Hexanna, Texas Star, and Delta City are the creations of Mr. X’s.  Mr. Klimstit, and the Klimstit Corporation are my own creations, and inspired by Mr. X’s works.  Miss Bea is inspired by Deviant Artist BEgirl69.


If Bondage, Forced Lactation, and other sexual behavior are offensive to you, do not read any further.


Any feedback may be sent to mrklimstit@lycos.com


Paying the Debts


            Delta City is a city with hidden secrets.  It is like every community in that way.  Every person, place, and thing has hidden secrets waiting to be discovered.  In one small community, a warehouse worker secretly writes stories that places heroines in erotic perils, while keeping it secret from his family.  In a large organization, they struggle to keep hidden the fact that they are the ones to blame for catastrophic mistakes affecting all people.  Even one of the biggest religions in the world keeps actual chapters of its religious text hidden in a vault.  Everything has secrets.

            It is also no secret that those secrets attempt to get out.  Some work their way out slowly, and sometimes start with the odd shop opening in a community.  One such shop had opened in Delta City.  It was devoted to what some would call the occult.  The shelves were lined by books on magic, demons, and monsters, and other relics and items that were associated with that.  It was a curiosity that had many people entering, however, some looked around to see if they were being seen entering the place.

            Ironically, the place had been frequented by mostly guys, due to the fact that the person running the occult shop was one of the buxom super heroines in Delta City, Hexanna, the ‘Brazilian’ mistress of magic.  People knew there was something special about the woman, since she tended to wear the same outfit in all sorts of weather, and never looked uncomfortable.  Even the women would agree that the woman looked hot, especially with mysterious sigil on her stomach, which even some thought was linked to her magical powers.  The truth, however, was that the sexy Brazilian’s powers were sourced in the skull staff she had.

            She wasn't the only woman in the shop this day.  There was another woman in the shop, and it was a redhead Hexanna had only seen on the news.  It was the head of Research and Development at the Klimstit Corporation.  She had once heard the woman was into lost civilizations and the like, but what would have her looking into the section of the store devoted to books on Demonology.  She had seen a few novices try their hand at summoning some of those things, only for it to end badly; a few young women had ended up taken by the very demon they had summoned.

            Hexanna had decided it was best to warn this prominent woman in business.  She walked over to the woman, and tried to politely warn the redhead.  "I would be very careful if you are looking into these books.  I've seen some foolish young women get themselves into serious trouble."  Hexanna then saw the redhead had pulled out one of the books that held the name of some of the more serious demons.  She had put a high cost on the book, determined that only the truly serious would buy it, and she was certain a majority of them were only up to no good.

            Scarlett had opened the book, and was perusing it, certain that the information she wanted would be located within.  The shopkeeper, who she already knew was one of those Aphrodites that also made up the superheroine population of Delta City, was trying to warn her about the book.  She was already aware of the dangers, but she figured the Brazilian woman was unaware of her own background.

            After a moment, she had found the information she was searching for, and closed the book.  She looked at the shopkeeper, and smiled a neutral smile.  "I appreciate the information, ma'am, but I don't plan to summon any of these creatures for some sort of childish reason."  She then turned to face the woman, and held up the book.  "Is the price on the book correct?   One thousand dollars?"  In her opinion, she thought the price was too low.  It was worth more than that, to anyone with any background in magic, or the ancient practices.

            She saw the woman nod.  "Yes.  I have that one priced high due in part to its age."  She could hear the unsaid part in the reason.  The high cost was a security and information gathering step.  If you really wanted it for a purpose, she would know, and the heroine would be watching her.  Also, no one would try robbing from this woman, unless they were versed in the security measures taken by a magic practitioner.  Scarlett knew she would have to employ all her tactics to evade this woman.

            She then nodded, and pulled out a wad of one hundred dollar bills.  She handed ten over and said, "That should cover the price."  She saw the woman study her for a moment.  Scarlett knew the woman was filing the information down as a possible criminal lead.  She then waited for the woman to give her a reason for not giving her the book.  After a moment of silence, the woman nodded, and rang up the purchase.  Scarlett knew then that once she left, the shop would close, and she would be pursued.  It was a good thing one of Mr. Klimstit's secret locations was nearby.

            Hexanna watched as the redhead left.  She had covertly checked the bills she had been given, and was surprised when they were genuine.  Still, paying cash for that book was a serious sign.  It meant the receipt would be thrown out.  She wondered if the woman was up to something to subvert the owner of the company.  She doubted the woman suspected anything, so she decided to follow the woman.

            She put the closed sign in the shop window, grabbed her skull staff, and left the store through the back entrance.  She then cast a spell to locate the book.  It was a simple one, allowing the eyes of the skull to glow when it faced the book.  The closer they got, the brighter the glow would get.  Once she saw the glow, she ran in the direction the staff told her.  To her dismay, it was in the direction of Sugartown, Delta City's home of the various prostitution rings.  What would the redheaded woman be doing in that area?

            She kept running, ignoring the stares of various people who saw her.  Her sole focus was on finding the redhead before she caused herself some serious trouble.  The eyes of the skull glowed brighter and brighter as she ran, and she knew she was getting closer to the woman, hopefully to either stop the foolish woman from doing something lethally foolish, or to keep her from invoking an evil witch's scheme.  Delta City didn't need another Nightmare Witch.

            That last thought hit her as the glowing eyes suddenly went out.  It was a seriously troubling sight.  It would take serious skill to block a magical trace.  She looked at the eyes, and then looked around.  She hadn't entered Sugartown, and that was a good thing.  Still, the sudden disappearance was troubling.  She tapped her staff on the ground, and recast the spell, but nothing had happened.  She had lost the woman, and the book.  Hexanna, however, did not think she had seen the last of either.  She softly said, "I don't know where you went, but I have a feeling you are up to something.  I'll be watching for the trouble you are going to cause."  She then returned to her shop, prepared to detect any demon summonings, or appearances.

            The truth of the matter wasn't that Hexanna lost the book.  It had still been close to where she had lost it.  It was just concealed by an expert spell, a skill that Scarlett used on very rare occasion.  It wasn't that she didn’t like to use the magical gifts she had.  She just had little chance to use them.  They were her birthright since she was a descendant of one of the last high priestesses of The Goddess.  Since the temple fell, only the four loyal high priestesses had tried to keep the faith.  Only one remained faithful to it, and that was Scarlett.  She stayed loyal to The Goddess, as well as one of the Banes of The Goddess.

            It was for that reason she had procured the book she now had open on a pedestal.  She had also shed her business outfit, and had donned the traditional garb of a high priestess performing a summons.  It was the same as the traditional attire of a high priestess; a long flowing white wrap around the waist, to cover the legs, and a strap of fabric wrapped underneath the breasts to make them stand up and out.  She also had on the head dress, and was performing the summoning for a specific demon.  She knew it was one of the more intelligent ones, as well as the fact that it had been loyal to some of the Banes of The Goddess.  The Banes were supposed to undo the dominating religion, but the dominating religion had them imprisoned, but their own demons had formed allegiances.

            Now, as Scarlett finished the spell, one of those demons appeared in the summoning circle in front of her.  This particular demon appeared in a humanoid shape, but had scores of tentacles sprouting from its back.  It also had a very contemplative look on its face, but that was because of the shear fact that this particular summons was used.  Scarlett could feel the demon's eyes scanning over her body.  She wasn't scared, since she preformed the spell correctly.  The fact that the demon appeared to relax also added to her confidence that all had gone well.  She looked right at the demon, and said, "Demon, do you know why I have summoned you?"

            She felt at ease when the demon nodded, and said, "Yes.  You are seeking the fertility gem of The Goddess, and you work for one of her Banes.  I had to respect her for letting those things loose after that heretic stole her main gem.  She was aware how a majority of them would usurp her if that gem wasn't returned intact.  A shame it was cut."  Scarlett was already aware of that, having seen GOT-Gal and GOT-Chic in action, and knew they had the pieces of the same gem.

            The demon watched the woman as she thought about what it had just told her.  She didn't seem surprised by anything it had said, and wondered how much this priestess was already aware of.  It could also see that she had made her way to the temple.  Such an action had fortified the power she wielded, as well as a special gift she had.  It had already deemed she wasn't one to take as its own, at least not yet.  It could already tell that the woman had given her ample breasts to the Bane she worked for.  The fact that she was after the fertility gem meant it could negotiate for something.

            Finally the woman spoke, and it was surprised by what was said.  "I am already aware of who was supposed to hold it.  Unfortunately, when the device they had incorporated it into was destroyed, the gem was lost.  I had already spoke with the woman about it.  I need to get them gem.  It may be one way to protect my boss once I revive him."  The demon took that in, and saw a way to negotiate getting what it wanted.

            The demon remember stories it had heard from other demons, about how a bunch of young girls had started fighting the demons, and what was worse, was they all seemed immune to the demons attempt to take them as their own.  One had told him that there was something about a tiara the one girl wore.  It would be a boost to the demon's own ranking if it were able to defeat these girls.  "I know of who holds it now.  She leads a group of high school girls who fights demons."  It saw the unease in the woman as she heard the one word, but the demon knew what to say.  "The girls, as one of the recent demons who had been defeat had said, are all of what you call legal age."

            It watched as the woman nodded, and then folded her arms under her ample orbs.  The demon could sense the power in those orbs, and in their milk.  She was indeed powerful, and truly unclaimed by any man, woman, or demon.  No doubt when she restored the Bane she worked for, it would claim her, and she would most likely be willing.  Out of respect for the Bane she served, the demon would only claim her if she could not restore it.  It just needed her to make one request that it could negotiate with.  "Where exactly is this group now?"

            That was the question it was waiting for.  The demon was now in a position to negotiate from.  It locked its eyes on the woman and said, "I will tell you on two conditions.  The first would be that you release me from this circle to help capture them.  Many of my fellow demons have been dispatch by these unclaimable women.  None had realized that they hold the fertility gem, and are somehow exploiting it to keep them unclaimed.  Help me claim them."  The demon knew the woman would be smart enough to know that allowing her to take the fertility gem would be the payment for releasing it from the circle.

            Scarlett knew why the demon said what it said.  She would be allowed to take the gem if she released the demon for this task.  Now that it was already summoned, she knew Hexanna wouldn't detect it, at least not right away.  She just didn't know the identity of the women.  Normally, any identity she learned of either heroines or villainesses, she would not exploit to ruin them.  This was Mr. Klimstit's rule, and it made sense.  Ruining a heroine meant one less heroine to go after, and they were a finite number.  Given the circumstances, however, that rule needed to be broken.  She just wanted to make sure of the price.  "What's the price for their names?"

            She saw the demon smile broadly, and watched as it pointed at her.  "For their identities, I want an agreement.  If you fail to restore the bane you serve in a year's time, I claim you.  That means I get to suck out all of your milk and free will, and make you my eternal fuck toy.  This is a generous amount of time, since I'm sure you realized that most demons would throw in their allegiance with the other banes.  I know that the Bane you serve has the benefits of a long term plan."

            When the demon had pointed at her, she felt a tingle around her breasts and womanhood.  It was The Goddess’s protection.  She would have to agree to forfeiting that to get this demon's allegiance, but she also knew a year would be more than enough time.  If things went right, all she would need was a few hours at most.  The other demons she might have summoned would have made a deal that would have ended within minutes of the summoning.

            Scarlett finally nodded, and spoke to the demon.  "Fair enough.  I will release you into the world, and help you claim these women in exchange for the fertility gem.  I also agree to your terms, that if I fail to restore my boss in a year's time, you can claim me; and this is in exchange for the identities of the girls.  Now tell me their names, and I shall break the circle."  She felt another tingle, and she knew The Goddess's protection was starting to fade.  It was a slow fade, but it would be restored once she restored her employer.

            In that moment, the demon told her the names, and she knew she'd be able to capture the ladies easily.  They were in Delta City at the moment, but she was certain the girls would be under protection of some sort.  She would have to lure them into a trap, as well as any protector.  The biggest threat, however, would be from Hexanna.  She was certain of that, but she could plan for that, especially as she broke the circle.  This demon would work with her.




            At the very moment that was happening, the buxom Texan know as Texas Star was approaching the location of the latest group she was protecting.  It seemed that due to her failure with the fashion show, she had been charged with protecting a smaller group.  This time, it had been a bunch high school seniors from another country.  Luckily, they were familiar with English.  They were all, to her surprise, as buxom as she was.  She then walked over to the group, who all looked at her with disdain.  She wasn't surprised, since most people gave her that look since the fashion show.

            She walked up to the one girl she had been told was what people in the bodyguard business would call 'The Principle'.  She was an attractive looking young woman who had to be the one named Suri.  "I take it you're Suri.  I was asked by your father to protect you and your friends."  She then braced herself for the eventual argument.  She figured it would happen with five buxom young women, all high school seniors.  No doubt, the others were preparing to rib Suri about it.

            To her surprise, all the girls laughed, as if her task to protect them was a joke.  It was then that Suri slapped her shoulder, and Texas Star heard the girl what had to be the strangest reason to ignore the aid of a heroines.  "I'm sorry, miss.  My father doesn't realize that my friends and I are superheroines.  We don't need your protection."

            Texas Star could not believe the audacity of these girls.  How could they think that being heroines was a safe defense, especially in Delta City?  She could swear that all the perverted fiends made their way to Delta City.  She even heard stories of various sex crazed demons spotted in Delta City.  She put her hands on her hips as she said, "You have no idea of what this city has in it.  Every heroine in Delta City has been captured by some sort of sex crazed creature, or perverted miscreants, at least once.  You can't hope to take things on in this city."

            To the surprise of Texas Star, Suri touched a stone that was in her hair.  In that moment, an almost blinding light engulfed all of the girls.  Through the light, Texas Star could swear that each one's blouse and pants were transforming into something else.  At first, she wanted to think it was one of those sailor outfits, or as some people called them,  Sailor Senshi.  When the outfits finally took form, they had the short skirt, but that was about it.  Instead of the trademark blouses that went with the look, the girls all had lacey bra that accentuated, and enhanced, their bust line.  Each bra was a different color, but each had a circular clasp in the middle with what looked like a letter on top of a vertical line and small circle.  Suri's happened to be an M.  All the girls also had a jeweled tiara combined with a domino mask, with Suri's having a big gem in hers.

            Before Texas Star could recover from the shock, the one she knew as Suri turned her head suddenly, and looked towards a nearby alley.  The gem in her tiara had started to glow, and the girl said, "I'd argue more with you, Texas Star, but we have work to do.  A demon just appeared in that alley."  Then all the girls ran off in the direction of the alley, and Texas Star noticed the final major difference between the outfits the girls now wore, and the Sailor Senshi outfits.  They had no panties at all.

            Texas Star cursed and then pulled out her guns.  While she had no super powers, she had an uncanny skill for marksmanship.  She could always hit her target, even if the target was running away from her in a crowded area.  While the girls had claimed they didn't need her help, she was certain that they would need it.  She also knew that this wouldn't be the first time her marksmanship would save a heroine from an inhuman impregnation.  She had done that for Jungle Babe once.

            She then followed the girls into the alley, and almost stopped dead in her tracks.  There was indeed some sort of demon there, and it had an almost countless number of phallic tentacles. What was worse was the fact that the creature had already captured one of the girls, and was starting to have its way with her.

            Just as Texas Star was steadying her aim, everything went against what she thought as going to happen.  Instead of the other girls screaming in panic or alarm, some of them started to laugh, including the girl now being violated.  In fact, the one she knew was Suri just laughed out loud and shouts, “Stupid demon.  Don‘t you know that no demon can brake the Sexy Senshi?”  At that Texas Star didn‘t know what to do.

            Luckily, she wasn‘t the only one watching the scene.  This demon had drawn the attention of Hexanna, who would admit that this wasn‘t the demon she was searching for in the first place.  Still, any demon wondering about would have to be vanquished.  She almost panicked when she saw the demon grab one of the girls and start to try and rape her.  Then she noticed something odd.  As the demon started violating the one girl, it seemed to be puzzled.  She couldn't understand why, but the other girls seemed to be laughing about it.

            Then it happened, and Hexanna knew she might have to watch these girls.  Each girl, including the one being violated, held up a wand of some sort.  A beam of light shot from each wand, and met at a point over the demon.  At that point, a glowing ball of light formed, and all the girls lowered that ball of light towards the now panicking demon.  Once it touched the demon, the light consumed the foul creature, and it was gone.  The captive girl fell to the ground, but one of the others caught her.  These girls would merit being watched, especially if they were demon slayers.  In fact, she had a feeling that the girls might even be in danger from the very foe she was looking for.

            Texas Star stood there for a moment with her mouth open.  She was just ready to open fire on the thing, and girls had performed some sort of magic, dispelling the monstrosity.  It had seemed that its attempt to mate with one of the girls failed, and they were laughing it off.  The others just got around her, and started to help the girl back into her outfit.  In fact, she saw the outfit reform around the girl, as if it wasn't just one of those Japanese school girl outfits.

            Texas Star finally snapped out of her shock, and put her guns away.  She then walked over to the girls and said, "Well, you really do know how to handle those things.  Just how long have you five been doing this?"  She wanted to know the answer, but it also made her wonder if she really needed to protect the girls.  They knew how to handle monsters, but there was a whole different sort of dangers waiting in the city.  Her mind momentarily flashed back to the modeling show, and all the women who had been left in disastrous state.  She didn't want to see any other women befall such a fate, especially when one of them was the daughter of someone influential.

            She glanced over at girls, and Suri, who was the leader of the group, just said, "Tell you what, Texas.  We want to celebrate, and we've heard about Club Bounce.  We'll go there, and tell you how we got into demon fighting."  Texas Star had mixed feelings about that.  While it might be safer than being on the streets, that club would not be the safest area to have a discussion, especially about secret identities.

            Suri waited for a moment, and was delighted when she saw Texas Star nod.  She then looked at the others and said, "Alright girls, we are going to Club Bounce.  Just in time for our newest members graduation."  All the girls had turned to look at the girl who had just been attacked.  Suri then looked at Texas Star, hoping the heroine knew the way to the club.

            She saw Texas Star shrug, as if she thought they were all acting silly.  Then the heroine just said, "Fine.  We'll have to walk there, since I'm sure that we should keep anyone from seeing this place at the moment."  Suri had to agree with that.  Since she had been fighting demons, there had been a few awkward incidents when someone came across the scene of a recent fight.

            She made sure all the others were with her, and then motioned to Texas Star.  "Lead the way.  We can't wait to experience the place."  That was true.  Since they had arrived in Delta City, Suri had been hearing about the club, and decided she had to check it out.  Plus, the girls could all relax after a tough battle, especially one where the demon tried to tame one of the girls.  It even kept the pent up tension from overwhelming them later.

            Observing this scene from her vantage point, Hexanna decided to follow the girls.  While she had not spotted the demon she was sure was about, she knew that if these girls were to go against it, they might not fair so well.  She also wanted to find out more about how they avoided giving in to the demon‘s attacks.  She had heard tales about some sort of gem that could do something like that, but she had never seen it.  The closest thing she had ever seen was the GOT Emerald worn by GOT-Gal.

            Also observing this scene was Scarlett, who did so via a network of cameras that were located around the various secret milking stations Mr. Klimstit had set up.  Luckily, the altercation had happened near one of them, and Scarlett was able to listen in.  The demon, which remained at her side, also watched with interest.  The thing then said to her, “Do you know where this club is that they are going to?”

            She didn‘t look back, mainly because she didn‘t want to smirk at the demon.  That would be a bit unwise, even though it had agreed to do as she told.  She remained calm as she then answered the question.  "Indeed, and it is quite fortuitous.  Mr. Klimstit owns Club Bounce, and on certain nights, we target the college students who frequent the place.  We have even found a few candidates for in the company there.  It will even allow us the perfect way to ambush them, and even separate them from anyone trying to assist them."  She didn't need to look at the demon to know it was smiling.  She could feel it.

            Scarlett then moved to one of the secret tunnels, knowing it would lead to Club Bounce, and the hidden facilities that was the reason the club had been built.  She pushed a button on the wall, and a door opened.  She started to head down the tunnel that was now open, with the demon following her.  As they walked, Scarlett pondered what the rewards for this course of action.  On one hand, the plan she was developing would give her the gem she was seeking, and the demon five victims.  The down side was the fact that it would cost Club Bounce a night's profits, and deny Mr. Klimstit five future victims.  If she were to not go through with it, she might lose the opportunity to gain an artifact she was waiting to grab.  No doubt, as a realization hit her, this would be the best action, and once he was revived, she would have to answer to Mr. Klimstit for the action.




            Club Bounce was lively when all the visitors had arrived there.  The five girls, as well as Texas Star, didn't even seem to be noticed, or thought of as out of place.  The truth was that from time to time, the Club would host a costume party.  This had been one of those nights.  Many of the patrons, and some of the staff, were dressed up.  Not many dressed up as one of Delta City's pantheon of heroines, since the action could invite trouble for the person and the club.  Those that had, however, were not as buxom as the heroines, or had different hair colors.  This had the effect of making Texas Star and the Sexy Senshi stick out just a bit.

            This was the reason why the six women sat at a secluded spot in the back.  It allowed them to talk in relative quiet.  This was something Texas Star was going to take advantage of.  She looked at the leader of the group, and said, "Alright, how did y'all gain the ability to fight demons, as well as not be tamed by them?"  She knew, thanks to the secret network of heroines, that the demonic entities were some of the toughest, and that even the highest level of Aphrodites had been bested by the things.  Recovery from that sometimes took months, both physically and mentally.

            It was what had to be the newest of the group who spoke up first.  "It's all in Suri's tiara.  She had found the gem during one trip her father took here."  She noticed the girl get a dirty look from the leader.  No doubt, Texas Star figured, it was because she wasn't supposed to mention the gem‘s origin.

            This was confirmed when the girl just nodded and said to Texas Star, "What she says is true.  Some time ago, when I was just eighteen, my father came here during the time those Fishmen were invading that one town.  As the last of them disappeared, I found this gem stone mixed in with a bunch of circuitry, like the device had been around it and was destroyed.  After that, I was attacked by a straggler, but it left after it got frustrated by its failure to dominate me."

            Texas Star was shocked by that revelation.  She had heard of the Fishman escapade from Hexanna.  No one had ever figured out how Dragon Queen had manage to control the creatures, but that would explain why they had turned on her.  She also realized that if this gem were truly magical, it would be best to get these girls to Hexanna.  The trick would be convincing them it was a good idea.  There was no doubt in her mind that these girls had learned to love being demon fighters.

            What none of them were aware of was the fact that someone had been paying attention to them.  Scarlett was sitting in the owner's office, and had trained some of the cameras and microphones on the table.  It was something Mr. Klimstit would have frown on, but she was certain he'd forgive it this time.  The gem was an important part of the revival, and she was certain he was unaware of it.  She then activate a console that was in the room, and spoke into a microphone.  "Are you ready?"

            She was not surprised when she heard the voice in the room.  "I am indeed ready.  Too many of my brethren have fallen to those bitches.  I intend to take them all down.  This will give you the year you need to revive the Goddess's Bane."  She knew what the demon meant, and she knew this plan would work.

            She nodded, and then started pushing buttons on the console.  It activated a special holographic projector in the one room of the club.  As the device started up, she said to the demon, "Just act like you are attacking them.  With the other things in effect, those girls will tire themselves out."  She stopped speaking as the first panicked customer came running out of the room.  No doubt, the five girls would rush to the rescue.  If she was lucky, even Texas Star would come running.

            She got up from the console, wondering if she should contact any of the other members of the Inner Circle.  She was certain they would all want to be there for Mr. Klimstit's revival, but there might be mixed opinions on the fate of the woman she hired to help try to revive him.  Possibly Yumi might be the only one who would agree with her about the woman's fate.  Her thoughts on the revival got cut short when someone grabbed her from behind and said, "I've got you.  Now where is the book?  I know you are planning to summon a demon."  She knew who it was, and she now had to figure a way of stopping Hexanna from ruining her plans.

            It was at that time when the Suri ran towards the area where all the other people were fleeing from.  She lead her fellow Sexy Senshi to where there had to be a demon.  It was the only thing that could incite such a panic.  She didn't even wait to see if Texas Star was following them.  To be honest, she hoped the woman wasn't following them.  She didn't know if she could protect the woman.

            When they entered the room, they saw the demon.  She audibly gulped at the sight, and she wasn't the only one.  During all the time since she found the gem, she learned about all the demons, and this one was one of the most dangerous.  It was one of the few that could rape a score of women at once.  The only thing that held it back was the fact that it had to be summoned by a woman.  That made the thing more dangerous, since if the summoner died, or was tamed by the demon, it would be able to ravage the world.

            She pulled out her wand as one of her friends asked, "Is this as bad as the breast destroying demon you read about?"  She shook her head, remembering briefly about that demon.  She couldn't remember if this one was better or worse than that one.  She did, however, think that if they could defeat this one, they could defeat that one if they ever crossed paths with it.

            She then pointed at the thing, but answered her friend's question.  "I don't know, but once we take this one down, the other will be a piece of cake."  She then ran forward, ducking a swinging tentacle.  She took notice that the others did so, and as they did, they fired blasts from their scepters.

            This would be all well and good, except for the fact that each blast seemed to have little to no effect on the demon.  Did they all have to fire at the same spot?  That would be tricky, given the fact that they had to keep leaping out of the way of attacks.  This would be a long battle if they didn't figure out how to stop the demon.  Suri jumped backwards, taking in a deep breath, hoping it would help her think, and invigorate her as she started to feel tired.

            At the same time, Texas Star was torn about what to do.  As the girls had run towards the danger, she had noticed something in the direction of some high up glass windows.  She had seen things like that in other clubs.  It was a room that an owner had to observe things in, as well as work.  While the windows were usually soundproof and tinted, she noticed that someone was struggling with someone else.  The silhouettes told her that both figures were female, and after hearing the revelation from the girls, she had a grim feeling who the attacker was.

            She glanced around for a moment, and noticed the door marked for staff only.  She didn't hesitate on what she should do.  She knew the girls could handle themselves, but if she could take out Dragon Queen, she might also defeat what the girls were fighting, keeping them safe in the process.  Those thoughts ran through her mind as she ran into the marked door.

            She found her way quickly to the room she saw, and was surprised by the fact that it was the office of the owner, Mr. Klimstit.  She hadn't been aware that the pharmaceutical company owner was also the owner of the club.  She had heard that he had to go someplace on business not too long ago, and wasn't back yet.  That had to mean that the club was being run by one of his staff.  She knew a few women were considered his second when it came to company business, so no doubt one of them was running the club, and they were being attacked by Dragon Queen.

            Meanwhile, Hexanna kept struggling with Scarlett.  The woman was, to her surprise, very strong.  Still, she had to subdue this woman.  While she had legally paid for the book she had bought, Hexanna was certain that the woman was trying to bring forth one of the worst demons in that book.  Maybe it was in an attempt to take over the company, or something else, but the demons in that book could not be released.

            As the struggled continued, she was shocked to feel someone grab her, and then toss her across the room.  As that happened, she heard Scarlett say to the person, "Thank goodness.  I don't know why she attacked me.  I heard the commotion going on, and had come to the window to see."  Hexanna gathered two things from that statement.  The first was that her attacker must not be in league with Scarlett.  The second was that Scarlett was trying to play ignorant to what was going on.

            Hexanna turned to look at her attacked, and was stunned to see it was Texas Star.  The woman was also surprised to see her.  That was evident when the woman said, "Ah Gawd, Hexanna.  Did Dragon Queen get control of you?"  To her further surprise, she then heard Texas Star address the woman.  "I'm sorry, Miss Scarlett.  Dragon Queen must have taken control of Hexanna in some way.  She found out that the girls I am protecting contain a gem she had.  One that has magical powers."

            Hexanna was surprised by that, but she needed to make Texas Star realize the truth.  She started to get up, noticing that Scarlett had just ran over to the desk.  She looked at Texas Star, and tried to get through to the heroine.  "Texas, I'm not being controlled by Dragon Queen.  Scarlett bought a book that could summon a powerful demon.  Besides, last I heard, Dragon Queen was out of the country."   That last part was true.  She had heard that someone had intelligence that the Asian mad scientist was somewhere in Cuba.  Obviously, from the confused look on Texas Star's face, she had gotten through to her, but the other woman wasn't certain.

            Scarlett had been thankful for Texas Star's arrival, but she knew she would need to act quick.  She quickly got to the desk, and opened a hidden drawer.  In it, there were a few specially made darts, ones she knew only all too well.  When she had demonstrated one to Milk Man some time ago, he used it on her.  This time, they would be used on both Texas Star and the meddling Hexanna.  The latter had already ruined the plausible story she had thought up to say.

            As she aimed the one dart, she noticed the Texas Star was still focused on Hexanna, and even made a perfect cover for Scarlett.  Hexanna could not warn them of the special darts.  She quickly aimed the one at Hexanna's leg before triggering it.  Once it went, she aimed the second at Texas Star's ass.  She released it while Texas Star said, "If Dragon Queen is in Cuba, then how could she know about the gem?"

            She heard Hexanna respond to the question.  "I don't think she does, but Scarlett is up to some...."  She heard the word trail off as Hexanna passed out.  It was at the same moment Texas Star straightened up and turned, obviously reacting to the dart now in her ass.  She saw Texas Star look back at Hexanna, and then to the woman's leg.

            Scarlett stood still as Texas Star woozily got up and started towards her.  The buxom heroine started to speak, but her words were slurred as she tried to speak.  "Just whut it tarn..."  The woman started to fall forward, but Scarlett caught her, smirking as she did so.  Somehow, the woman realized what was happening, because a look of hatred and understanding crossed her face.

            She let the other buxom heroine fall to the ground, taking a moment to glance at the monitor.  She could see the five girls were slowing down.  They hadn't figured out what was going on, and no doubt, didn't even notice that the room they were in was closed and locked.  She also noticed that the club had been evacuated.  She would have to call in to the authorities, but that would wait until she had secured the two intruders in the office.  That wouldn't take long, but the fun to follow would be something else.

            At that same time, the Sexy Senshi continued to try to stop the demon.  It was causing them no end of frustration.  Every strike they made, nothing appeared to happen. Luckily, they managed to keep dodging blows.  That, however, was tiring them out.  If they didn‘t succeed soon, they would collapse from exhaustion, and become easy prey for the demon.

            What was worse was the fact that they were starting to stumble, as if something was off about their bodies.  There had been a few moments that some of them stumbled, and that mostly happened when one of them was leaning forward.  In fact, as she thought about it, she could have sworn her breasts felt heavier.  She had a feeling it was something the demon was doing.

            It was when she mulled through those thoughts that something odd happened.  For that brief moment of thought, the demons one tentacle came right at her.  She knew it would hit her, then grab her, and what ever would come next.  The last part would fail, so she wasn't overly concerned.  What did concern her, however, was the fact that the tentacle didn't connect.  It passed right through her.  No demon would do that while fighting a bunch of hot girls.

            In that moment, Suri realized what was happening.  She jumped back, and shouted, "We've been duped.  This demon isn't real."  She started moving away from the thing, wondering what it was.  Then she wondered who would go to such lengths, and why?  The Sexy Senshi never fought people, just demons.  She had to correct herself then, remembering that sometimes they had to fight summoners.

            She started to panic when one of her team shouted, "We've been locked in.  This must have been a trap.”  She blinked, looking at her teammate, and then the door, noticing that something odd was happening.  The wall looked like it was swaying.  The door swayed as well, as well as her teammate.  She then turned when she heard something hit the floor.  She saw one of the girls had collapsed on the floor, right through the fake demon.  She then saw two more of her friends collapse.  She couldn‘t understand why, unless there was something in the air.

            In that moment, she realized how much danger they were in.  The demon was a fake, a very convincing one, but a fake none the less.  They were wearing themselves out fighting the thing, and breathing in some sort of knock-out gas.  That wouldn‘t explain the feeling of heaviness in their breasts.  She then wished that Texas Star was there.  The heroine was supposed to be a guard for her, and by extension, her friends, had been made to think they could handle themselves.  She had been a fool, and now they might all pay for it.  She just hoped that Texas Star would find them before it was too late.  That was her last thought as everything went black.




            While all the ladies were unconscious, they had been moved, via special machines, into a lower chamber.  What the ladies didn‘t know was that they had had their tops removed.  Seven sets of breasts were now exposed, but not for long.  Scarlett had taken special precautions for some, since the final outcome of the captured heroines actually differed.  Scarlett had secured both Hexanna and Texas Star in chairs, facing a screen.  The other five heroines, the Sexy Senshi, were in another room, but they were wearing special costumes.  While the bottoms looked like their typical costumes, their blouses had been replaced with a special bra and back pack.    

            As Scarlett waited for the demon to be ready, she also secured special breast pumps to the now exposed orbs on both captive heroines.  She had something else prepared above the chairs, knowing she would have a hard time explaining things if these two women remembered.  Hexanna would be the hard one, and she had made a call once she had captured the women.  That would help her with her cover story, especially with Hexanna knowing she had bought the book.  Had the Brazilian bombshell not remembered that, this plan might have gone very differently.  Well, she would pay for that soon.

            Scarlett then went over to a console in the room, and sat down.  As she did so, she fingered the gem that now sat on the console.  This had been the thing she had been searching for, and it would be the key in keeping Mr. Klimstit from getting taken out of commission again.  She had everything else she needed back in the lab.

            After a moment, she saw one of the girls starting to stir.  Scarlett had no doubt that some of the residual magic from the gem stone had given the girls a shorter recovery rate.  She knew it wouldn't be long until they were all awake.  She decided to speed things up by activating the special bras.  The second she did, readings from the backpacks started coming in.  Each one was going to milk them at a different rate.  Soon, she heard a gasp of shock as they realized what was happening.  It was the kind of gasp that would cut through any fog or sleep.  She leaned forward and spoke into the microphone on the console, "Time to rise and shine, ladies.   It's time for some fun."

            In the room, Suri got up, trying as best to ignore the sensations that had woken her up.  The sudden suction on her nipples was pleasurable, even though there was a slight sensation of burning with each sensation of pleasure.  She glanced down, and gasped when she saw the strange bra she had on.  It was clear, and she could see her breasts.  There was some sort of fluid in it as well, and she realized it was her own milk.  It was then she realized someone had spoken to them.  She looked around the room, noticing the others getting up, and addressed the voice she had heard.  “I don’t know who you are, summoner, but you’ll be surprised by what fun we can handle.”

            She felt a shudder go through her, as if what was happening to her breasts was causing her with pleasure.  That couldn’t be the case, since she still had her tiara on.  The voice, however, must have caused the shudder, especially since it started speaking.  “Well, my name isn’t summoner, but you can address me as that if it makes you feel better.  If you wish to truly find out my name, however, you have a bit of a challenge in front of you.”  With those words, Suri saw something start to advance into their field of view.

            Suri started getting a feeling of dread when one of her team said, “It’s that demon we were fighting earlier.  Guess she didn’t think we figured out how to stop it, or get away from it.”  That did worry her, since she remembered they didn’t actually beat it before going unconscious.  There was also the fact of the odd things they were wearing, although she was impressed that they hadn't panicked over that. 

            The voice then responded to the statement, and she saw a look of shock on her teammates' faces.  "It is indeed that demon, but unlike earlier, this demon isn't a hologram.  It's very real, and it knows of how you defeated its brethren."  The group had defeated several demons since she had found the gem.  Sometimes, they fought and vanquished five a day.  That meant this one had a nice huge grudge, and it could be a serious fight.

            Suri momentarily gasped when she felt the suction on her breasts increase.  She also heard a few of the others do so, and she noticed a puzzled look on their faces.  What ever these devices were doing, it was possible that they wouldn‘t be immune to them since they weren‘t demonic in nature.  That could be a disaster they didn‘t need, and she wanted to find out what they were.  “So you have your demon ready?  I‘m not impressed.  What‘s the story with these outfits though?”  She hoped they were just a distraction.  That they could deal with.

            At that moment, Hexanna was starting to stir.  She tried to move her arms, but to her shock, she was restrained.  She was also in a chair, facing a monitor.  The sight on the monitor, however, filled her with dread.  It was the very demon she feared would be summoned, and it was poised to attack the girls in that room.  What also made this scene worse was the fact that the one who bought the book was sitting in front of the monitor.

            She watched the scene for a moment, and then decided to speak to her captor.  She had a feeling, though, that she wouldn't like the direction the conversation would take.  "What are you up to, Scarlett, and what have you done with Texas Star, and Mr. Klimstit?"  While the last one hadn't been seen by anyone tonight, she had a feeling that the company owner was the victim of some fowl play.

            To her surprise. Scarlett seemed completely calm as she spoke.  "Ah, welcome back to the waking world, Hexanna.  If you must know, I was searching for a very special gem.  I had gotten hold of a demon using the book I had gotten, and it confirmed the location of the gem.  Now, I'm letting it have some payback.  You have no idea how many demons those girls have taken out."  Hexanna actually did have a good idea, since she traveled in those circles.

            She glanced back at the screen, and noticed that one girl seemed to be breathing very heavily.  She even saw the figure had been moved to the forefront, at least for what they were watching.  She then notice what the girl was wearing.  It was some sort of clear top, but where a bra would be, it looked like breast milk could be seen, like it was a moving bra.  She quickly realized what was going on with the girls.  "By the Goddess, what have you done to them?  Do you know what will happen to them if that demon gets a hold of them, especially if they are being milked?"

            To her horror, she saw Scarlett turn around and smile a wicked smile.  "I do know.  Once one of them is fully drained, they will lose their outfit, and the demon will claim them.  It will horrify them, since they don't know that I switched out the gem that was in the leader's tiara.  As an addition surprises, with the first girl's milking done, it sent a signal to start one of the breast pumps you and Texas Star has on."  She then watched as Scarlett leaned close to her.  "And guess how soon the first one is done."

            At that moment, she heard a girl on the screen moan in pure delight.  Hexanna turned her focus to the screen, and gasped in both horror, and pleasure.  The horror was in the fact that the girl on the screen was indeed in the throws of a climax.  As it happened, the outfit she had on seemed to release her, and then ascend to the ceiling of the room.  When it did, the girl's breasts were free to sag to her waist.  Under normal circumstances, those orbs would recover, but she would not see if they had a chance.  The pleasure was now taking her as she felt a breast pump kick in.  The suction felts so good, like her breasts were near bursting with milk, and they were finally going to yield their bounty.  A momentary look down, however, added to her horror.  Only one breast pump was kicking in.  That meant she would be losing her firm full tits one at a time.

            As the milking process started on Hexanna, the girl who climaxed looked confused.  It was a look that was shared by the others as the momentarily stopped their fight.  Suri wanted to tell them all to keep fighting, but the climax the one felt had stunned them all.  She couldn't understand what was happening, since she still had her tiara on.  The gem in it should be protecting them from that, unless it wasn‘t linked to the demon at all.  She couldn't understand it, but she hoped that the demon wouldn't take advantage of the situation.

            She was wrong, however, since the demon stopped lashing out at the other girls, and lunged several tentacles towards the climaxing girl.  Some lashed around the girl's arms and legs, while two more wrapped around the base of her breasts.  Then, to Suri's horror, three phallic tentacles plunged into her friend's mouth, ass and woman hood.  At that point, all the girls had paused to watch in fascinated horror.

            This was followed by two more tentacles latching onto the stiff nipples of the drained breasts.  Ironically, they started to suck and the group could see something was coming out of their fallen comrade's breasts.  With each suck on the breasts, the three phallic tentacles plunged in and out of their respective holes.  Soon enough, they were pumping with a rhythm, and the fallen Sexy Senshi was starting to moan in enjoyment.  The whole scene ended as she moaned in climax again, but it was muffled as every phallic tentacle appeared to be emptying at the same time.

            It was at that time that Suri realized that something was horribly wrong.   No matter what, when ever one of the girls had been caught by a demon that wanted to claimed them, she could feel every thrust and such, and block the demon's orgasm.  That didn't happen now.  The gem had failed her, or the gem was gone.  She grabbed her tiara, and looked at the gem.  It didn't glow.  It was gone.  It was the worst case scenario, and it was getting worse by the second.  She looked up, and saw what had to be a shell around the body of the fallen girl.  To her horror, the demon had a mouth open, and one tentacle was lowering a glowing spirit that looked just like the naked girl into it.  Unlike the body, the spirit had the ideal form the body had, but the beautiful face was marred by a look of pure horror and betrayal.

            In the control room, Scarlett remained calm on the outside, but inside she was worried.  If her plan to revive Mr. Klimstit was incorrect, she had a year to avoid a fate like that, or something similar to the fate that was going to befall the leader of the group.  She then glanced back at Hexanna, who had a horrified look on her face.  Scarlett also noticed how drained the breast being milked looked.  She decided to use this to her advantage.  “More worried about them, than yourself, Hexanna?”

            She watched as the buxom Brazilian mystic looked at her with both confusion and anger.   “Demons are nothing to mess with.  There is nothing worse than a demon stealing the soul of anyone, especially like that.”  Scarlett glanced down, noticing that Hexanna‘s left breast was almost drained.  When she did, she noticed Hexanna saw where her eyes were looking, and looked down as well.  What came next was a near yell of horror, “BY THE SPIRITS, WHAT IS HAPPENING?”

            Scarlett smirked at that.  She knew the heroines were all familiar with the fates of those who are captured.  No doubt, none of them could fully grasp the true horror of the situation Hexanna was in.  Normally, if heroines were milked, it was both breasts at the same time.  Scarlett had the idea of doing each breast individually.  She had hoped it would strike a major blow to the heroine's morale, and by the reaction she got, she was right.  Hexanna was seeing a very unnerving sight, one that would fill any woman with dread and worry.  Also, during all this, Texas Star still hadn't stirred, which made Scarlett wonder about the Texan heroine.

            While that thought was running through Scarlett's head, another one of the Sexy Senshi let out a loud moan, signifying that the girl's breasts had just given the last of their milk.  Again, Suri watched in horror as the girl fell to her knees, and then on all fours.  The woman's drained tits now almost touched the ground in that position.  It was at that point that the girl's outfit disappeared, and the demon's tentacles grabbed the girl.  To Suri's continued horror, the tentacles did their vile, perverted deed while it held the girl in that position.

            As the demon claimed another soul, Texas Star finally awoke, her head still in a bit of a haze.  That haze was cut through, however, when she felt a familiar sensation in her right breast.  She had been caught in some unfortunate circumstances that included having her breasts milked.  This time was unique, since as she looked down, she saw only one yielding, and starting to look like it was losing firmness.  She then looked at the room, and was shocked by what she saw.

            As she gathered her wits, she was surprised to be addressed by Scarlett.  The tone in the woman's voice told her things were worse than she thought.  "Welcome back to the waking world, Texas Star.  I was hoping you'd wake up by now.  The look on Hexanna's face was priceless when she saw what was happening."

            Texas Star looked over at Hexanna, and noticed her fellow heroine was looking down at her breasts.  She followed the direction, and saw that Hexanna's right breast was fully drained of milk.  She then looked at Scarlett, and in a horrified voice, asked, "What the tarnation are you doing?  I thought you were being attacked by mistake?"  She glanced down at her sagging breast, and then added, "And what are you doing to our tits?"

            For a moment, Texas Star would have hoped to hear something in Scarlett's voice that might show the business woman was being coerced, but she heard no such thing.  The redhead even had a look of joy on her face.  "No.  You were the one mistaken, but I do thank you for coming to my aid, as well as bringing those brainless girls here as well."

            Scarlett could hear the gasp in Texas Star’s voice, even though the words completely caught the woman off guard.  Of course, mixed in with that was the growing pleasure the heroine was feeling as her one tit was milked.  She then looked back at the monitor as the three remaining girls struggled to win against the demon.  As she did so, she addressed both the heroines she had there.  "In fact, I may even allow you the pleasure of enjoying what your orbs are for.”  She then glanced over at Texas Star and added, “Again.”  It was a pleasure to see the woman‘s eyes go wide in shock.  Scarlett knew that Texas Star didn’t remember her last encounter.

            She returned her attention to the scene in the room.  As she did, she noticed by the sensors that another of the girls was about to be done yielding their milk.  Judging by the missteps she saw, it was going to be who she figured was second in command of the group.  Of course, that would mean another soul would be claimed, and one more of her captives‘ breasts would be drained as well.  She just wasn‘t sure if she’d drain Texas Star first, or Hexanna.

            Her answer came when Hexanna spoke up.  “If you don‘t release us, and them, it will not matter what happens to any of us.  That demon is very powerful.  No one can control it.  It is only said to respect the Banes.”  At first, Scarlett had only assumed that Hexanna was a modern day Aphrodite.  They had lost touch with the lore of the Goddess, and only the descendants of the Priestesses seemed to remember the lore.  She had recalled one legend, however, and now she saw the truth of it.  She also realized the power in that truth, and was ready to exploit it.

            It was at that moment, back in the other room, that Suri watched her second in command start to leap in the air when she gasped.  While Suri had never thought it could happen, she watched her friend‘s body shudder as the climax took her.  It was enough to stop her friend‘s attack, but not her friend as she leapt right into the demon‘s tendrils.

            To her horror, she saw the demon grab the girl right out of the air, with a lustful look on what passed for its face.  Worse yet, she heard the demon say a very disturbing thing.  “Ahh yes.  I‘ve heard a lot about you.  You tend to be the one that gets captured the most.  I wonder if you‘ll have the stamina to last long, given what I‘ve heard has been done to you.”

            It was a horrible truth that Suri was well aware of.  In all their encounters, her friend in the demon’s clutches was always nabbed.  To this day, she wasn‘t sure if she was just accident prone, or willingly got caught.  In fact, her second-in-command was the only one to ever endure not only the usual sexual assaults of demons, but the real unusual ones.  This demon was taking advantage of that knowledge, plunging phallic looking tendrils into her friend’s mouth, womanhood, ass, as well as each nipple while others were thrusting in and over the girl‘s other erogenous zones.  All she heard coming from her friend was a muffled moan.  It turned into a scream, however, as demonic seed oozed from all the tendrils, but the scream was short lived, as the woman’s mouth was suddenly filled with goo.  It was the same goo that was cocooning the girl.  As that happened, Suri could see the spirit of her friend getting absorbed into the demon.

            At that same moment, Hexanna gasped in shock as her remaining full breast started to be victimized by the milking machine attached to it.  She even arched her back into it.  She was horrified at what was happening.  Both her breasts were going to be deflated sacks of tit-flesh.  She tried to keep her wits, though, and that was a bit easier to do than normal, since she heard Scarlett say, “So you know about the Banes.  Not many women, let alone Aphrodites know about them.  What I do know, however, was the story of a warrior maiden and a sorceress who were tasked with freeing them after those opposing the Goddess had exiled them.”  Hexanna had noticed that Scarlett had done the motion for quotation marks when the word maiden was said.

            Hexanna managed to glare at her captor in that moment, but she also made the connections others must have made.  Scarlett was more than she seemed, and had to addressed in the same way.  “That‘s correct.  Xera and I were sent by one of your ancestors to find and free them after they were captured by those men.  When we found the way to that land, I had suggested that I stay behind.  We had a feeling there was some other trickery afoot.  I‘m guessing you weren‘t one of the loyal ones.”

            To her shock, the last statement earned her two slaps.  The first one was a hard slap to her face.  The second, and more powerful, was to her drained breasts, and she gasped from the strike.  Hexanna realized she had come to the wrong conclusion, especially as the redhead locked eyes with her.  “You know nothing of how the Goddess works.  She knew that if we had to scatter, the Banes would have to help keep the faith.  She knew if they were captured, they would have to be freed.  We would have to find them, as well as find the intact gem that was stolen.”  She then saw Scarlett turn, and walk towards the monitor.

            Scarlett knew both heroines were watching, and listening.  That really didn‘t matter now.  When everything was done, they wouldn‘t remember.  She would make sure of that, especially now she knew the truth about Hexanna.  She continued with her statement.  “You know the gems GOT-Gal and GOT-Chic wear.  They had been one gem once, and that was the gem that was stolen.  With it in pieces, She can’t return to full power.  I didn’t know that, however, when I got the call that one Bane was loose.  Luckily, it’s the best of the Banes.”  She glanced over at Hexanna, and noticed a shocked look on her face.  It was obvious that Hexanna was on the verge of a climax, but was fighting it.

            Scarlett went back over to Hexanna, when the heroine said through clenched teeth, “So, one bane was freed.  What about the others?”  She knew what the sorceress was talking about.  There were four Banes, but she had only heard about the one, and it was the one that meshed perfectly with her fantasies.

            She flicked the pump on Hexanna’s breast to max power, and said, “They haven’t been freed yet; and no doubt, thanks to your magic, the sword to free them is somewhere in that realm where they are imprisoned.”  The words had the desired effect.  Hexanna had been so surprised by the words that she lost concentration and gave in to the pleasure she was feeling.  It went hand in hand with her breasts now being matching sacks of sagging tit-flesh.  Hexanna even slumped in her chair, completely drained of stamina from the milking she just finished.  Scarlett then turned her attention to the monitor, to see how soon the fourth of the Sexy Senshi would fall.

            Back in the room, the remaining two Sexy Senshi tried to put distance between them and the demon.  Both of them were still being milked, but Suri knew it would only be a matter of time.  The milking machine attached to her was running slower than the one on her remaining teammate.  Her teammate, however, decided to address the obvious problem.  "I thought your tiara was supposed to keep these things from besting us sexually, in ways other demons had tried and failed."

            Suri answered with the only thing she was certain of; The Truth.  "I don't know how, but I'm guessing this thing managed to contact those we defeated.  Looks like we didn't destroy them, but return them to Hell."  As she said that, she realized that the other three were condemned to an afterlife serving this demon; a risk that none of them ever expected to face.  Worse yet, it had been all her fault.  She had convinced them that there would be no risk.

            It was when that realization hit her that she heard her last remaining teammate moan in climax.  She wanted to grab her, knowing that she was always weak in the knees when it happened in battle before.  To her horror, the demon already had the last of their group.  She could only watch in horror at what the demon had planned.

            As it turned out, the demon didn‘t do a lot to its latest captive.  It brought the girl close to its mouth, and in one fluid motion, it ran a serpentine tongue along her body.  The slimy tongue ran around her body, and the girl shuddered a few more times.  By the time the demon was finished, the body was still, and the girl‘s soul was sucked into the mouth, held by the demon‘s tongue.  It then stared at Suri, and with an evil smile, said, “Now for the main course.  The leader of the Sexy Senshi.”

            Back in the other room, Texas Star arched her back as the second breast pump kicked in.  The buxom Texan gasped in shock as she said, “Oh my stars, it‘s trying to suck my tit right off.”   She then looked down, and groaned as her remaining firm tit quickly got the milk sucked out of it.  She then looked at Scarlett, and with concern in her voice, asked, “Why are you doing this?  And what is this about?”

            She watched as Scarlett walked over, noticing the redhead was pulling out a container from the devices on Hexanna.  To her surprise, what ever was in the container glowed with the force of a small sun.  She noticed that Scarlett also had some sort of spray gun in her hands, and was working to put the new container on it.  When the redhead was done, she started to speak.  “If you are referring to the events of tonight, that’s easier to answer.  Mr. Klimstit, who is the vessel of the one Bane, has been in a coma for a few months. Seems Ms. Americana made him cum against his will.”

            Texas Star felt she had to remember that little tidbit.  If that was how they could defeat this fiend, and his followers, she needed to make sure it was known.  The excitement that came with this revelation, however, worked against her.  She had been holding in the budding climax from the milking, feeling the milk surging to come out.  Even as the pleasure was starting to take her, she managed to ask, “So why tell me this now?”  It was then she focused on the gun in the woman’s hands, and noticed the phallic look the barrel of the gun had.

            Scarlett gave Texas Star a wicked smile as she answered the blonde's question.  “It‘s because you aren‘t going to remember any of this.”  She then aimed the weapon at Texas Star, and explained.  “You see, Texas Star, this isn‘t your first encounter with our group.  We‘ve had you here before, and collected a nice donation of milk from your Texas Titans.”  She removed the pumps at that moment, keeping the gun aimed at Texas Star, revealing the two very drained ‘titans‘.

            The action made her captive look down, and gasp in horror, especially as the woman realized what was just said.  “Wait a minute.  You‘ve done this to my breasts before.  And how the hell do you think you are going to disguise this?”  She glanced down at her chest, but quickly returned her gaze to her captor.  Scarlett then noticed that Texas Star’s eyes focused on the tip of the gun, and the eyes went wide.

            She focused on Texas Star’s eyes, and said, “If you must know, that won’t be a problem.  It was a bit fortuitous that we were able to still keep some of our special reserves after your last visit.  We had just enough super-powered, super-charged cum to fuel this special gun.  Also, I just added Hexanna‘s magically powered milk.  Let‘s just say it is going to prove very helpful now.”  With that, she fired the weapon.  As the goo shot out, Scarlett was sure to coat both Texas Star‘s face and exposed chest.

            Once the goo was splattered all over the heroine, Texas Star‘s eyes went blank, signaling she was now open to any suggestion.  The heroine‘s now drained orbs were quickly restored to their full firmness in seconds as well, swelling up to their former perky full glory.  As it happened, a moan of orgasmic pleasure escaped the entranced heroine‘s lips.  Once that was done, Scarlett leaned in close to the heroine and said, “You will come to when released, believing what ever your rescuer says happened.”  She saw the heroine vacantly nod her head, and Scarlett knew the goo had worked.

            She glanced over at Hexanna, noticing the heroine was still slumped.  She didn‘t put it past the buxom sorceress to be playing possum.  For right now, she had to see if the demon had finally grabbed the last of the Sexy Senshi.  She didn‘t put the gun down, but turned her attention to the monitor.  Sure enough, the demon had just grabbed the leader of the Sexy Senshi.

            Suri had been in shock when the milking machine hooked to her breasts did its final action.  The climax had gone through her, and she literally fell to her knees.  It was made worse by the fact that the demon watched her in pure joy after taking the souls of her teammates.  Now, it had lifted her off the floor, an evil look on its face.  Deep down, she knew it was possible that something like this would happen, but she always had the gem in her tiara to protect her.  She tried to be defiant, and said, “You can‘t do any worse to me than you already have done, demon.”  Unfortunately, there was no steel in her voice, and she could tell the demon wasn‘t intimidated.

            She watched as tendrils came towards her, most of which looked phallic, and heard the demon say, “There is not much left to break in you, child.  I knew that taking all your friends first would nearly break you.  I know a bit more about that gem that you relied on so much than you do.”  That was said as the tendrils started to move her into a spread eagle stance.  “Tell me, child.  How long have you had that gem stone, and how many demons had you fought?”

            She wasn’t going to answer that question.  That was mainly due to the fact that she had lost count.  The battles happened almost daily, and usually there were at least two a night.  It also always played out that at least one of the group ended up violated.  She had a feeling that was why the demon was asking, but she didn‘t like what it could possibly mean.

            The demon looked at its victim, and smirked.  It really didn‘t need an answer, since it already knew it.  It held its victim securely, and plunged one of its phallic tendrils into her unprotected womanhood.  “It doesn‘t matter.  We will have a long time to experience everything.  We‘ll begin now.”  With that, it start thrusting the tendril in and out of her.  With each thrust, however, it increased its speed, and added more bumps and ridges to the tendril.

            Its captive started to gasp, especially as it felt her juices started to flow onto its tendril.  It sped up even more, making the girl‘s drained breasts flop about.  It would have to remedy that once it got her back to its lair.  Once they were there, it would make sure she always remained buxom and young, unless it felt like doing something different.

            It didn‘t take long before the woman screamed in climax.  It felt her whole body shake and tremble, and it knew she had survived the whole thing.  It had expected it, and decided to gloat over that.  “I knew you‘d enjoy that, as well as survive it.”  It could see that she was shocked by that, as well as recovering from the climax that had just rocked her body.  “You can thank that gem that had been in your tiara.”

            Suri was taken back by that.  She had thought that without the jewel on her, she would have been killed.  She had seen a few demons rape women, almost every woman had died, losing their soul in the process.  The only ones that had survived had been those dubbed Aphrodites.  She was certain she wasn‘t one of those.  The gem had been her saving grace.

            In that moment, she learned the truth about the gem stone.  The demon told her in a mocking tone.  “You never knew the past about that gem.  It was used by the Priestesses of the Goddess to help with fertility.  Anyone wearing it would be guaranteed to have children.  For men, it meant they would produce enough sperm to insure impregnation, while if a woman wore it, she would be instantly ready, even if she, as you humans put it, ‘have your friend‘.”

            She gasped, but was puzzled by that as well.  If the gem was meant to increase the likelihood of pregnancy, how could she have been using the gem to keep her and her friends from being tamed by demons.  It didn‘t make any sense.  She looked at the demon, and said, “How can that be?  The gem had been helping us avoid impregnation from your ilk.”

            Scarlett, who had overheard that, spoke into the microphone on the console, addressing the idiotic demon fighter.  “You ditz.  You were perverting the use of the gem.  You had somehow managed to figure out the inverse use of it.  It is proof you aren‘t the true bearer of the gem.”  She then addressed the demon.  “I trust this fulfills my part of the deal.”

            She watched as the demon looked at the girl, but addressed her.  “Indeed.  These bitches had pissed off many of my brethren, and now their souls are ours to deal with.”  She watched as the demon brought the girl close to its face, and it said, “This one will end up being a nice pet.”  She then noticed the demon was looking at her, like it knew where she was in the building,  as it said, “At least until you join me, if you fail to revive the Bane.”

            She nodded, and said, “Of course.  Enjoy her at your leisure.”  She turned off the microphone, and watched as the demon phased out of existence, with the girl in tow.  The bodies of the other women were also gone, leaving no trace that they had ever been there.  She knew Mr. Klimstit wouldn’t approve of that; but he would forgive the loss of the five heroines since she collected all that milk.  That meant only one more loose end to make sure was handled.

            Hexanna started to stir when she heard foot steps coming towards her.  For a moment, she didn’t look up, as she was reminded of the fact that she had been milked.  Not many people knew her real age, which meant they didn’t know how powerful her breast milk would be.  No one, that is, until now.  Scarlett had figured out who she was, and she had no doubt the redhead would exploit it, especially if Mr. Klimstit housed the essence of one of the Banes.

            She glared at Scarlett for a moment, and then glanced over at Texas Star.  The other heroine seemed to be back to her buxom self, but she was obviously out of it.  Hexanna then returned her glare to Scarlett, and noticed the phallic looking weapon.  She wasn’t going to show fear, and showed her defiance.  “So now what, Scarlett.  Are you going to hand Texas Star and I over to the demon?  I doubt the demon will be happy with me if my tits are drained.”

            To her surprise, she saw the redhead hold the weapon up, and smirk.  That puzzled her, until Scarlett said, “No, Hexanna.  That is not the plan.  You see, I had summoned the demon to find out some information.  Luckily, the information involved was found, and it was even willing to offer me a nice long time to complete my task before it could claim me.”  She watched as Scarlett now pulled out a gemstone, and she realized what it was when she saw it.  “It was fortuitous that those idiots were in town at this time.  I could deliver them to the demon, claim the gem for my needs, and get more time than I actually needed to bring Mr. Klimstit out of his coma.”

            She started to struggle in the chair she was restrained to.  She didn’t understand what Scarlett was up to, but she did know that reviving a Bane, and serving it, was a bad thing.  What was worse was the fact that they had some of her breast milk.  She had to make one last ditch attempt to reason with Scarlett.  “Listen Scarlett.  We need to stop this menace before it gets too strong.”

            She was crest-fallen when Scarlett aimed the phallic weapon at her again.  “Hexanna, he’s already been milking several super heroines.  We even have the one who helped awaken him.  Adding your milk to the mix just ensures it can’t be broken by anyone.”  She almost cringed when Scarlett added, “Not even you can undo it.”  That worried her.  She couldn’t warn anyone about the threat that was here.  It was the last thing she thought, however, as she felt the warm splatter of the gun’s content hitting her.  The initial splatter on her chest cause her to gasp, and she ended up swallowing part of the splatter that covered her face, causing her mind to fog.

            Scarlett enjoyed watching Hexanna’s goo covered face take on a vapid look.  It was a sign that the powerful sorceress was under the power of hypnosis.  Everything had gone according to her adjusted plan.  In fact, if she had timed everything right, the others would arrive soon so they could have everything ready to bring the two heroines back to consciousness.  Just to be ready, she leaned over and whispered into Hexanna’s ear, “When you come to, you will only believe what your rescuer says about what happened.”  With that said, she put the gun away in its special case.

            After that, she made sure nothing else could be found.  She made sure the book was hidden away, and there was no access to the files.  She had been doing most of her research on Hexanna from Mr. Klimstit’s computer.  Even it didn’t have the info she had found out tonight.  Once that was done, she opened the door to the office, just in time to admit the others.

            Once they were all in, she pointed to the two heroines, and said, “Sasha, Tiffany, I need you to tie them up.  Make sure it gives off the impression that they were tied up to be a sacrifice.”  She watched as the others nodded, and then turned to Yumi.  “I want you to do the same, and get into your Sapphire Seraphim costume.”  To her relief, Yumi did so immediately.  It wasn’t as if they didn’t know her identity here.

            Once Yumi had returned, Scarlet stepped over to a far corner, and let herself be tied up by Yumi.  As it happened, she heard the Asian girl say, “So the Sexy Senshi are gone then?”  When Scarlett nodded, she said, “So the plan is to frame them, since they can’t defend themselves.”  When Scarlett nodded again, she could see Yumi understood the plan.  Now all they had to do was wait until everything was ready.


            Texas Star started to stir when she heard a voice ask, “Texas Star, are you alright?”  She blinked her eyes, trying to focus on the scene in front of her.  She couldn’t remember much, but she remembered she was supposed to be protecting five oriental girls.  Now, her head was sore, and she felt like she had been tied up.  Even worse, she could swear her breasts were exposed.

            When she looked down at herself, she realized she was in the very state she thought she was in.  She then saw that the person speaking to her was the heroine Sapphire Seraphim.  This made her thankful for the fact that she was being untied at the moment.  She felt that if anyone else had been untying her, she might not be so fortunate.  She did, however, ask what had happened.  “Ugh, mah head.  What the blazes happened here?”

            Once she was free, she saw Sapphire move over to another bound form, and say “I’ll tell you in a second.  Hexanna, are you alright?”  It was then she saw who the second bound form was.  It was the mistress of magic in Delta City, Hexanna.  She didn’t know the woman was here, but she wondered why she was all tied up.  A brief survey of the room told her there was one other person tied up in the room, a person she had seen in the news.  It was Scarlett, one of the key employees at the Klimstit Corporation.  She must have been captured as well as Hexanna, but why?

            Hexanna started to stir when she heard someone speaking.  She blinked a few times, and noticed that she was topless.  She didn't need to open her eyes to know that.  She could feel cold air on here exposed breasts.  She was tied to something, but that was changing as the voice spoke again, "It's Sapphire Seraphim.  I had been on patrol around Club Bounce when I heard some sort of commotion.  I arrive just in time to rescue you."

            Once Hexanna could move her arms, and get up, she quickly fixed her outfit.  She figured her breasts had been exposed for a reason, as well as Texas Star's since the woman was fixing her costume as well.  As she did so, she asked the question that had to be on all their minds.  "Rescue us from what?"

            She was surprised when Sapphire Seraphim gave her the answer.  “The demon that those fake heroines had summoned.”  Hexanna shook her head, not sure she heard what was said correctly.  The woman, continued by saying, “Apparently, those five would summon a demon, and then ‘defeat‘ it.  I had double my patrols when I heard they might be in town.  Good thing I did.  They were trying it on a grander scale, but I‘m guessing they needed a sacrifice of some sort.”

            Hexanna looked over at the figure now being untied.  A small, nagging part of her said the figure looked familiar, but she reasoned it was only because she had been featured on the news.  She also noticed that the woman had been gagged.  Once the gag was free, she heard the woman speak.  “Thank you, Sapphire Seraphim.  They forced me to get the book, and then they had tied me up.  Next thing I knew, they had tossed Hexanna in here as well, and they had Texas Star tied up.  They had said she was perfect for the sacrifice.”  Hexanna believed that, since she had known some demons needed a sacrifice to willingly work for mortals.  She could also deduce what had happened from there.

            Sapphire Seraphim had finished untying Scarlett, and a quick glance at Hexanna told her that the story was believed.  She then helped Scarlett stand up, and said, “They were about to sacrifice Texas Star when I swooped in and snatched her out of the room.  As it turned out, the demon took it out on them.  Horrible way for all of them to go.”  She saw both heroines nod, but then noticed a bothered look on Texas Star‘s face.  She put a concerned look on her face as she asked, “Is something wrong?”

            She saw Texas Star nod.  “Yes.  I was told I had to protect them.  How am I supposed to explain this one.  When I was asked to help protect the fashion show, disaster happened.  Now this…”  The heroine was genuinely upset about this, feeling like it was her fault that she failed.

            Thankfully, it was Hexanna who came to the rescue.  “Sapphire and I will go with you to explain.  It can always be a shock when someone so innocent turns out being so evil.”  She nodded, and then allowed the two heroines to head out of the room.  She momentarily nodded at Scarlett, who nodded as well, and then followed the two.  Once this task was done, she knew she had one last task to help on today.


            The following hours had been trying, but thanks to Hexanna and Sapphire Seraphim, Texas Star didn‘t face any admonishment.  In fact, the father of Suri apologized for the dishonor she and her group had caused.  It had even made Texas Star earn some credit, since no one had suspected what the girls had done.  No one even questioned the lack of bodies, and took the story on face value.

            The spirits of the girls, however, and Suri, were now the sex slaves of the demon.  It had made sure that it would have its way with them simultaneous, occasionally loaning one out to one of the other demons that they had defeated.  The only one who was never passed around in the Underworld was Suri, as the demon had made her its person breeder.  The shame about that for her was that the demon could control the passage of time in its realm.  By the time a day had passed, the demon had made Suri birth a gross of fledgling demons.  In the process, the girl had lost her free will, and almost her whole identity.

            In the secret lab underneath Mr. Klimstit‘s office, all of the original members of the Inner Circle had arrived.  All of them were now topless, and entering the room Mr. Klimstit‘s comatose body was lying.  At his side was another topless woman, one who had been hired to try and rouse him to an extent.  When the others had arrived, she had gotten up, saying, “I think he might be starting to get stiff.  Still hard to say.”

            Scarlett nodded, and motioned for the woman to back up.  “It‘s ok, Bea.  We have everything we need now.”  Scarlett then pulled out the gem, which had transformed into some sort of harness.  She then looked back at the one door, and said, "Bring her in, Yumi."

            At those words, Yumi entered the room, topless, with another woman, who was naked, except for a mask over her eyes, and restraints keeping her from moving her arms and legs too much.  The naked woman's breasts has streaks of milking coming from her nipples, as if she had been producing milk non stop for a long time.  Yumi escorted the woman over to Mr. Klimstit, and then made her bend over Mr. Klimstit's mouth.  "Come on, Dyna.  Mr. Klimstit needs your milk.  Be a good girl."

            The woman seemed out of it, but as she was made to put one of her nipples to Mr. Klimstit's lips, she said in what had to be an incoherent tone, "No.  I can't release that monster ag...." The last word was overtaken by a gasp.  Mr. Klimstit had instinctively started sucking on her nipple, and judging by the woman's gasp, he was getting more milk out of her breasts.

            In mere seconds after he started, all the women looked at Mr. Klimstit's crotch.  They smiled as his member quickly got stiff and erect.  As it did, its glow return making his crotch shine with its own light.  To their delight, it looked bigger than before, and his balls looked fuller than before.  He even started to make sounds like he was waking up.

            Once she heard that, Scarlett looked at the others, and said, “Get DynaDame back once Mr. Klimstit finishes.  I‘ll bring him up to speed on things.”  She then looked at Bea, and said, “I will talk to Mr. Klimstit about your circumstances for joining our group.  I‘m sure we can arrange something for you, so you don‘t lose that ample bustline.”  She saw Bea nod, and when Mr. Klimstit started to open his eyes, the rest left, taking DynaDame back to where she was needed.

            Once the others had left, Scarlett pulled out the gem in its new configuration.  As she did, she looked at Mr. Klimstit who was starting to sit up, and said, “Sir.  It’s good to have you back.”  She then showed him the gem.  “I was able to find the gem that will prevent this unfortunate situation again.”  She placed the gem in its current configuration around his balls, and heard him take a sharp intake of breath.

            She stepped back then as he got up from where he was laying.  She could see that he was getting used to being mobile again, and didn’t want to rush him.  While it was true she wanted to do one thing that would test the gem, she could wait until he was ready for that.  In the mean time, she would answer his questions, as she started to speak.  “I can feel it working already.  How many heroines were lost as you acquired this?”

            She stood at attention and faced him as she answered.  “Only five, but they were milked first.  It was the payment the demon I had enlisted requested.  It has great respect for you, and what you are, sir.”  She saw him nod at that.  She had never known for certain if Mr. Klimstit realized he was one of the Banes of the Goddess or not.  Now she had confirmation that he knew.

            Mr. Klimstit looked at Scarlett a little differently now.  While he always had a fondness for his buxom redheaded subordinate, her latest discovery and action, which she had told him about some time ago, gave him something he’s been unable to do.  He wasn’t going to change his mode of operations because of this, but he could do something now that he had long suspected Scarlett wanted.

            He looked at her for a moment, and said, “You’ve done well, then.  You managed to bring me back to consciousness, as well as procure several items for our grand plan.  I’m sure there are other things to discuss that happened during my leave.  For now, I thin you’ve earned a reward.”  He saw her smile at that, and he motioned over to one machine in the room.

            When they got to the machine, he watched as she leaned over it, and held on to two posts on the device.  As she did that, her full breasts fit right into two milking cones, and the machine went right to work.  She was already moaning in delight as she said, “I really needed this.  I’ve had to neglect making my ‘donation’ with everything I was doing today.”  Before he could say anything else, he noticed that she was rocking from leg to leg, making her butt look very tempting.  She even said, with a purr in her throat, “Would you like to test the gem out while I make the donation?”

            Obviously, she was reading his mind.  He got behind her, and grabbed the waistband of her outfit.  “You knew what I was thinking.  You do know that if you were to end up pregnant, I’m not sure what the offspring will be.”  This was the truth.  While he was human, he was also embodying a great power, one of divine, or demonic, origins.  That meant if there was offspring, it could be almost anything in appearance.

            As he pulled the waistband down, he heard her say between sounds of pleasure, “I know.  The lore never said as well, since it was always assumed the Priestesses would be dominating the Banes.”  He accepted that, and prepared to give her what she wanted to get, and what he was ready to do.

            While the villain and villainess consummated the new level to their relationship, a similar scene was playing out in a mystical other realm.  This scene played out with the legendary Amazon Warrioress, Xera.  She could not count the times the creature she was currently in the clutches of had taken her.  She remained strong, however, thanks to the sorceress’s spell.  Still, each time it paused its constant raping of her, she was able to get closer to the sword she had finally found.  It had been blown away when she defeated the first creature.  Once she had it, she would dispatch with this one, and then the last two could be dispatched.  She just hoped not much time had passed since she first entered this weird realm.  It was hard to tell, however, since the sun hardly moved at all.  She didn’t even feel hungry or tired, but that could be due to the magic in the realm.  Regardless, Xera would not fail in her task.  Completing this task would be the payment for assistance she had received long ago from the Temple of the Goddess, and she always paid her debts, like a true Amazon warrioress.


The end….at last…..At least for now.