.

            When the call ended, Mr. Klimstit went to his special tanks, and started some comparisons.  While they wouldn’t remember it, he had milked a few of the heroines in Delta City.  He was even sure he had milked some of them when they weren’t in costume.  While he wasn’t going to hunt them down, it never hurt to be prepared.  Besides, he would always get unnerved when he heard about a heroine going missing.  If they did disappear, he would miss out on that opportunity.  It was why he had a hatred for slavers and killer.  He would deal with them, but he would put them in a position to get caught at any moment.  At least all his prep work made sure the ones that were at the auction couldn’t put a name to his face, or his face to a name.  It was all part of his plan.  First, he would milk all the heroines in Delta City, then get as much money as he could from the villains.  In the mean time, he had lured in Teen Squad and milked them, while preparing to knock out the villains.  The final part had come together as he had hoped, allowing the clueless heroines to look like true heroines, especially Azure Angel.  He actually had a soft spot for her.  People really do love an underdog.

            There was only one person who did not get what they wanted in all this.  It wasn’t discovered until months later.  Word had gotten out that Sara Kraft had become a recluse, and one of the heroines had gone to check it out.  Jungle Babe, who had past encounters with Sara Kraft, had reported back that the treasure hunter had become pregnant, but what was odd about it was that early testing could only confirm one parent.  Even one test, developed by Professor Whirter, made a disturbing find.  The baby growing in Sara Kraft could only be described as a clone of her, and no one was sure how that was possible.


A belated Happy Holidays to all, no matter what holiday you celebrate in the month of December.  They are all important, and are part of the time of miracles.